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Posted: 25 Jul 2004, 00:28
by Purple Light
Supposed to be 'Trust me, its not horrible...' :roll:

Posted: 26 Jul 2004, 08:17
by sisxbeforedawn
Jungle mix for brekkie. I left my milk in the server room over the weekend and the air-con failed, so it's either jungle mix or cornflakes with cottage cheese :urff:

Posted: 26 Jul 2004, 21:14
by Mrs. Snowey
Black Horizon wrote:Chicken Tikka Masala
:notworthy: :notworthy:

Quite possibly our house's national dish. If our house was a country.

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 09:22
by markfiend
Currently "eating" a nice cup of coffee for my breakfast.

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 09:53
by hallucienate
Hot cross bun, but seeing as it's not Easter they've removed one of the lines that make it a cross, so it's really a hot line bun. :roll:

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 09:56
by CellThree
Tons of Ketchup and Mustard with some veggie hotdogs and a bun buried somewhere in there.

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 09:59
by Quiff Boy
hallucienate wrote:Hot cross bun, but seeing as it's not Easter they've removed one of the lines that make it a cross, so it's really a hot line bun. :roll:
classy :lol:

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 14:17
by RicheyJames
cheese salad samwitches
homemade chocolate eclair


Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 14:23
by Quiff Boy
just finished a subway foot long veggie delight, no cheese, with oil & vinegar on "hearty italian"

yummy :D

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 14:49
by emilystrange
i need some chocolate.. wonder if i can steal some from a colleague.
what's that about? i never have cravings... comes from daddy owning a sweetshop...
pregnancy is not the answer, btw.

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 15:00
by RicheyJames
can you not take your stream-of-consciousness ramblings to livejournal like every other overgrown existential teenager?

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 15:11
by Quiff Boy
RicheyJames wrote:can you not take your stream-of-consciousness ramblings to livejournal like every other overgrown existential teenager?
:lol: :notworthy:


Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 15:17
by RicheyJames

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 15:22
by Quiff Boy
RicheyJames wrote:ahem?


note: "Pointless Journal - This shall ever remain empty" :wink:

i only siged up so i can spam people about heartland, the march violets & ghost dance websites (and doomwolf! :lol: ) ;) :innocent:

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 15:25
by RicheyJames
you just keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better...

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 15:26
by Quiff Boy
RicheyJames wrote:you just keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better...

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 15:26
by markfiend
Thanks for encouraging me to waste about 20 minutes there guys...

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 15:33
by Quiff Boy
markfiend wrote:Thanks for encouraging me to waste about 20 minutes there guys...
mick mercer's lj one can be quite interesting actually. bless 'im.

its also quite amusing clicking on people's list of "friends", seeing how many random links you can follow, seeing if you can get back to someone you know, via a total stranger's lj... :urff:

obviously, thats all assuming you have nowt better to do... :roll:

Posted: 27 Jul 2004, 15:50
by Francis
Thankfully Thrash Harry topped himself before he found that place.