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Posted: 12 Apr 2006, 18:00
by Jaimie1980
vicus wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:welllllll................ lets just say she's a worse singer than she is a bass player... make of that what you will ;) :lol:

well, I don't think the "album" ist that bad, "reflection" even found it's way to my musicmatch-playlist.
the best thing i can say about fur bible is: there is a nice picture of pat on that record:
Spooky, eh? ;-)
Currently Leching At. :) :innocent:

Posted: 12 Apr 2006, 18:18
by scotty
Driven wrote:
vicus wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:welllllll................ lets just say she's a worse singer than she is a bass player... make of that what you will ;) :lol:

well, I don't think the "album" ist that bad, "reflection" even found it's way to my musicmatch-playlist.
the best thing i can say about fur bible is: there is a nice picture of pat on that record:
Spooky, eh? ;-)
Currently Leching At. :) :innocent:
Correct Driven WHAT A SHAG :innocent: :twisted:

Posted: 13 Apr 2006, 00:45
by metalorange
czuczu wrote:Bought it when it was released, even saw a solo gig at the Castle in Brentwood.

Haven't listened to it since then ;)
Sounds like you're not the only one - from

Reflect On This was release in 1994 this is and was Patricia's first and only solo album to date, coming as it did at the time in her career when she had no option, but to record a solo effort after parting company with Andrew Eldritch. Already perceived as more than just a bass player the solo option seemed to be the only obvious avenue to follow. It was also what the record companies expected, however to quote Patricia "It was something I never really had any desire to do".

The problem with trying release a solo album at this time was that people, including musicians thought that Patricia was loaded after departing the Sisters, when she was in fact penniless. To add to this was the fact that that most musicians were not suitable enough and the people that were, were unaffordable. Luckily an excellent drummer and friend appeared in the shape of Franco Rogantan. Patricia had Ian Blackaby to help with the management side of things, Ian also put the record deal together, which is how the album "Reflect On This" came about.

Patricia toured the UK with gigs in London at the Garage, Highbury on the 16th June 1994 and then later at the Marquee Club on the 30th October 1994. Then under took an extensive tour of Eastern Europe including Prague and East Germany to name but a few.

On reflection Patricia was never really happy with the final sound of "Reflect On This" and has since found it very difficult to listen to. After a recent revaluation with Franco, the pair took some tracks over to the Captain and he kindly added some guitars to some tracks. Patricia and Franco had also written an extra 12 songs in case the opportunity to release them ever arose. So we may yet see another Patricia Morrision solo album in the future and hopefully this time she will be happy with the final result.

Posted: 13 Apr 2006, 00:52
by metalorange
delirium74 wrote:thats interesting....
i was wondering what happened to her....
She married Dave Vanian of The Damned and occasionally performs with them, apparently.

I think her comments about her time on with The Sisters on her website is very revealing (I'm new here I'm sure they have been posted before..?)
Have you had a low point in your career?
A: Sleeping on a park bench when they took my flat away when I was ousted from
the Sisters, while they were about to play Wembley Arena.

Q: Patricia whilst on the same subject have you had any regrets during your career
so far?
A: Should have signed contracts checked by a good lawyer instead of going on
Q: During you period in the Sisters you recorded an amazing video for the single
'This Corrosion', where was the video shot and what was it like?
A: 'This Corrosion' was shot in Wapping or thereabouts in a warehouse or
soundstage. We wanted to go to Kazakhstan in the Soviet Union, but at the same
time the Russian record company (Melody or something it was called) were in
negotiations with the west regarding video rights. We were not allowed to go as
we would have botched up the negotiations. No idea what legal ramifications
there were in the end, but we had to keep ourselves out of the way. In Wapping.
shooting that video was very fraught at first as I'd never done anything like it, but
I had Jeanette Rivera, a wonderful make-up artist and friend with me. They tried
to hurry me up, but Jeanette saw them off 'til we were ready. I made the corset part
of the outfit I wore, but they were supposed to make a jacket and other bits which
they didn't so it was a mad scrabble on the day. I actually had the PVC stockings
taped to my legs with gaffer and the collar around my neck the same.
Ah, the glamour.

At one point there were 14 people telling me what to do. I remember counting the
voices and wondering who to listen to. The director Stuart Orme was lovely and
all the crew were great which made it a long, but fun shoot.
We had extras from 'The Ugly Agency who were very professional and great to
work with, to this day I see some of the people in ads.
The record company did what record companies do best and INSISTED there had
to be a neon in the video somewhere. There is and they were happy. You have to
look hard to see it, but obviously it made a huge difference and I am sure no one
would have bought the single without it. As we behaved ourselves during the
'shoot they allowed us to go to Jordan for the second video, Dominion.
Good-bye Wapping, hello Petra.

Q: The period that you were a member of The Sisters of Mercy, what was the most enjoyable?
A: Petra, riding my little Arabian horse throughout the magnificent city

Posted: 13 Apr 2006, 09:51
by timsinister
Driven wrote: Currently Leching At. :) :innocent:
Heh, well ahead of you. :notworthy:

Posted: 13 Apr 2006, 09:57
by Chairman Bux
The Mirror Crack'd.

Posted: 13 Apr 2006, 10:26
by Dark
metalorange wrote:On reflection Patricia was never really happy with the final sound of "Reflect On This" and has since found it very difficult to listen to.
I don't blame her, to be honest. It happened to me, and some other artists I know. There's always a track or two that you feel some pride in listening to, but the vast majority, you listen to a few months later and think "What the hell was I doing!?"
Musical progression, I guess.

Posted: 13 Apr 2006, 10:29
by Quiff Boy
having some quality control to begin with always helps :lol:


baby pictures indeed :roll:

Posted: 17 Apr 2006, 21:11
by callmelightning
He has said that she was in for her image, not talent.

Posted: 17 Apr 2006, 21:20
by RobF
timsinister wrote:
Driven wrote: Currently Leching At. :) :innocent:
Heh, well ahead of you. :notworthy:
....should have gone to spec-savers....

Jesus people, it looks like Dolly Parton's autopsy. :innocent:

Posted: 18 Apr 2006, 23:01
by RetroGoth
Muppet wrote:Why the general assumption that Pasty DIDN'T play bass on Floodland?
Eldritch (in some interview): "Patricia never played a note on any of the records."
Obviousman wrote:I always find it rather sad some have to advertise their album with a sticker 'ex-so and so' on it :|
Of course, there was that other sad twit who used the term "ex Sisters Of Mercy" after he split the Sisters in 1985...

I downloaded Patsy's album from kazaa ages ago. Glad I didn't buy it as it was awful. I read somewhere (her official site I think) that it was only recently she was able to listen to it again and came up with some excuses for the album. Yup, she thinks it's s**t as well.

As for who played bass on Floodland, I suppose if the name of Meat Loaf's bass player at the time (from the Neverland Express) appears on the album credits then it's a reasonable assumption that Patsy didn't play on Floodland. Eye candy is all she is/was. Also, as there was no tour to promote Floodland, this would add to the assumption she never played on the records.

Without wanting to sound arrogant, I saw her live with The Damned and thought I was a better bass player than she is. At least I have some expression in my playing. I was wearing a Sisters' top which she obviously noticed. Aren't I a naughty boy!

Posted: 18 Apr 2006, 23:12
by Badlander
RetroGoth wrote: Without wanting to sound arrogant, I saw her live with The Damned and thought I was a better bass player than she is. At least I have some expression in my playing. I was wearing a Sisters' top which she obviously noticed. Aren't I a naughty boy!
Very fine, but can you do what she does ? :wink: :lol: :twisted:

Posted: 18 Apr 2006, 23:20
by RetroGoth
Badlander wrote:
RetroGoth wrote: Without wanting to sound arrogant, I saw her live with The Damned and thought I was a better bass player than she is. At least I have some expression in my playing. I was wearing a Sisters' top which she obviously noticed. Aren't I a naughty boy!
Very fine, but can you do what she does ? :wink: :lol: :twisted:

No, probably not. You see, my thighs aren't as big or as wide or as accomodating as hers.

(Resists sad musican's gag of 'twanging G string') :twisted: :P ;)

Posted: 18 Apr 2006, 23:26
by Badlander
Somehow I'm quite relieved. :P 8)

Posted: 18 Apr 2006, 23:30
by scotty
Badlander wrote::lol:
Somehow I'm quite relieved. :P 8)
Don't tell me you've never thought/fantasized about "twanging2 Patsy's G-String Eric? :eek: :twisted:

On a serious note, did she ever play live at a Sisters gig?.

Posted: 18 Apr 2006, 23:39
by Badlander
scotty wrote: Don't tell me you've never thought/fantasized about "twanging2 Patsy's G-String Eric? :eek: :twisted:
Not really Patsy's.

But I could give sooo many other names. :innocent:

Posted: 19 Apr 2006, 09:53
by markfiend
RetroGoth wrote:Also, as there was no tour to promote Floodland, this would add to the assumption she never played on the records.
I think the main reason for the lack of tour for Floodland was that Eldritch didn't want to tour for the sake of his health.

IIRC there wouldn't have been a tour for Vision Thing either, but the sessions went massively over-budget and over-schedule, so the record company insisted.
scotty wrote:On a serious note, did she ever play live at a Sisters gig?.
Nope. There were no Sisters gigs between the Wake gig (18 June 1985 before she joined) and the first Speed Kings gig (20 October 1990 after she'd gone).

Posted: 19 Apr 2006, 11:08
by Dark
markfiend wrote:
scotty wrote:On a serious note, did she ever play live at a Sisters gig?.
Nope. There were no Sisters gigs between the Wake gig (18 June 1985 before she joined) and the first Speed Kings gig (20 October 1990 after she'd gone).
The Trading section wrote:Or are you searching for that elusive ultra rare live bootleg from 1988?
Quiffy's sense of humour, or a secret smoke-and-mirrors affair? ;)

Posted: 19 Apr 2006, 11:15
by Badlander
Dark wrote:
The Trading section wrote:Or are you searching for that elusive ultra rare live bootleg from 1988?
Quiffy's sense of humour, or a secret smoke-and-mirrors affair? ;)
The 88 Montreux affair is sometimes considered a live appearance, which it most definitely wasn't. It was a mere TV show IIRC. Could somebody confirm ?

Posted: 19 Apr 2006, 11:16
by Quiff Boy
the former, i'm afraid :D :lol:

heheheh :twisted:

Posted: 19 Apr 2006, 12:18
by robertzombie
Badlander wrote: The 88 Montreux affair
what's this?

Posted: 19 Apr 2006, 12:19
by markfiend
Badlander wrote:The 88 Montreux affair is sometimes considered a live appearance, which it most definitely wasn't. It was a mere TV show IIRC. Could somebody confirm ?
Unless you count miming to the singles as a "live show" :innocent: :twisted:

Posted: 19 Apr 2006, 12:53
by Badlander
markfiend wrote:
Badlander wrote:The 88 Montreux affair is sometimes considered a live appearance, which it most definitely wasn't. It was a mere TV show IIRC. Could somebody confirm ?
Unless you count miming to the singles as a "live show" :innocent: :twisted:
That's what I thought. Thanks. 8)

Posted: 19 Apr 2006, 14:57
by Dan
Badlander wrote:The 88 Montreux affair is sometimes considered a live appearance, which it most definitely wasn't. It was a mere TV show IIRC. Could somebody confirm ?
Although the performance of Lucretia at Montreux is most definitely a tape, the microphone appears to be switched an, as Von makes a little noise near the start which is audible. The vocals sound mimed though.

Talking of Montreux, years ago someone claimed to have a video of the other song they perfromed there, which was never broadcast. Does this exist?

Posted: 19 Apr 2006, 18:45
by RobF
Dan wrote:
Badlander wrote:The 88 Montreux affair is sometimes considered a live appearance, which it most definitely wasn't. It was a mere TV show IIRC. Could somebody confirm ?
Although the performance of Lucretia at Montreux is most definitely a tape, the microphone appears to be switched an, as Von makes a little noise near the start which is audible. The vocals sound mimed though.

Talking of Montreux, years ago someone claimed to have a video of the other song they perfromed there, which was never broadcast. Does this exist?
I'm pretty sure those T.V. appearance compilation vids you could get from that Count Orlok geezer at record fairs up north about 15 years ago contained two alleged Montreux tracks :?: Might have a look in the attic later, might drink and read instead though, no promises.