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Posted: 01 Apr 2006, 22:21
by robertzombie
You can hear a very early version of Susanne here: ... 03.06).mp3

Posted: 01 Apr 2006, 23:12
by lachert
robertzombie wrote:You can hear a very early version of Susanne here: ... 03.06).mp3
oh my god... :x
i must be register there or something is wrong with link?
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Posted: 01 Apr 2006, 23:15
by lachert
sorry, got it :D

Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 12:20
by robertzombie
of you can get it here

what do you think?

Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 13:09
by aims
You do a disservice to yourselves by putting it online to be honest. It was probably tight enough for a teenage band demo, but the sound quality renders it absolutely pointless. Wait until you can put it out with decent quality otherwise people will get the impression that you don't care enough about the music and they won't care about it either :|

And it needs drums ;) Assuming they're not already there hidden deep down...

Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 13:35
by Dark
Motz wrote:It was probably tight enough for a teenage band demo, but the sound quality renders it absolutely pointless.

And it needs drums ;) Assuming they're not already there hidden deep down...
Don't make me find your first demos and rehearsals, the same could be said for a couple of them too. :roll:

I'll wait until the final version of the song is finished, then I'll be able to comment.

Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 13:38
by aims
I hope you're expecting the same standards of him 6 months on then :lol:

Re: TSOM covers by heartlanders ? I just raped Alice.

Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 16:22
by a.r.kane
shagriml wrote:I don't know if there's been a topic like this. Anyway I was thinking, has anyone here at heartland made any cool (or horrible) TSOM covers ? Are there many musicians here ?

I'm not really a musician, just a bad drummer who happens to own a crappy stratocaster and really cheap eko bass. I thought about trying to cover some song. Today I was hangoverous and bored and recorded the most awful primitive simplified version of Alice:
Everything's been done in one take and there are errors and the whole thing is just absolutely horrible.

It was the first time I tried to play it and tried to sing it. Dug out the tablatures and lyrics today... I'm not sure if the tablatures are correct though... I would appreciate a link to a verified tablature...

With proper rehearsing I might actually learn to play it decently...

Anyway, post your own covers if you have any ! Doesn't matter if they suck, they can't suck as much as my alice rape :lol:
Track's not as bad as your stupid hat!

Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 16:23
by robertzombie
Motz wrote:You do a disservice to yourselves by putting it online to be honest. It was probably tight enough for a teenage band demo, but the sound quality renders it absolutely pointless. Wait until you can put it out with decent quality otherwise people will get the impression that you don't care enough about the music and they won't care about it either :|

And it needs drums ;) Assuming they're not already there hidden deep down...
yeh the drums are in there, it's just the ipod isn't the best device for recording stuff.

Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 16:26
by aims
Evidently not. Try and borrow a laptop and a decent microphone and, if possible, record each instrument separately so that you have a bit more control over the levels. If you need sound recording/editting software, I'd suggest Audacity - it's fine for home studio work if you're not going too complicated (I've done production for a band who've done work in bigger studios with it and had no complaints, so it can't be that awful).

Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 17:49
by a.r.kane
Motz wrote:Evidently not. Try and borrow a laptop and a decent microphone and, if possible, record each instrument separately so that you have a bit more control over the levels. If you need sound recording/editting software, I'd suggest Audacity - it's fine for home studio work if you're not going too complicated (I've done production for a band who've done work in bigger studios with it and had no complaints, so it can't be that awful).
Nonsense. The only way to make it sound better would be to use ACID.

Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 19:51
by robertzombie
Motz wrote:Evidently not. Try and borrow a laptop and a decent microphone and, if possible, record each instrument separately so that you have a bit more control over the levels. If you need sound recording/editting software, I'd suggest Audacity - it's fine for home studio work if you're not going too complicated (I've done production for a band who've done work in bigger studios with it and had no complaints, so it can't be that awful).
Oh yeah the album versions of the songs are much better quality.
That version of Susanne was recorded in a tiny room with a crappy recorder.
It does say rehearsal..

Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 20:00
by aims
And your track listing said Think Tank Sessions. It's not an unfair assumption that you would use the best equipment available to you.

Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 20:04
by Dark
a.r.kane wrote:
Motz wrote:Evidently not. Try and borrow a laptop and a decent microphone and, if possible, record each instrument separately so that you have a bit more control over the levels. If you need sound recording/editting software, I'd suggest Audacity - it's fine for home studio work if you're not going too complicated (I've done production for a band who've done work in bigger studios with it and had no complaints, so it can't be that awful).
Nonsense. The only way to make it sound better would be to use ACID.
The drug or the program?

Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 20:08
by Badlander
Dark wrote: The drug or the program?
You decide. :lol: :wink:

Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 20:10
by aims
*borrows Ems' teacher glare*

You meant the program, didn't you? >=)

Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 20:25
by Dark
We all know I meant both.

Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 20:26
by aims
But which would you mean if you lived under a bridge eating billy goats?

I'd guess drugs ;)

Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 21:01
by CellThree
Acid? meh.

Cubase SXv3. Now you're talking...

Posted: 03 Apr 2006, 03:08
by eastmidswhizzkid
Dark wrote:Careful when it comes to cover songs. We have one in the making that the artist said we could make without paying him for it (though we'll obviously send him the CD ;)) but Eldritch is harder to contact, and probably less kind when it comes to copyright.
especially on material that's as yet unreleased. can't see him being too chuffed about that. and it's a bit rough releasing someone else's new stuff before they do IMO. at least when it's the sisters.

Posted: 03 Apr 2006, 04:08
by sultan2075
eastmidswhizzkid wrote: especially on material that's as yet unreleased. can't see him being too chuffed about that. and it's a bit rough releasing someone else's new stuff before they do IMO. at least when it's the sisters.
Heh. Well, someone has to do it, and Von apparently isn't too terribly interested. Have there been any full-on (i.e., vocals and all) covers of the unreleased stuff? I know there was someone on here with a recording of Will I Dream? a while back; has anyone else done the like?

Posted: 03 Apr 2006, 09:25
by a.r.kane
Motz wrote:But which would you mean if you lived under a bridge eating billy goats?

I'd guess drugs ;)
Of course the drug - have you heard his track?!?!?!

And if you are implying that I am a 'Troll' then you need to seek spiritual guidance, quickly.

Posted: 13 Apr 2006, 22:07
by robertzombie
hot off the press.

Body electric

extremely early incarnation of what could become a stonker of a cover song! :P

Posted: 13 Apr 2006, 22:41
by aims
I can't believe I'm doing this on dialup.

It better be good, robert :lol:

Posted: 13 Apr 2006, 22:48
by robertzombie
it's only 1min22secs so shouldn't take very long.


I'm not saying it's great... it just sounds like the song, which is good enough for tonight.