All Sisters tracks, ranked

THE place for your Sisters-related comments, questions and snippets of Sisters information. For those who do not know, The Sisters of Mercy are a rock'n'roll band. And a pop band. And an industrial groove machine. Or so they say. They make records. Lots of records, apparently. But not in your galaxy. They play concerts. Lots of concerts, actually. But you still cannot see them. So what's it all about, Alfie? This is one of the few tightly-moderated forums on Heartland, so please keep on-topic. All off-topic posts will either be moved or deleted. Chairman Bux is the editor and the editor's decision is final. Danke.
Road Kill
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So, firstly, apologies to all forum members. I'm new here, although i'm not quite sure how, given the fact that the Sister's have been my favourite band for best part of 40 years. Hey-ho.

Anyway, i've long been working on an overall ranking of Sisters tracks (recorded only), and recently finished. I'd tried to make the list scientific, by assigning points for several categories, such as vocals, lyrics, music, replayability etc) to give a rating out of 100 (I've made some adjustments for instrumental tracks such as Phantom). As such, the rankings have spat out a few oddities (which i've mentioned in commentary), but i've been consistent and kept the rankings according to those scores, even if they don't quite feel like the right order.

Get ready to be bored to death. And sorry again. I hope at least someone finds it interesting!

58 – Kiss (reprise) – N/A. It’s a small drum loop repeated over 32 seconds. As with many of the tracks on the Reptile House EP, but to a larger extent than any of the others - its probably better ranked as part of a whole, than individually, but that’s not what I’m doing with this list, so wins the wooden spoon. (Someone had to).

57 – Torch – a low ranking for this one might seem controversial to some. Was always my least favourite track on Floodland, and even now, remains one of the very few tracks on any Sisters CD that I consider skipping. According to certain mythologies, may have been the catalyst for the disbandment of the FALAA line up.

56 – Home of the Hit Men – A 'completely pointless track', but I don’t have an issue with it. At 28 seconds, is (just) their shortest, as well.

55 – You could be the One – Part of the 06 reissue of Vision Thing. Really doesn’t do anything for me at all. Have probably heard it less than any other Sisters song, which doesn’t help its cause, as a number of them are certainly boosted by repeat plays. But everything has to have a place in these rankings, and there’s too much exceptional stuff on the list for it to go much higher, anyway.

54 – Train - Off the Body and Soul single, originally. This is one that may vary wildly, depending on my mood. Never really felt serious, especially compared to a lot of the stuff they were recording at the time. As the lyrics say, ‘everybody’s got a place to go’. Yours is at number 54 in my list, Train.

53 – Poison Door - Another mid eighties b-side, this time from Walk Away. Doesn’t feel (to me, anyway) as uniquely ‘Sisters of Mercy’ as much of their stuff, and instead could be a track from one of half a dozen other bands at the time. A more electronica sound permeates the track. As I’ll probably keep iterating, it’s low position isn’t a major criticism, but with so much good stuff, anything a bit ‘meh’ is going to be this low.

52 – Fix (64) – We’re nearly out of the stuff I’m not so keen on already (Although I have a childish ‘like’ for Home of the hitmen). For me, whilst Fix fits perfectly into the aesthetic and mood of the reptile House EP, and, as I’ve already mentioned, would perform far higher as part of a whole, it’s one of the few Sisters songs that I find a tough listen. Pretty unpleasant lyrics, its music remains plodding, unchanging and dirgelike. It certainly sets the mood and atmosphere, but I struggle with this one.

51 – Heartland – Considering the name of this site, and the fact that I’ve always found other Sister’s fans to be very fond of Heartland, I’m expecting this one to be a pretty unpopular choice for the last ranking outside the top 50. Personally I find the first half ok but uninspiring, but the descent into the repeat of ‘My Heartland, heartland, heartland’ for several minutes in the second half often has me reaching for the skip button. Sorry guys.

50 – Under the Gun – A bit of a marmite in that I know some people who really like this song, and I actually like Andy’s mutterings from ‘Forget the many steps to heaven’ in the background, but I’m not keen on Terri Nunn’s part, and the whole thing is a bit mid. I don’t skip it though.

49 – Possession – Another one I’ve seen on lists much higher, and the lyrics alone probably prop it up. When I was sorting based on the scores I’d assigned, I was quite surprised that anything off of First and Last and Always was this low. (it was given 66/100). But I guess we’re now seeing tracks that are placed this low purely because of the quality ahead of it. Most of the lower entries from FALAA are from side one of the album.

48 – Watch – I’ve never seen it verified (I’m admittedly not as learned as many on this site when it comes to stats and facts) but apparently Gary Marx is the vocalist on this one, which partially explains how the whole thing sounds completely different. My wife, inflicted with listening to all 4 albums on a recent 400 mile round trip in the car recently, commented that she was surprised it was the same band. ‘Its not my fault it, never will be’.

47 – Blood Money – I was always a fan of this one. Another B-side of one of my first two SoM vinyl purchases (No Time to Cry). A more ‘poppy’ chorus, I find it gets forgotten a fair bit. Still, way down the list, despite it being a good un.

46 – Phantom - I’ll be honest, I’ve never been a huge fan of instrumentals. I like a lyric to sing along to. Phantom’s decent though. That early 80’s slightly Stonesy sound (which fits in with the Gimme Shelter cover) pervades the song, and the track, which has the honour to sit as a b-side on two of my favourite sisters singles, does ok here.

45 – Walk Away – A little run of tracks from the first half of my favourite album (not just Sisters, but of all time) being this low down the list show what an absolute powerhouse of a second side FALAA was. Like all of the tracks in the 40’s, I like them, I listen to them, I never skip them, but they aren’t my faves.

44 – Black Planet – The Album opener next. The environmental lyrics, the twanging guitar, solid vocals - it’s a really strong opener to an album that just gets better. For me its overshadowed by what arrives afterwards, and when I finish listening to the album, I’ve kind of forgotten the first few songs.

43 – Rock and A Hard Place – I reckon the lyric ‘and so I left her there that night, but will she find me, I don’t think so’ has probably pushed this up at least 2 places. I really like the verses to this song (less so the chorus), and some of the lyrics, like the above, are brilliant. Not quite enough to land it a top 40 spot, but they help.

42 – Kiss the Carpet – the next reptile house entry, and the opener to the EP. Like Fix, already mentioned, its pretty dirgelike, but I find it far less depressing than its aforementioned EP-mate, and the lyrics are fun.

41 – 1969 - A decent enough cover of the Stooges floor stomper, more similar in style to the Damage Done EP than most else. Lyrically it’s just ok (as a cover, that’s not something the SoM had any control over, but its part of my rankings, so, ‘oh my and a boo-hoo’), which keeps it out of the top 40.

40 – On the Wire – I like it when Mr Eldritch sings with a bit of desperation in his voice, and I always felt he did here. Its enough to propel the track up a few places. Again, from the Walk Away single, and outstrips it’s A-side.

39 – Flood 1 – ‘and her hallway’ – Flood 1 and 2 share some of the same lyrics, of course, but musically always felt very different to me. I preferred the more upbeat, second iteration. Flood 1 is the first entrance from Floodland other than Torch, which shows the quality on that album.

38 – Colours – swiftly followed up by Colours. Another long one (7 minutes plus), with some uplifting synthesiser riffs offsetting the slightly darker lyrics and overall mood. It does well to get to 38 in all honesty, and if I ever redid this list, could be one to drop – I’d definitely say 38 is probably its peak, for me. You reap what you sow, certainly.

37 – Neverland – and then Neverland. Just the 11 minutes for the full length version on this one. Very nice, atmospheric track, that always pleasantly surprises me when I put it on. Firmly mid table feels about right, here.

36 – Something Fast – I’ll be honest, Vision Thing has grown on me a lot. The whole album, really. As with every other version of the Sisters over the years, it’s a change of direction, and often feels to me a concerted effort to crack the US market, with a much more traditional states side rock sound to any of their other stuff. A fair amount of it is generic, with more than half the album appearing in quick succession in the next 10 ranks. Something fast was always my least favourite (other than the extra tracks on the 06 reissue), so no surprise to see it here.

35 – Damage Done – Completing the Damage Done EP’s entries, that post-punk sound holds up pretty well. I wish there was a bit more of this style of stuff in the SoM back catalogue personally.

34 – Detonation Boulevard – The next Vision Thing entry. Again, pretty generic sounding US rock style. Pretty interchangeable with many of the songs ranked 36-26.

33 – Temple of Love 92 - Low down this one, and may be sacrilege to many. I personally never particularly liked Ofra Haza’s additional vocals layered over the top, I think this one is very much a matter of taste. It’s probably bumped up a few places due to the fact that it brought one of my very favourite tracks into the public eye, and a well deserved top 5 place in the charts.

32 – Lights – Back to The Reptile House – as Andrew says, you can’t escape it! Lights is mid table for the EP, firmly ranked above the other slower tracks on the EP, but behind my two favourites. It’s the first one mentioned in this list that I feel stands up well on its own, rather than part of a whole, but is still a bit of an acquired taste. The imagery and lyrics are stunning.

31 – I was wrong – Another decent, but not outstanding track from Vision Thing (there’s a theme here). I love the ‘damned if I’ll love yours’ line, and overall this is pretty good.

30 – When you don’t See Me – we get into the top 30 with another of those Vision Things songs. I do think VT contains songs that people who don’t know the Sisters may be less turned off by initially, and this is one. You never thought to ask me if I wear it when you’re gone.

29 – Afterhours – That industrial throb that runs through the entire 7.5 minute run time has always fascinated me. Such a dark, forbidding song, which is ramped up a notch when the guitars kick in after a minute and a half, and then build throughout the song. A few of their b-sides are underlistened, and under appreciated. This is one. A deserved top 30 place, and one that at times in my life would probably be top 20. Even listening through my whole collection to do this list leaves me feeling that this is one that I may be doing a mis-justice, despite its reasonable, top 30 position.

28 – No time to cry – It probably starts getting more controversial here, as some big hitters start appearing. NTTC is a great track, and was the first vinyl Sisters work I ever bought, 40 odd years ago. I’ve still got it. It was always overshadowed, for me, by one of the b-side tracks, which is still the case, but its position here feels right.

27 – Dominion/Mother Russia – oof. Catchy, commercial, one of the biggest hits, chart wise. Its probably the SoM song that I find most overrated, as such. I thought (again, this list is personal don’t forget) it was overshadowed by a fair amount else on the album. Always seems to rank highly for many, so maybe it’s me being rebellious. Either way, I couldn’t make a case for top 20.

26 – Dr Jeep – ‘Dr Jeep, higher than Dominion you f**king nutcase?’ I hear you shout. Fraid so. DRJ gets a bit of hate now and again, but I like it, with its slightly harder rock guitar sound, and Eldritch going crazy in the video. Where I’ve described this mid table part of the list as a bit interchangeable, its right at the top of the section, so would probably only ever move down in a reimagining, though.

25 – Adrenochrome – Back to Some Girls Wanders’ EP’s. Always like Adrenochrome, always liked the style of singing, music, higher pitch, raw sound. Big fan, and we’re now into the upper tiers.

24 – Valentine – Doesn’t quite win the Reptile House top prize, as it would for many, but comes in second. 24 is a decent place for the bitter, acerbic, angry delivery of AE here, and the guitar and basslines are absolutely phenomenal. Live, it holds up as well as any other track, and the times I’ve seen it, probably outstrip the studio version.

23 – First and Last and Always – I mean, it’s the title song of my favourite ever album, so of course it would be quite high. But it’s a great song. Doesn’t quite make the top 20 though.

22 – 1959 ….neither does my guilty pleasure. It’s a brilliant run on Floodland once you’re at Lucretia, and 1959 sits firmly in the middle. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe its their only piano only song, and Andrew actually sings throughout.

21 – Floorshow – the last one to miss out on the top 20 and I was surprised it did, once I totted up the scores. Only just, but there’s only 20 spaces in the top 20, so Floorshow, banging, stomping, heavy guitars, Pagans and the whole shebang is the unlucky one. For context, it got 81/100, so you can guage how highly I’m rating these tracks at this point.

20 – Flood II – Another one that I feel can be underrated, probably due to the quality around it. But it’s a great song, and her hallway still moves like the ocean. Much more up tempo than Flood I, there’s something really pleasing about the way the song meanders through a similar story.

19 – More – The big, epic single from VT, and a very decent track, with the choral and string overlay to the more traditional Sisters sound. I think it’s terrific, and deserves its place in the top 20.

18 – Logic – Another section starts here, where down to position 12, the rankings could easily move around (out of 100 all 7 of these next songs were separated by just a single mark). Logic, or Amphetamine Logic is a desperate, screaming exclamation mark of a point in the album before the breathtaking close still to come.

17 – Emma – Somehow not the highest ranked cover on here, but still ranks very highly. The emotion, soulful anguish in Eldritch’s voice is spinetingling, as he tackles the Hot Chocolate classic. Gobsmacking stuff. How is this only 17???!

16 – Anaconda – If id written this 10 years ago, and compared it to now, Anaconda would possibly be the biggest mover. I REALLY like this song now. I really appreciate the way Eldritch sings in manner that makes it feel as though the air is being crushed from him by the subject of the title. Its great, and actually a really good way to end the Some Girls wander compilation.

15 – Body & Soul – Another I had on vinyl, and another I really like. Not on the original FALAA album release, but as good as much of the stuff on there.

14 – Bury Me Deep – the most depressing song the Sisters of Mercy have ever recorded? Quite possibly, albeit there are some strong competitors. I absolutely love this B-side though, and always have. The guitar is mesmeric, and this feels like quintessential SoM to me. Should probably be top 10.

13 – Burn – Rounding out the Reptile House is Burn, the most up tempo one. The non satanic backwards parts of the song used to freak me out a bit, and give the track a distorted, ethereal quality, but musically I really like it, especially the lead guitar part. Like much of the EP, the lyrics aren’t exactly pleasant, but whereas that throws me further off in tracks like Fix, here it matters not.

12 - Vision Thing – I’ve agreed to stick to the rankings as per the ratings explained above, and I think that’s done Vision Thing some favours here. There’s no way it should be higher than most of the last 10 tracks in the cold light of day, as much as I like it. A manual adjustment may move it down a few slots at some point. For now it sits in 12th.

11 – Driven Like The Snow – This not making the top 10 feels incredible, as I always loved this song – I always considered it top 3 on Floodland. But scouring the list above, I can’t argue with whats in there.

10 – Nine While Nine – Whilst a lot of the FALAA album was ranked further down the list, 3 of the tracks make the top 10, making it the most from any original album release. I always loved Nine While Nine, the guitar line is top drawer, and Eldritch’s vocals, which feel more sympathetic than many tracks, are fantastic. It’s just a great track.

9 – Gimme Shelter – The only cover in the top 10, and worthy of a place just for a comment my Dad once made about it. You see, he was a proper Stones fan. Saw them live many times, had pretty much everything they ever released – a bit of a superfan. And he once told me, ‘That Sisters cover of Gimme Shelter is one of those rare occurrences where it may well be better than the original’. I’ve never forgotten that.

8 – Ribbons – The only Vision Thing entry in the top 10, and widely recognised as the masterpiece on the album. The lyrics invoke much debate – is it about sexual violence, a serial killer, a WW2 soldier, (I’ve always felt the ‘she looked good in ribbons’ line was a clear indicator of it being the middle one of those three options), or something else? Either way, the relentless guitar line, Andrew’s scowling vocals, and the feverish build up are phenomenal, and the song lends itself hugely to being played live. They opened with this in one of their best gigs in the last 20 years – the midnight set at Belgrade Calling festival in 2012. 8th, and deservedly so. Some people don’t like the repeated hollering of ‘incoming’ as the track nears its conclusion, but it bothers me not.

7 – This Corrosion – The same place as its highest chart position may seem as sacrilege to some – the most identifiable, well known, commercial success the sisters had, most people alive in the 80s who had no interest in the genre would know it. My kids (7 and 9 years old, and not exactly into the Sisters) sing along happily to it. It’s a brilliant, genius, catchy epic, loved by many, yet it only sits at 7th in my list. Whilst I don’t think there’s too many huge surprises above it (maybe one), its probably an overall surprise that its not knocking on the door of top spot.

6 – Alice – I don’t think its an overstatement to say that this is probably one that would sit in the top 10 of virtually any Sisters fan, and the fact that it’s a completely uncontroversial statement to say so, is testament to the quality of this track. It’s a banger, a floor filler, one of the early tracks from the Sisters that just ticks all the boxes, as they were finding their sound and direction. Andrew has stated that his relationship with/opinion of the track has changed with time, but it will always be a masterpiece to me.

5 – Lucretia – The final track from Floodland, and, my guess is that it would be the top choice for a fair number. This Corrosion will of course land for many, but Lucretia’s less complex structure, industrial drumbeat, and a bassline to stand the test of time (it was, for those 0 of you that are interested, the first bassline I ever learnt to play) just propel it to a different plane to me. Top 5 is no joke (nothing in here ranked lower than 94/100), so well done Lucretia.

4 – Body Electric – The wildcard. I think there’s a general acknowledgement that it’s a really good track, but I would guess not many would have it sitting in 4th. For me, its just a combination of all of the things of that incarnation of the Sisters that I loved, the raw guitar sound, the brilliant lyrics (‘acid on the floor so she walks on the ceiling’ has been an instant favourite of mine since the very first time I heard it), and Andrews voice in that higher pitch – it’s all just chef’s kiss for me. Given 1-3, its probably impossible for anything to get higher, really, so 4th is almost a best of the rest ranking.

3 – Marian – Was Marian a perfect song? Not far off. I’m not sure what to say about it, that hasn’t already been said many, many times. There’s not an aspect of it I don’t love. It even inspired me to learn some German. Musically its brilliant, the vocals are some of, if not the best, the switch to German works unbelievably well – I can’t imagine a day when I would ever have heard enough of this song.

2 – Temple of Love – The original, stripped down version of the track is far superior to the remake, which has already been covered in this list. If I was writing out this ranking based on ‘feels’, I’m not sure that it would be quite this high (top 5 certainly), but technically its superb, and all the individual components come together superbly. I drummed in a band once that covered it, (but with real drums) and the central drum solo is tougher than people realise. The lyrics are great, real sing-along ones, and it always filled the dancefloor of any alternative club in the 80s or 90s. Magic stuff. But doesn’t take the prize.

1 – Some Kind Of Stranger – Those of you who hadn’t scrolled down to see the winner would probably have worked it out by now anyway by omission. Another one, I would imagine, that would land high for a lot of people (maybe not those who like a higher tempo track), but I love this piece of music so much, its almost difficult to put into words (would words get in the way?). It’s long and ends in a repetitive manner, but not boring or torturous. It builds up in a way few songs manage, and keeps you pinned as Andrew gets and sounds more and more desperate. It may be the ultimate anti ‘love song’ – summed up to perfection by the ‘I can wait a long long time….’ Line – a song about lust over love, but one that espouses the pain and loneliness that can come with that ethos. I can say no more than it is my favourite song of all time, from my favourite band of all time, off of my favourite album of all time.

If anyone made it to the end of the list without falling asleep, exiting in disgust, or the like, well done!!
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Hello @FOTRW and welcome to :hl: :)
Just like the old days

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That's not a bad list. It's all personal of course, but my ranking wouldn't be super-different. But I would put 40 and 51 MUCH higher, and 32, 37 and 39 somewhat higher. I would also put 12, 15 and 16 MUCH lower - like, not in my top 40. Like, don't care if I ever hear them again :) But different strokes for different folks!

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The girls are really a band with a little of something for everybody, innit?
I found it amazing how everyone ranks songs completely differently, but we all are die-hard fans of the same band.
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The list is wrong because Temple of Love 92 is not in the last place. :innocent:
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GC wrote: 14 Mar 2025, 20:20 The list is wrong because Temple of Love 92 is not in the last place. :innocent:
Your Top Ten is pretty accurate though. Probably mine as well.
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Watch out for drone strikes for rating YCBTO so low.
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Husek wrote: 14 Mar 2025, 18:22I found it amazing how everyone ranks songs completely differently, but we all are die-hard fans of the same band.
Good point, which I guess highlights that whatever they do, they must do it very well :)
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I found it interesting. "You could be the one" is by far the worst...
Definitely not goth!!!
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That's a great list. It's good to see Driven Like The Snow up there. Is there a reason why they never play it live? They never play Nine While Nine either, so does it have something to do with lipstick on cigarettes?
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The list is missing Good Things, Teachers and Jolene.

And where is Ozymandias? :lol:
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Haha, good try, thanks and welcome.. It's like loving the same being though being aroused by other parts of its body and soul.. I´ll always say, rankings are wankings but contrary to the church they are not unhealthy..
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Gaijin wrote: 18 Mar 2025, 16:27 The list is missing Good Things, Teachers and Jolene.

And where is Ozymandias? :lol:
I'd include Good Things and Jolene as they've now appeared on official releases, but not Teachers.

Rankings like this serve more function in a getting a feel for what someone's tastes are, than for stimulating discussion about which songs are best. I know my own tastes lean towards favouring the 1982/1983 material, particularly in it's more raw demo/session/live formats, but there's little to no mileage in having a fight with someone who prefers other songs, and ultimately we can all just enjoy the band. 8)
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Gaijin wrote: 18 Mar 2025, 16:27 And where is Ozymandias? :lol:
I think that's about the only ranking everyone would agree on: last
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alanm wrote: 19 Mar 2025, 15:49
Gaijin wrote: 18 Mar 2025, 16:27 And where is Ozymandias? :lol:
I think that's about the only ranking everyone would agree on: last
Let's be fair, if Dominion/Mother Russia is #27, that would make Ozymandias #72 right?
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Husek wrote: 19 Mar 2025, 16:17
alanm wrote: 19 Mar 2025, 15:49
Gaijin wrote: 18 Mar 2025, 16:27 And where is Ozymandias? :lol:
I think that's about the only ranking everyone would agree on: last
Let's be fair, if Dominion/Mother Russia is #27, that would make Ozymandias #72 right?
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Untitled + Sandstorm among my favourites, really. I hope they count as songs.
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PuppetTroops wrote: 19 Mar 2025, 23:41 Untitled + Sandstorm among my favourites, really. I hope they count as songs.
Oh, they were deliberately left out (on m*****n and revenge), because they would be too obvious..
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mh wrote: 19 Mar 2025, 12:17
Gaijin wrote: 18 Mar 2025, 16:27 The list is missing Good Things, Teachers and Jolene.

And where is Ozymandias? :lol:
I'd include Good Things and Jolene as they've now appeared on official releases, but not Teachers.

Rankings like this serve more function in a getting a feel for what someone's tastes are, than for stimulating discussion about which songs are best. I know my own tastes lean towards favouring the 1982/1983 material, particularly in it's more raw demo/session/live formats, but there's little to no mileage in having a fight with someone who prefers other songs, and ultimately we can all just enjoy the band. 8)
Yeah this is exactly the point. It's not about my list being 'right' or better than anyone elses - I'm interested in how other people feel about songs, albums, era's etc.

Plus, as explained, new to the forum, so literally no knowledge as to what people like/dislike etc. Just love talking Sister's :)
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Hawkfall wrote: 18 Mar 2025, 11:47 That's a great list. It's good to see Driven Like The Snow up there. Is there a reason why they never play it live? They never play Nine While Nine either, so does it have something to do with lipstick on cigarettes?
Couldn’t agree more. Two of my favourite tracks. Driven Like the Snow would make a fantastic opener with its extended intro.
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Great list! I agree with your top 2 every time.
As regards trying to rate any further down than a top 'few' I find that my choices change almost daily, depending on my mood, the weather, if Pompey won or lost, etc. Today, number 3 is probably Alice, but could be something completely different tomorrow!
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Personally, "Watch" should be at the bottom of the list, along with Home of the hit men - it's utter dirge in my view, but justifiably so, given they were just starting out.

I can't abide by "Train" ranking behind "Watch".
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LindowntheA3 wrote: 22 Mar 2025, 16:22 Great list! I agree with your top 2 every time.
As regards trying to rate any further down than a top 'few' I find that my choices change almost daily, depending on my mood, the weather, if Pompey won or lost, etc. Today, number 3 is probably Alice, but could be something completely different tomorrow!

Yeah, thats part of the reason i tried to do it a bit more scientifically by assigning points for different aspects and ranking based on the total. For the most part it seemed to work, but its thrown up a couple of oddities (I'm looking at you Vision Thing). If I did it based on mood, or what i wanted to listen to at the time, it would, as you say, change daily. At the moment, i'm spending a lot of time listening to FALAA era b-sides so the likes of Afterhours, Blood Money etc would probably jump up (and Bury me Deep would be top 10).

Side note - I was down in Pompey at the weekend, first time back there for years (me and the wife used to run a pub there years ago)
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Road Kill
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FOTRW wrote: 24 Mar 2025, 10:46
LindowntheA3 wrote: 22 Mar 2025, 16:22 Great list! I agree with your top 2 every time.
As regards trying to rate any further down than a top 'few' I find that my choices change almost daily, depending on my mood, the weather, if Pompey won or lost, etc. Today, number 3 is probably Alice, but could be something completely different tomorrow!

Yeah, thats part of the reason i tried to do it a bit more scientifically by assigning points for different aspects and ranking based on the total. For the most part it seemed to work, but its thrown up a couple of oddities (I'm looking at you Vision Thing). If I did it based on mood, or what i wanted to listen to at the time, it would, as you say, change daily. At the moment, i'm spending a lot of time listening to FALAA era b-sides so the likes of Afterhours, Blood Money etc would probably jump up (and Bury me Deep would be top 10).

Side note - I was down in Pompey at the weekend, first time back there for years (me and the wife used to run a pub there years ago)
I've never been a big fan of Vision Thing, but I was listening to the Overbombing version recently, and found myself thinking "This is pretty cool, they turned it from a heavy metal song into a glam stomper!"
Road Kill
Posts: 6
Joined: 12 Mar 2025, 20:26

Hawkfall wrote: 24 Mar 2025, 13:02
I've never been a big fan of Vision Thing, but I was listening to the Overbombing version recently, and found myself thinking "This is pretty cool, they turned it from a heavy metal song into a glam stomper!"
I'll have to have a listen later - i have to say, Overbombing is a CD i very rarely get out, as none of the stuff on it, thats not on other albums are things i go out of my way to listen to. Exception probably being Body & Soul but i generally play my vinyl copy of the single of that anyway.
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