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Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 17:08
by sultan2075
Yeah, that was nicely played, bismarck.

Re: Buffalo gig!

Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 17:13
by Llamatron
DrG wrote:Lets hear it for Buffalo Llamatron! :notworthy:

Any confirmation as to the show yet? What is the Town Ballroom like?

...ticket prices!?! :eek:


2nd EDIT -- ... id=6340578
I was just at the Town Ballroom last night for Opeth, actually. It's pretty big for a Buffalo venue; I don't know the capacity offhand, but it seems to attract every mid-level (not arena but not small club either) touring band that comes through. There's a good size area on the floor and several tiers going back and up that make me suspect it was a theater at one point. I spent most of the show in front of the main mixing board. The sound was quite clear as long as I had earplugs in (Which makes me suspect whoever mixed the show was wearing earplugs as well!) but to be fair, it was a metal show, and my expectations sound-wise are pretty low there. They had it sorted out well enough by the end.

As for the location of the venue itself, the area it's in is plenty safe. It's in the downtown theater district and the area is pretty well deserted at night save for the theater crowd and the occasional clubgoers passing through. And the building next door is a police station.

...and the bars (there are multiple) seemed well-stocked, for whatever that's worth.

Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 20:16
by dinky daisy
weebleswobble wrote:
Nic wrote:
bismarck wrote: Ha ha, Mr. 1200+ posts since 2003.
Owned. :innocent:
keep 'im ;D
Wait untill you see his posts on forums about Crass and other neocommunist lentil soup nudists, innit itnAklipse? :innocent:

Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 20:19
by dinky daisy
by the way, here's also the list of the not-yet-existing tour

Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 21:43
by EvilBastard
dinky daisy wrote:Wait untill you see his posts on forums about Crass and other neocommunist lentil soup nudists, innit itnAklipse? :innocent:
Soup-Nudists?! :eek:

Did your mother never tell you that there are three things you should never do in the nude? Have a medal pinned on, cook bacon, or eat soup, because of the risk of personal injury?

That itnAklipse - talk about living on the edge... :roll:

Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 22:56
by mh
EvilBastard wrote:
dinky daisy wrote:Wait untill you see his posts on forums about Crass and other neocommunist lentil soup nudists, innit itnAklipse? :innocent:
Soup-Nudists?! :eek:

Did your mother never tell you that there are three things you should never do in the nude? Have a medal pinned on, cook bacon, or eat soup, because of the risk of personal injury?

That itnAklipse - talk about living on the edge... :roll:
Speaking of which, and currently recovering from a nasty flu, I had a conversation with a friend today about how chicken soup can cure anything. We ended up agreeing that it's even good for a broken leg, as you could make a cast out of it (it would have to be really thick chicken soup, though).

Anyway, back on topic... :innocent:

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 00:19
by EvilBastard
mh wrote:Speaking of which, and currently recovering from a nasty flu, I had a conversation with a friend today about how chicken soup can cure anything. We ended up agreeing that it's even good for a broken leg, as you could make a cast out of it (it would have to be really thick chicken soup, though).
You could use frozen concentrated chicken soup to make the cast out. What you'd need to do is make a mould of the leg, cast the soup around it in two halves, then place each half around the leg and using a blowtorch in a blast chiller melt the halves together.

Pros - lovely and cool, which will probably help with the itch. you could nibble on the soupsicle if you got hungry. When the leg was healed you make a nice bowl of warming soup to celebrate.

Cons - you'd have to spend the healing period in the blast chiller in order that the soupy cast didn't melt all over the carpet, and the sub-zero ambient temperature would probably extend the healing time. Might put you off chicken soup for life. Probably not available on the NHS or through your current medical insurance, although if you're covered for alternative medicine it might be worth asking about it.

On the subject of alternative medicine, the British Sub Aqua Club (BSAC), aka We're Not Those PADI Bastards Who Think That All You Need to Learn To Dive Is A Nice Warm Ocean, Plenty Of Fish To Look At, And A Cute Diving Instructor Named Sebastian. Oh No, If You Want To Learn To Dive Properly It Has To Be Done In Oban At Easter have come up with a simple-to-administer test for diving-related injuries such as decompression sickness. What's good about it is that you don't need to have any medical training. It works like this: when all the divers are out of the water and have collapsed on the deck or beach, the Dive Safety Officer should pass among them with a tray laden with steaming mugs of tea, calling out "Tea's up, you ugly bastards!" Anyone who doesn't make some effort to get some should be deemed injured and the emergency services called.

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 00:42
by euphoria
mh wrote: Anyway, back on topic... :innocent:
Yes please...

I'm slowly getting a bit upset about the Live page - I accept that the Sisters today are a groovy live band and nothing else, but how hard can it be to update that page?? If nothing else, just copy paste the Pollstar page or whatever! :roll:

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 03:40
by nearmethexperience
< /unlurk>

I have tickets for the first ave gig on 11/18. Anyone else going, would be decidedly odd to meet heartland folks after all these years on the wrong side of the pond ;)

< /lurk>

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 09:47
by Mothra
euphoria wrote:
mh wrote: Anyway, back on topic... :innocent:
Yes please...

I'm slowly getting a bit upset about the Live page - I accept that the Sisters today are a groovy live band and nothing else, but how hard can it be to update that page?? If nothing else, just copy paste the Pollstar page or whatever! :roll:
Think I can help with that. Eureka Machines played in Croydon on Saturday night, unfortunately I couldn't make the gig, but did drop by early on to ask Chris if the tour was on for sure - wanted it from the horses mouth before spending money on flights. He said the simple reason that its not on the official site as yet is there are a few i's to be dotted & t's to be crossed, but that it is definitely ON!

So there you go. Presumably Andrew will find his pen and get dotting/crossing soon. Could take a while if he has to sign numerous papers for every venue with the name "eldrITch".

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 09:52
by euphoria
Thank you VERY much, Mothra, that's exactly what I wanted to hear :D

Chicago and/or Minneapolis looking extremely likely for me now...wonderful!

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 11:16
by Mothra
euphoria wrote:Thank you VERY much, Mothra, that's exactly what I wanted to hear :D

Chicago and/or Minneapolis looking extremely likely for me now...wonderful!
Aiming to please since 1977 8)

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 13:00
Mothra wrote:
euphoria wrote:
mh wrote: Anyway, back on topic... :innocent:
Yes please...

I'm slowly getting a bit upset about the Live page - I accept that the Sisters today are a groovy live band and nothing else, but how hard can it be to update that page?? If nothing else, just copy paste the Pollstar page or whatever! :roll:
Think I can help with that. Eureka Machines played in Croydon on Saturday night, unfortunately I couldn't make the gig, but did drop by early on to ask Chris if the tour was on for sure - wanted it from the horses mouth before spending money on flights. He said the simple reason that its not on the official site as yet is there are a few i's to be dotted & t's to be crossed, but that it is definitely ON!

So there you go. Presumably Andrew will find his pen and get dotting/crossing soon. Could take a while if he has to sign numerous papers for every venue with the name "eldrITch".
Did you ask him about any gigs for Europe ?

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 13:41
by paint it black
nearmethexperience wrote:< /unlurk>

I have tickets for the first ave gig on 11/18. Anyone else going, would be decidedly odd to meet heartland folks after all these years on the wrong side of the pond ;)

< /lurk>
is this a good time to mention football Dan :lol: :lol:

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 16:07
by Mothra
Did you ask him about any gigs for Europe ?[/quote]

I didn't I'm afraid. Was a bit conscious that I'd collared him at one of his own gigs (that I wasn't actually going to be watching) to ask him about a different band. Did get in a wisecrack about Andrew never doing anything (such as updating the website), to which Chris told me I'd "be surprised". Felt a bit guilty cos I realised I was taking a pot shot at his mate/boss, who I have no personal connection with - sure he understood I was kidding though.

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 16:14
by markfiend
Chris doesn't seem to mind talking about The Sisters at all. I had quite a long chat with him last time I bumped into him.

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 22:57
by bismarck
paint it black wrote:
bismarck wrote:Anyone planning on making the NYC show and need a very cheap place to stay, I know of the one-and-only $40/night hostel/hotel walking distance from the gig. PM for details, or email. Any Brits planning the trip by the way?
sadly not. nor any other :?

still, you deserve a gig just down the road :notworthy:
Thanks mate. Of course, were YOU to make the trip, my guestroom would be open to you (if it makes a difference)

Posted: 18 Sep 2008, 22:59
by bismarck
EvilBastard wrote:
bismarck wrote:Anyone planning on making the NYC show and need a very cheap place to stay, I know of the one-and-only $40/night hostel/hotel walking distance from the gig. PM for details, or email. Any Brits planning the trip by the way?
This Brit will, but I'll only have to trek in from 60th Street :lol: I don't think I've seen you since the last gig, be good to catch up.
It will indeed... funny how 2 people living in the same city with such refined taste in music can't seem to get together every once in a while... looking forward.

Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 01:29
by nearmethexperience
paint it black wrote:
nearmethexperience wrote:< /unlurk>

I have tickets for the first ave gig on 11/18. Anyone else going, would be decidedly odd to meet heartland folks after all these years on the wrong side of the pond ;)

< /lurk>
is this a good time to mention football Dan :lol: :lol:
lol, I don't know, but current rumors abound that king kev will be the opening act for the sisters until the new bosses in saudi call him back to his new / old / old job..... ;)

Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 12:32
by Norman Hunter
nearmethexperience wrote:lol, I don't know, but current rumors abound that king kev will be the opening act for the sisters until the new bosses in saudi call him back to his new / old / old job..... ;)
He'll bottle the opening slot, sure as :wink:

Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 23:16
by 6FeetOver
nearmethexperience wrote:< /unlurk>

I have tickets for the first ave gig on 11/18. Anyone else going, would be decidedly odd to meet heartland folks after all these years on the wrong side of the pond ;)

< /lurk>
HE LIVES!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

OMFG, Dan, how the hell are you?! :kiss: :notworthy: ;D


Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 04:42
by DrG
Prescott wrote:
I wonder when they'll update the official site?
But I thought Heartland was the official website! :wink: ;D

BTW -- I got a small posse making themselves ready for Buffalo. 8)

EDIT -- Thanks for the info Llamatron... :notworthy:

EDIT 2 -- Did you notice anything with security that might impede the import of a recording device? :innocent:

Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 06:29
by logiclust
most likely going to the san diego show; just way too out of town for the SF show. power at the warfield still blows btw. i imagine the same issues as the last time around.

Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 14:17
by Quiff Boy
can we get a summary of the dates together? i know there's on in here somewhere but might be nice to create a sticky post with them in, seeing as the official site doesnt have them, yet :)

Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 14:19
by vicus