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Posted: 04 Jun 2012, 02:57
by gael515
The best covers I have heard are the one for Walk Away from goth metal masters; Paradise Lost

And No Time to Cry by Cradle of Filth

Posted: 04 Jun 2012, 09:45
by meat is murder
gael515 wrote:And No Time to Cry by Cradle of Filth
that thing sends shivers down my spine... but not in a good way. :lol:

most recent covers i really like:

heartland by belgian band Kiss The Anus Of A Black Cat

temple of love by Mr. Irish Bastard

Posted: 04 Jun 2012, 11:57
by million voices
I rather liked the cover by the Belgian boys with the radio friendly band name

Posted: 04 Jun 2012, 16:18
by gael515
"Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat" ? I must give a listen to that

Posted: 04 Jun 2012, 17:52
by DocSommer
gael515 wrote:"Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat" ? I must give a listen to that
Hard to expect something audible but I'm quite surprised - the cover is good and the other songs (=related videos) of that band are even better.

Posted: 04 Jun 2012, 18:26
by sultan2075
DocSommer wrote:
gael515 wrote:"Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat" ? I must give a listen to that
Hard to expect something audible but I'm quite surprised - the cover is good and the other songs (=related videos) of that band are even better.
Damn shame about the name, but the song is surprisingly inoffensive. There used to be a band in Seattle called Cat Butt, who released a record called "Journey to the Center of the Cat Butt." This is much more genteel.

Posted: 05 Jun 2012, 14:16
by Aazhyd
I have seen "Anus" live once (support for Legendary Pink Dots), and they were not bad at all. This Heartland cover is certainly an interesting one.

Posted: 08 Jun 2012, 08:11
by meat is murder

Posted: 08 Jun 2012, 11:13
by Being645
meat is murder wrote:foetus joins the ranks...
:lol: :lol: ... hard to condemn it, but hard to stand either ... :lol: :lol:

Posted: 08 Jun 2012, 15:45
by meat is murder
Being645 wrote:
meat is murder wrote:foetus joins the ranks...
:lol: :lol: ... hard to condemn it, but hard to stand either ... :lol: :lol:
i've got the same feeling... :lol:

Posted: 08 Jun 2012, 16:06
by Prescott
The Brothers of Tyranny: FROZEN UNDER THE GUN ... er-the-gun

Posted: 08 Jun 2012, 18:00
by bangles
only heard the Diane Birch This Corrosion yesterday & absolutely love it. Just what the sisters always needed, a down home southern feel!

Posted: 09 Jun 2012, 00:08
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
Seeing as everyone is mentioning covers which (with the honourable exception of, erm, Anus) have been nominated before (Foetus, Paradise Lost, CoF etc), time to mention Gottdammerung's groovy Good Things video again :

Still under 1000 views on YouTube - is there no justice ?

Posted: 12 Jun 2012, 13:09
by Being645
not that I overly liked it, especially since it's seems only half the song ...
slightly astonishing, though ...

Carrion - This Corrosion

Posted: 13 Jun 2012, 09:48
by playboy

Has anyone heard of Never Mind? The have a cover on this website of We Are The Same Susanne. The info I got says that the songs here is a pre-listening of songs that will be released later this year, some of them at least. And apparently Andrew Eldritch knows about this band, he was involved in some way on an album they released many years ago.

Posted: 13 Jun 2012, 12:37
by sultan2075
playboy wrote:

Has anyone heard of Never Mind? The have a cover on this website of We Are The Same Susanne. The info I got says that the songs here is a pre-listening of songs that will be released later this year, some of them at least. And apparently Andrew Eldritch knows about this band, he was involved in some way on an album they released many years ago.
Not too hot on the vocals (though they could be worse). The track overall is pretty decent, however. Whenever I hear good (or even just decent) covers of the unreleased material, it just shows reminds how sad it is that these songs will never receive a proper studio recording from TSOM. They're good songs (even Romeo Down, which I don't think works that well live, would probably work very well on a record).

Posted: 13 Jun 2012, 12:38
by sultan2075
playboy wrote:

Has anyone heard of Never Mind? The have a cover on this website of We Are The Same Susanne. The info I got says that the songs here is a pre-listening of songs that will be released later this year, some of them at least. And apparently Andrew Eldritch knows about this band, he was involved in some way on an album they released many years ago.
Not too hot on the vocals (though they could be worse). The track overall is pretty decent, however. Whenever I hear good (or even just decent) covers of the unreleased material, it just shows reminds how sad it is that these songs will never receive a proper studio recording from TSOM. They're good songs (even Romeo Down, which I don't think works that well live, would probably work very well on a record).

Posted: 13 Jun 2012, 15:11
by playboy
sultan2075 wrote:
playboy wrote:

Has anyone heard of Never Mind? The have a cover on this website of We Are The Same Susanne. The info I got says that the songs here is a pre-listening of songs that will be released later this year, some of them at least. And apparently Andrew Eldritch knows about this band, he was involved in some way on an album they released many years ago.
Not too hot on the vocals (though they could be worse). The track overall is pretty decent, however. Whenever I hear good (or even just decent) covers of the unreleased material, it just shows reminds how sad it is that these songs will never receive a proper studio recording from TSOM. They're good songs (even Romeo Down, which I don't think works that well live, would probably work very well on a record).
Yes, I feel the same. When I listen to the Susanne version by Never Mind, I feel really excited and for a few seconds I can imagine myself listening to a brand new record by The Sisters Of Mercy.
About the vocals, it is hard to listen to Sisters songs with another singer than Andrew, however I think Never Mind is doing the song justice, they have shortened it a bit too. I have heard a few songs by the band before and and I like that they are friends of Andrew, playing kind of the same musicwise without trying to be Sisters. I also like the choice of a cover. Finally a decent studio recording of a great "new" Sisters song.

But, listen to it also makes me sad. Sad because of the fact that The Sisters Of Mercy most likely have releases their last album ever. 22 years ago...
I hope that the coming album by Never Mind is decent. If it has some good tunes it will be satisfying enough and at least I then have something new, slightly Sisters-related, to listen to.
It will be enough for me. It´s just tunes, innit?

Posted: 13 Jun 2012, 15:11
by playboy
sultan2075 wrote:
playboy wrote:

Has anyone heard of Never Mind? The have a cover on this website of We Are The Same Susanne. The info I got says that the songs here is a pre-listening of songs that will be released later this year, some of them at least. And apparently Andrew Eldritch knows about this band, he was involved in some way on an album they released many years ago.
Not too hot on the vocals (though they could be worse). The track overall is pretty decent, however. Whenever I hear good (or even just decent) covers of the unreleased material, it just shows reminds how sad it is that these songs will never receive a proper studio recording from TSOM. They're good songs (even Romeo Down, which I don't think works that well live, would probably work very well on a record).
Yes, I feel the same. When I listen to the Susanne version by Never Mind, I feel really excited and for a few seconds I can imagine myself listening to a brand new record by The Sisters Of Mercy.
About the vocals, it is hard to listen to Sisters songs with another singer than Andrew, however I think Never Mind is doing the song justice, they have shortened it a bit too. I have heard a few songs by the band before and and I like that they are friends of Andrew, playing kind of the same musicwise without trying to be Sisters. I also like the choice of a cover. Finally a decent studio recording of a great "new" Sisters song.

But, listen to it also makes me sad. Sad because of the fact that The Sisters Of Mercy most likely have releases their last album ever. 22 years ago...
I hope that the coming album by Never Mind is decent. If it has some good tunes it will be satisfying enough and at least I then have something new, slightly Sisters-related, to listen to.
It will be enough for me. It´s just tunes, innit?

Posted: 13 Jun 2012, 16:59
by Quiff Boy
who are these "Never Mind" people?

is there any validity to their claim to know andrew?

on what level do they know him? are they actually friends?

or is it more likely that they once sat in the same bar (and their singer stole andrew's pint when he went to the toilet...)?

i'm not convinced there's ANY sisters connection there at all. although i admit i'm always sceptical of these things.

i've listened to "obvious" and "suzanne" and it's all very generic (below par imho) industrial metal (i.e.: trying to be goth metal without being goth) isn't it? :urff:

Posted: 14 Jun 2012, 08:54
by playboy
Quiff Boy wrote:who are these "Never Mind" people?

is there any validity to their claim to know andrew?

on what level do they know him? are they actually friends?

or is it more likely that they once sat in the same bar (and their singer stole andrew's pint when he went to the toilet...)?

i'm not convinced there's ANY sisters connection there at all. although i admit i'm always sceptical of these things.

i've listened to "obvious" and "suzanne" and it's all very generic (below par imho) industrial metal (i.e.: trying to be goth metal without being goth) isn't it? :urff:
I used to listen to Never Mind for about 10-15 years ago or something. They were playing a lot here in Sweden at that time. I didn´t knew that much about them even them, they were most active around 1990-1997 or something, just before the whole internet thing. I remember that there were a few articles (sometimes between 1993 and 1995) stating that Andrew, who has known someone in the band for a couple of years, was involved in a recording, I think mixing a song, but I am not sure. I know that Andrew himself mentioned it in an interview in Sweden. Blixa Bargeld from Einsturzende Neubauten also did something with them. They were working with some big swedish names as well, but the band held a low profile and were relatively unknown though they had a little fanbase, I know people from the US, Canada, Australia, Spain, Norway and Italy who listen to them and saw them.
They disappeared in the late 90:s and I did not hear anything at about them until recently. I read that they were going to play again and they recorded a new album that they put on hold cause the guitarist left the band during the recording. Apparently this record was recorded a few years ago, and they did not know if was ever going to be released. They did another record and was just about finished with that when the bassplayer commited suicide. So that one was put on hold as well. Then there was this article that I read earlier this year, telling this story, and also that Never Mind took a break and was uncertain about the future, it was the bassplayer and singer who started the band in the late 80:s. They decided to put new guitars on the first record of those, and then release both of them later at the same time, in memory of the bassplayer. There were a few more things to be done, but they wanted to release them just as they were when the bassplayer died even if they were not 100 percent completed. They were at least 100 percent honest, I remember them saying. They did re-record some guitars played by the old guitarist for contractual reasons.
That´s about what I know about them. I got this link by a reporter I know who said that it was songs from those two records.

I liked them a long time ago and was happy to hear that they will be back. Don´t know if, when or wherem they will play. But i would love to see them again. So if anyone should happen to hear anything, I would be so thankful if you happen to to remember me and message me or write something here.

Until then, let´s hope that Andrew will do the same and finally come up with a new record!!!

Posted: 14 Jun 2012, 08:55
by playboy
Quiff Boy wrote:who are these "Never Mind" people?

is there any validity to their claim to know andrew?

on what level do they know him? are they actually friends?

or is it more likely that they once sat in the same bar (and their singer stole andrew's pint when he went to the toilet...)?

i'm not convinced there's ANY sisters connection there at all. although i admit i'm always sceptical of these things.

i've listened to "obvious" and "suzanne" and it's all very generic (below par imho) industrial metal (i.e.: trying to be goth metal without being goth) isn't it? :urff:
I used to listen to Never Mind for about 10-15 years ago or something. They were playing a lot here in Sweden at that time. I didn´t knew that much about them even them, they were most active around 1990-1997 or something, just before the whole internet thing. I remember that there were a few articles (sometimes between 1993 and 1995) stating that Andrew, who has known someone in the band for a couple of years, was involved in a recording, I think mixing a song, but I am not sure. I know that Andrew himself mentioned it in an interview in Sweden. Blixa Bargeld from Einsturzende Neubauten also did something with them. They were working with some big swedish names as well, but the band held a low profile and were relatively unknown though they had a little fanbase, I know people from the US, Canada, Australia, Spain, Norway and Italy who listen to them and saw them.
They disappeared in the late 90:s and I did not hear anything at about them until recently. I read that they were going to play again and they recorded a new album that they put on hold cause the guitarist left the band during the recording. Apparently this record was recorded a few years ago, and they did not know if was ever going to be released. They did another record and was just about finished with that when the bassplayer commited suicide. So that one was put on hold as well. Then there was this article that I read earlier this year, telling this story, and also that Never Mind took a break and was uncertain about the future, it was the bassplayer and singer who started the band in the late 80:s. They decided to put new guitars on the first record of those, and then release both of them later at the same time, in memory of the bassplayer. There were a few more things to be done, but they wanted to release them just as they were when the bassplayer died even if they were not 100 percent completed. They were at least 100 percent honest, I remember them saying. They did re-record some guitars played by the old guitarist for contractual reasons.
That´s about what I know about them. I got this link by a reporter I know who said that it was songs from those two records.

I liked them a long time ago and was happy to hear that they will be back. Don´t know if, when or wherem they will play. But i would love to see them again. So if anyone should happen to hear anything, I would be so thankful if you happen to to remember me and message me or write something here.

Until then, let´s hope that Andrew will do the same and finally come up with a new record!!!

Posted: 14 Jun 2012, 11:47
by Being645
IMHO, Susanne is surely the best of the songs from NeverMind up there on MySpace. I've listened to all of them and found they took examples of all the bands listed there as "Friends". Not in a bad way, but also nothing new - and goth for sure ... I do - by far - prefer The Sisters ... this cover of Susanne is to me an interpretation that had never come to my mind, comprehensible and somehow more sorted than usual, not really bad, IMO, but also diminished, deprived of plenty layers ... and I wonder. It just doesn't want to sound right to me viewing it from knowing the original.
One thing's for sure, though, that one song obviously decicated to the m*****n, does clearly meet the latter's musically ornamented lyrical flatness in full ... :lol: ... and should insofar find some thankful audience. So, another goth band here, maybe a bit late in time due to hell loads of mischief, but they should find their audience with no less of a right than hundreds before them during the past twenty years.

Enjoy, whoever may please ... :wink: ...

Posted: 14 Jun 2012, 13:09
by playboy
Being645 wrote:IMHO, Susanne is surely the best of the songs from NeverMind up there on MySpace. I've listened to all of them and found they took examples of all the bands listed there as "Friends". Not in a bad way, but also nothing new - and goth for sure ... I do - by far - prefer The Sisters ... this cover of Susanne is to me an interpretation that had never come to my mind, comprehensible and somehow more sorted than usual, not really bad, IMO, but also diminished, deprived of plenty layers ... and I wonder. It just doesn't want to sound right to me viewing it from knowing the original.
One thing's for sure, though, that one song obviously decicated to the m*****n, does clearly meet the latter's musically ornamented lyrical flatness in full ... :lol: ... and should insofar find some thankful audience. So, another goth band here, maybe a bit late in time due to hell loads of mischief, but they should find their audience with no less of a right than hundreds before them during the past twenty years.

Enjoy, whoever may please ... :wink: ...
Just to sort a few things out. It is easy to be miss missguided by reading wrong info about a band. This myspace is not Never Mind´s, they are just "borrowing" it by a reporter, hence the band listed here as "friends" are in no way friends to Never Mind. I met them a few times in the past, and I can assure that they do not see themselves as goths. I know that some, manly reporters, labelled them a goth band, which is one reason they were keeping a low profile. I remember they said in an interview something like when they first started playing together they have never heard of The Sisters Of Mercy. This was around 1986 (I think) and the singer bought a guitar and a simple drummachine to play along and make music at home. Computers and internet was not yet at hand. A few years he had some songs, formed a band with his two best mates, called themselves Never Mind, a name they took after a poster the singer saw after a concert with Nena (you remember 99 red ballons?). A year later they discovered Sisters and found out that the sounded, if not the same, at least, simular in some way. They thought that was cool and contacted Andrew, then yet without knowing about their growing status and without heard any other goth band.
A lot of bands sounded like this at that time. It was a reflection of the time, combined with the using of drummachines and the fact that more bands were forming without any really skills in singing and/or playing.
They said something later like "if a drummachine, some simple tunes, and the fact that we know Andrew of the Sisters Of Mercy, makes us a goth band, than....ok.... what a shame we don´t know Quincy Jones, then I could say I play in a jazzband, which would mean I was a rather skilled musician."

Posted: 14 Jun 2012, 13:19
by Being645
playboy wrote:
Being645 wrote:IMHO, Susanne is surely the best of the songs from NeverMind up there on MySpace. I've listened to all of them and found they took examples of all the bands listed there as "Friends". Not in a bad way, but also nothing new - and goth for sure ... I do - by far - prefer The Sisters ... this cover of Susanne is to me an interpretation that had never come to my mind, comprehensible and somehow more sorted than usual, not really bad, IMO, but also diminished, deprived of plenty layers ... and I wonder. It just doesn't want to sound right to me viewing it from knowing the original.
One thing's for sure, though, that one song obviously decicated to the m*****n, does clearly meet the latter's musically ornamented lyrical flatness in full ... :lol: ... and should insofar find some thankful audience. So, another goth band here, maybe a bit late in time due to hell loads of mischief, but they should find their audience with no less of a right than hundreds before them during the past twenty years.

Enjoy, whoever may please ... :wink: ...
Just to sort a few things out. It is easy to be miss missguided by reading wrong info about a band. This myspace is not Never Mind´s, they are just "borrowing" it by a reporter, hence the band listed here as "friends" are in no way friends to Never Mind. I met them a few times in the past, and I can assure that they do not see themselves as goths. I know that some, manly reporters, labelled them a goth band, which is one reason they were keeping a low profile. I remember they said in an interview something like when they first started playing together they have never heard of The Sisters Of Mercy. This was around 1986 (I think) and the singer bought a guitar and a simple drummachine to play along and make music at home. Computers and internet was not yet at hand. A few years he had some songs, formed a band with his two best mates, called themselves Never Mind, a name they took after a poster the singer saw after a concert with Nena (you remember 99 red ballons?). A year later they discovered Sisters and found out that the sounded, if not the same, at least, simular in some way. They thought that was cool and contacted Andrew, then yet without knowing about their growing status and without heard any other goth band.
A lot of bands sounded like this at that time. It was a reflection of the time, combined with the using of drummachines and the fact that more bands were forming without any really skills in singing and/or playing.
They said something later like "if a drummachine, some simple tunes, and the fact that we know Andrew of the Sisters Of Mercy, makes us a goth band, than....ok.... what a shame we don´t know Quincy Jones, then I could say I play in a jazzband, which would mean I was a rather skilled musician."
Fair enough ... ;D :lol: ...