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Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 19:09
by 6FeetOver
9while9 wrote:
James Blast wrote:sticking a laughing smiley at the end of a barbed comment does not always gaurentee absolution
You are right.
Straight up insults are what is accpetable,
but only when coming from certain people. :roll:
Well, you ought to know, having used language in one of your previous posts which insinuated that I'm some kind of paedo.

You know, hypocrisy really annoys me.

I'll not engage in any additional verbal "exercises" with you publicly here in the forums, as I don't think it's appropriate or fair to the other members of this community. If you've got a personal problem with me, feel free to drop me a PM. End of. :von:

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 19:11
by D.A.

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 19:17
by 6FeetOver
D.A. wrote:NEXT!
Why, thanks!

Right, so where were we? Ah yes, The Cult. "She Sells Sanctuary" is one of my all-time favorite tunes. *Swoon* ;D

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 19:18
by smiscandlon
I like your style... :wink:

Though not with regards to the Cult, obviously - they're rubbish! :lol:

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 19:20
by 9while9
D.A. wrote:Of course, you are absolutely right - hence your diligent practice of autoeroticisim.
Yeah thanks. :lol:

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 19:25
by 6FeetOver
smiscandlon wrote:I like your style... :wink:

Though not with regards to the Cult, obviously - they're rubbish! :lol:

...which is what I thought as well, which is why I didn't attend their most recent show here in town, which may actually have been a mistake, in hindsight. According to friends who went, it was absolutely *stonking*! :|

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 19:25
by 9while9
SINsister wrote:
9while9 wrote:
James Blast wrote:sticking a laughing smiley at the end of a barbed comment does not always gaurentee absolution
You are right.
Straight up insults are what is accpetable,
but only when coming from certain people. :roll:
Well, you ought to know, having used language in one of your previous posts which insinuated that I'm some kind of paedo.

You know, hypocrisy really annoys me.

I'll not engage in any additional verbal "exercises" with you publicly here in the forums, as I don't think it's appropriate or fair to the other members of this community. If you've got a personal problem with me, feel free to drop me a PM. End of. :von:
If you have a problem with hypocrisy why is it your modus operandi. :roll:

End of rant.... :twisted:

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 19:26
by smiscandlon
SINsister wrote:...which is what I thought as well, which is why I didn't attend their most recent show here in town, which may actually have been a mistake, in hindsight. According to friends who went, it was absolutely *stonking*! :|
You're sure they didn't say *stinking* :innocent:

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 19:30
by 6FeetOver
*Tosses a dictionary in 9while9's general direction*

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 19:35
by 9while9
SINsister wrote:*Tosses a dictionary in 9while9's general direction*
Now am I to find your photo next to the word hypocrisy. :?:

I thought your style was to take this private?

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 20:28
by James Blast
nice use of non laughing smiley

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 20:46
by 9while9
James Blast wrote:nice use of non laughing smiley
You are to kind... :wink:

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 20:56
by James Blast
no, I am too kind

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 21:01
by 9while9
James Blast wrote:no, I am too kind
I stand Corrected. :oops:


Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 21:24
by James Blast
you really aren't trying to win friends, are you?

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 22:33
by 9while9
James Blast wrote:you really aren't trying to win friends, are you?
Now you see I thought that you of all people would find the FUD pic funny. :eek:

I really am misunderstood... :(

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 22:56
by James Blast
is typing in orange type like writing in green biro?

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 00:05
by Karst
He. Nah James it is must be coming close to the 12th ;)

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 02:55
by D.A.
SINsister wrote:
9while9 wrote:
SINsister wrote: -Chris Cornell (supposedly 6'2"). Yum. :oops: :notworthy:

-You're obviously not an American boy, then. Once again, :notworthy:.
I think your height problem / difference is do to the locals in which you search ( Playgrounds, Ball Pits at the local McDonalds ) etc. :lol:
Nah, I don't think so. Sadly, most American guys just aren't very tall. Most aren't very intelligent, either, obviously. :von:
And so, it is only us American Girls who are smart and tall. Hmmm, you really are the stimulation of yourself!

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 16:40
by 6FeetOver
...and with that statement, I'm willing to bet that there aren't any Mensa meetings on *your* calendar... ;)

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 18:39
by Dark
Pass the popcorn.

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 18:49
by 6FeetOver
*Sigh* Yeah.

*Note to self: must refrain from feeding the trolls...

Mea culpa. :oops: :(

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 20:54
by Tidal
Sounds like somebody's ben playing World of Warcraft?

Correct me if I'm wrong assuming WoW was the origin of the term "forum troll"?

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 21:00
by 6FeetOver
Tidal wrote:Sounds like somebody's ben playing World of Warcraft?

Correct me if I'm wrong assuming WoW was the origin of the term "forum troll"?
AFAIK, the term's been around for over a decade, now. I first saw "troll" used in this fashion circa 1995-'96, when I used to chat on IRC. It may have been in use prior to that, even..

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 21:11
by Planet Dave
SINsister wrote: *Note to self: must refrain from feeding the trolls...
Yeah, sort it out Sinnie, or you'll have to be moderated (think The Borg only less sexy :lol: ).

:wink: :lol: :P