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Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 19:19
by Arch Deviant
Oh, I see. We're talking fashion.............



Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 19:19
by Badlander
boudicca wrote: I have to confess to really liking a lot of the songs on "Tonight", Badlander. I quite enjoyed Bowie's sellout phase... not his finest hour, but I can dig it.
As you want Claire, but it's no more than decent FM pop music, while Ziggy Stardust is the work a genius. There's a world of difference.

"Tonight" isn't Bowie's worst album anyway. Blue Jean is quite amusing for example. "Never let me down", on the other hand, is plain and simple inexcusable. :urff:

Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 19:20
by Arch Deviant
Or What...........


Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 19:21
by Badlander
Arch Deviant wrote:Oh, I see. We're talking fashion.............


Ever heard of expressionism ? :innocent:

Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 19:22
by Arch Deviant
Of course, that's what I though Nick Cave was all about :innocent:

Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 19:47
by James Blast
Time Will Crawl is a good tune...

Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 19:50
by boudicca
Arch Deviant wrote:Oh, I see. We're talking fashion.............


Definitely an influence. See Peter Murphy for details.

Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 20:34
by Arch Deviant
boudicca wrote:
Arch Deviant wrote:Oh, I see. We're talking fashion.............


Definitely an influence. See Peter Murphy for details.
That's what I mean, but Id hardly call Bowie a Goth.

Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 21:02
by spot778
The only reason I called him a goff is the music always dark and moody I was only being semi-serious anyhoo. No offense intended Arch :wink:

Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 21:35
by Arch Deviant
spot778 wrote:The only reason I called him a goff is the music always dark and moody I was only being semi-serious anyhoo. No offense intended Arch :wink:
Oh, non taken - it's only music, not anything serious.

Are you taking about Cave or Bowie? I'm lost. Anyhow I think Nick Cave is very funny and Bowie is an old goth. :lol:

Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 21:39
by spot778

I always wonder why the whole goth thing never popped around him.

Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 21:59
by Stumpy Pete
spot778 wrote:
James Blast wrote:
canon docre wrote: Well, he was in the 80s. 8)
I took that at Nightmoves on The Birthday Party's farewell tour, 82-83-ish not that Goth, not like this...
dinnae see much of a difference there James ;D

Nick looks like he'd hit you back or maybe knife you if you walked up to him and popped him one. T'other fella just looks like he'd go weep in a corner and maybe write some bad poetry about it. :innocent:

Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 22:26
by James Blast
I am not Philippe Carly :evil: I just used to take good pics - back in the day :cry:

when I could be arsed

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 01:45
by boudicca
James Blast wrote:I am not Philippe Carly :evil: I just used to take good pics - back in the day :cry:

when I could be arsed
Yew shoor did, James :notworthy:

I've always thought, of both Bauhaus and Cave, that they were something beyond simply "goth". With any good artist, a single word never begins to cover it. In fact, a multitude or words don't.

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 01:47
by boudicca
Just noticed Danny Ash is wearing some nice leather trousers...

*evil grin* :twisted:

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 18:50
by christophe
sorry but I just Had to say this !

:evil: the biggest, overrated band I have heard the past couple of years, they even top Coldplay :evil: :evil:

I heard them play last year (2005) and they did not live up to anything....
only my humble opinion :wink:

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 20:31
by boudicca
christophe wrote:sorry but I just Had to say this !

Don't worry, I heard the same from another Heartlander just last night... :lol:

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 20:49
by christophe
boudicca wrote:
christophe wrote:sorry but I just Had to say this !

Don't worry, I heard the same from another Heartlander just last night... :lol:
see 8) who was this other person with taste?

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 20:59
by boudicca
christophe wrote:
boudicca wrote:
christophe wrote:sorry but I just Had to say this !

Don't worry, I heard the same from another Heartlander just last night... :lol:
see 8) who was this other person with taste?
Steven (smiscandlon)...

He'll be getting trouble from some quarters now! :lol: :twisted:

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 21:04
by christophe
@ boudicca
hurry up and delete your post before anyone can read it :wink:

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 21:21
by James Blast
too late, too late... :twisted:

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 21:26
by boudicca
christophe wrote:@ boudicca
hurry up and delete your post before anyone can read it :wink:
People read my posts? :eek:
Now you're just talking silly talk! :lol:

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 21:26
by christophe
damn :P
not for me but for the other pore fellow :wink: (sorry I brought it up smiscandlon) :lol:

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 21:27
by christophe
boudicca wrote:[People read my posts? :eek:
you know, that was the first thing that came to mind when I read your first reply :lol:

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 21:28
by boudicca
christophe wrote:damn :P
not for me but for the other pore fellow :wink: (sorry I brought it up smiscandlon) :lol:
pore? Aye he is pore after paying for me and Andrew to eat obscene amounts of noodles yesterday! :notworthy: :twisted: