2003 smoke and mirrors dvd

Have you established a good reputation at HL and got some Sisters stuff to sell or trade with the community? Or are you searching for that elusive ultra rare live bootleg from 1988? Ever had a bad experience with a trader on Ebay? Let us all know here. Outdated threads will be purged over time.

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Road Kill
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Sorry to QB and others for posting this here, as I vaguely remember a thread about this not too long after it the gigs ended and circulation began, however Im on a 14.4Kb laptop/modem and searching through the back posts was becomming difficult to say the least.

Can anyone point me in a direction of a vendor / trader with a DVD copy of the 18th of April 2003 Forum Gig?

it was my first Sisters Gig and my 21st so recent nostalgia is driving this one :)

I *may* have stuff that may interest people for trades, however my sisters collection runs to the albums plus the blank canvas boot (which will be available in the weeding section as soon as I get my student load to buy blank CD's!)

Many thanks
*Rebel Without A Clue*
Utterly Bastard Groovy Amphetamine Filth
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I now have a dvd+R thingy so it is possabele pm me

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PM thingy in comming...please be nice...

:notworthy: :kiss: :notworthy: :kiss:
Utterly Bastard Groovy Amphetamine Filth
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yeah dont worry the people that have pmed me on this

as soon as i can get it to copy properly then ill have them done

such is the pain of trying to copy a dvd made on a phillips dvd+R machine!
Road Kill
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if you're copying it on a PC, this cures many evils

allfear wrote:yeah dont worry the people that have pmed me on this

as soon as i can get it to copy properly then ill have them done

such is the pain of trying to copy a dvd made on a phillips dvd+R machine!
this ones called my girlfriends husband drives a tank
Utterly Bastard Groovy Amphetamine Filth
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im quite OK with ripping DVDs, Basically Phillips DVD recorders do not write the BUP file corretly
so the idea is to make new BUP and ISO files and at the same time make a proper menue too!

Road Kill
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there are advantages to using the s/w I linked to, in that its the video equivalent of eac and it error checks as it reads data from the disc and will do re-reads if required, its worth using as you won't get nasty blocking effects on any copies you make.

Philips recordeds are a little strange some use a video ram format for burning also, I'm not sure what models did that though
allfear wrote:im quite OK with ripping DVDs, Basically Phillips DVD recorders do not write the BUP file corretly
so the idea is to make new BUP and ISO files and at the same time make a proper menue too!

this ones called my girlfriends husband drives a tank
Utterly Bastard Groovy Amphetamine Filth
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Ive used dvd dcreypter before but i prefer smartripper

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Road Kill
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allfear wrote:
as soon as i can get it to copy properly then ill have them done

No rush - Im *very* greatful that your going to the time and the trouble!

I'll definately owe you a decent trade in return or a few pints :)
*Rebel Without A Clue*
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