Slightly happy

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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HL's mystical safekeeper
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remember starting this thread back in the good old days when i had reached slight overbomber.

today having had some rain in the early morning was refreshing although we need so much more. we are having one of the driest years since the recordings and our water levels are exceptionally low.
the heat wave is hopefully almost over too.
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Lovely, Debs ... :bat: :D :bat: ...

And as to the heat I couldn't agree more ... early in the morning it started to cool down remarkably, so eventually I could find some deep and relaxing sleep. No rain though here yet, but it's definitely coming this week....

Slightly happy since my car eventually passed the technical revision ... *sigh ...
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Today I moved into my new apartment. For almost 20 years I've been living in a place - well, there's nothing wrong with it, per se. When I was 30 it was fine, I could afford it without putting myself into the poorhouse or agonising over interest rates, it was small, handy for transport, and when I was going out to work every day and going out to party every night it served very well as "a place to store my stuff". It wasn't ever home, and that's ok. I had a job I hated which paid well, and I thought that was enough.
But since this lockdown, work-from-home, thing, I've become aware that my mental health was suffering from not having anywhere to go outdoors. There were places I could have gone, but they were Full Of People (and I'm not really a people person) and it required a force of will to actually put on clothes and go outside.
But today I moved into a new place. That has Outside. That doesn't face onto one of the busiest streets in this city. Where there isn't a streetlight right outside the bedroom window that threatened to turn me into a giant moth. Where the previous people who lived in it planted a ton of containers full of trees and flowers and vines and things. Where I had lunch on the terrace and watched hummingbirds and bees flit from flower to flower like overly-hormonal teenagers at a school disco. And tomorrow I shall have my coffee outside and talk to my engineers on our standup if I can locate the box that has the coffee-making things in it.

And for the first time in ages I thought "here is something that makes me happy".
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Good to hear your move went well @EvilBastard
Just like the old days

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EvilBastard wrote: 22 Sep 2022, 00:02 But today I moved into a new place. That has Outside. That doesn't face onto one of the busiest streets in this city. Where there isn't a streetlight right outside the bedroom window that threatened to turn me into a giant moth. Where the previous people who lived in it planted a ton of containers full of trees and flowers and vines and things. Where I had lunch on the terrace and watched hummingbirds and bees flit from flower to flower like overly-hormonal teenagers at a school disco. And tomorrow I shall have my coffee outside and talk to my engineers on our standup if I can locate the box that has the coffee-making things in it.

And for the first time in ages I thought "here is something that makes me happy".
That sounds lovely. :D
Much too young but far too old, to be all cranked up with nowhere to go
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I had Lasik 6 days ago, and I am still elated at my ability to do things like read a clock from across the room without wearing glasses. It's been difficult to read since then, but even that seems to be improving. I'm typing this on my laptop and can actually see what I'm writing which hasn't been the case for the last few days.

I should have done this years ago.
The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity but the one that removes the awareness of other possibilities, that makes it seem inconceivable that other ways are viable, that removes the sense that there is an outside.
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Some weeks after jack hammering the floor out of my new house (so the underfloor heating doesn't heat the basement & garage), laying down insulation, covering with plastic sheeting, & cutting & fitting steel re-enforcement mesh to the "naked" concrete base, I handed off to the experts who today poured the new cement floor :D
Just like the old days

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been slightly happy since the arrival of our little four pawed tiny little ieny weny kitten Mia into our lives and home. she is such a delight 💜😻💜
Dusky had to get used to her and her to him but the hissing has stopped and noses have been touched so the love is getting there! we have found getting used to a girl cat to be different so close after losing Simba who Mia is called when not thinking properly...we obviously still miss him so much but having this tiny little crazy girl has put so many smiles on our faces and reminded me how much work it is to have a baby in the house again 💜🖤💜
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New 'pooter! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
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And I knew the words to every song.
"Did my singing please you?"
"No! The words you sang were wrong!"

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