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Posted: 06 Jun 2006, 17:51
by emilystrange
mrs vanian

Posted: 06 Jun 2006, 18:30
by mh
"All that's wrong with GOTHs" rather than "GOTH". These people look more like extras from Black Adder to me:


Posted: 06 Jun 2006, 23:18
by James Blast

Posted: 06 Jun 2006, 23:19
by Planet Dave
scotty wrote:
canon docre wrote:
and what would you call the lady to the left?

A right shag :innocent: :twisted:
Is there such a thing as a wrong shag? Don't answer that.

Posted: 06 Jun 2006, 23:21
by DarkAngel
metalorange wrote:...Of course, these days 'gothdom' is a wide area open to many sounds and styles, music and literature than ever before.

What I love about goth, is that it is re-discovered every year by a whole new generation of youths as if it was their own invention. Particularly at Universities, if you don't like the normal majority of everyday types listening to chart music, going goth seems like an expression of defiance and individuality, and especially against boring parents. Of course, in a way the goth look is every bit a uniform and therefore the opposite of individuality - but it is just saved by the twists each new goth brings to it. I just love how it has never died away like so many trends and shows no sign of ever doing so - it still appeals to so many so called 'outsiders' and grants them a community of friendship they would otherwise not have...
Y'know, I like your attitude Metal. :notworthy: :notworthy: I do enjoy some of the clothes and music associated with goths, goffs, gofflita, bugglegum goffs - all of them. They interest me - in a way it feels as though they are daring me to take off my "corporate mask" and have some fun. I've never dressed as a goth but I have always wanted to.

Posted: 06 Jun 2006, 23:22
by James Blast
Planet Dave wrote:Don't answer that.
... but I must...

...Yes! Oh Feck Yes!

Posted: 07 Jun 2006, 00:12
by weebleswobble
James Blast wrote:
Planet Dave wrote:Don't answer that.
... but I must...

...Yes! Oh Feck Yes!
Are you looking for a Jihad?

or Rain From Heaven?

coat, getting, gone......... :twisted:

this jokewill make no sense when the Master Blaster* changes his avator.........................again


Re: All that's wrong with GOTH

Posted: 07 Jun 2006, 00:15
by wild bill buttock
weebleswobble wrote:Image

Wave-Gotik-Treffen (Wave Gothic Meeting)
What-The-Fcuk :lol:
This picture is a dreadful warning to parents of what happens when children play unsupervised with wax crayons.

Wouldn't you just love to give them both such a kicking,for getting it so very,very wrong?

Posted: 07 Jun 2006, 00:53
by Mr Mercy
markfiend wrote:The Wave-Gotik-Treffen photo (and people of that ilk) is part of the reason for the bad press that "goth" gets
I have been know to wear a top hat and frock coat at the Whitby Goth weekend and the local paper give us great press for dressing up and the turists love taking photos and asking about the costumes so its not all bad!
I think the people in the photo are just having fun escaping reality so I dont see any harm in it.

Posted: 07 Jun 2006, 01:25
by metalorange
Yeah, I mean, if you ask different people what a 'goth' is you'll get different answers. Some envisage people dressed like vampires, some envisage Lord Byron types with frilly shirts and period dress, others it's people in bondage gear. The fact is, they're ALL part of gothdom.

Largely, of course, you could say a requirement is predominantly dark clothing, and a liking for any of a wide spectrum of indie/alternative/industrial/rock/etc. music. Within that, all goths are welcomed, like a church not too hung up on rules and regulations and all thinking the same way. It gives people a base platform to express themselves, often in an almost hidden identity way, that they never get to in their normal everyday lives.

The Sisters ARE a goth band. Most people would say a typical goth band plays dark, doom-laden, gloomy music with often screechy, raw vocals. Beyond that, the music could be anything as I've said - indie/alternative/industrial/rock whatever. That's why The Cure and The Cult and Marilyn Mansun all get called goth bands even though they play widely different music. The fans get to say what bracket a band are in, not the band themselves, and while there are goths around the sisters will always be a goth band to at least some of them. It's just I don't see that as something bad that needs rebelling or distancing from.
DarkAngel wrote:
metalorange wrote:...Of course, these days 'gothdom' is a wide area open to many sounds and styles, music and literature than ever before.

What I love about goth, is that it is re-discovered every year by a whole new generation of youths as if it was their own invention. Particularly at Universities, if you don't like the normal majority of everyday types listening to chart music, going goth seems like an expression of defiance and individuality, and especially against boring parents. Of course, in a way the goth look is every bit a uniform and therefore the opposite of individuality - but it is just saved by the twists each new goth brings to it. I just love how it has never died away like so many trends and shows no sign of ever doing so - it still appeals to so many so called 'outsiders' and grants them a community of friendship they would otherwise not have...
Y'know, I like your attitude Metal. :notworthy: :notworthy: I do enjoy some of the clothes and music associated with goths, goffs, gofflita, bugglegum goffs - all of them. They interest me - in a way it feels as though they are daring me to take off my "corporate mask" and have some fun. I've never dressed as a goth but I have always wanted to.

Posted: 07 Jun 2006, 01:33
by Planet Dave
So when the fans turn up in black wedding dresses, and stand there po-faced whinging at the upside-down people (who are actually having fun), who can blame the band for thinking 'wtf?' and trying immediately to put as much distance as possible between themselves and those 'fans'?

And besides which, The Sisters are techno-rock these days. I've just said so, so it must be true.

Posted: 07 Jun 2006, 02:53
by 9while9
I've never understood men wanting to dress up and look effeminate.
I don't really care if they do as long as they don't mind my laughter. :lol:

And I know I've pissed about this before but is not goff closely associated with Ann Rice novels and vampirism. If so then why are son many of them over weight or just pasty white doughy loads? :eek: :urff: I've watched allot of horror movies and I've never seen a big fat arsed vampire. :roll: Yet when I see a group of goffs the majority are shall we say big boned and I wonder who the tent maker is that put together those
XXXXL leather pants? :innocent: :twisted:

Posted: 07 Jun 2006, 02:59
by DarkAngel
Geez 9 - why do you have to be so judgemental. Personally, I would rather spend time with an oddly dressed goff who is pleasant, than an unpleasant "perfect person." :innocent:

Posted: 07 Jun 2006, 06:35
by Ozpat
DarkAngel wrote:Geez 9 - why do you have to be so judgemental. Personally, I would rather spend time with an oddly dressed goff who is pleasant, than an unpleasant "perfect person." :innocent:
That's just making a choice between pleasant and unpleasant. Nothing to do with goff. IMO.

Posted: 07 Jun 2006, 09:01
by timsinister
Nail on the head, Oz. We're quibbling about the different factions of Goff and which is 'right' or 'wrong', when essentially it's the PEOPLE who decide whether or not it works out.

Chances are, as Heartlanders have pointed out, Mr. Lestat and his pale friend in the picture are probably deeply insecure and arrogant attention-whores. They've gone to elaborate lengths on ANYONE's scale, and the majority of people equate them with undesirables - from experience, not from first-hand judgement. We aren't criticising the way they dress, it's the likelihood that the kind of mind underneath all that crushed velvet is quite narrow-minded and slow.

Like anything to do with humans, the more people get involved, the more distorted the idea becomes, and, usually, the worse it gets. So much for the diversity of man...

Posted: 07 Jun 2006, 09:17
by timsinister
Planet Dave wrote:(when they can be arsed to show, Tim :wink: ).
You'll be regretting those fine words by the end of the weekend, m'sieur! :twisted:

Posted: 07 Jun 2006, 09:23
by canon docre
oh come on now Timi, how can you be sure what these people are like? I think they look rather friendly. I could have a cup of blood with them. :wink:

seriously. I have absolutely nothing against people dressing up fancy. If it's their thing, so what? It's definitely nicer to look at them, than at all the drunken mulet-metal peasants I saw yesterday at the Metallica show.

Posted: 07 Jun 2006, 09:57
by markfiend
I'm confused. I've forgotten which side of this I'm arguing for.

Probably both...

Posted: 07 Jun 2006, 11:13
by _emma_

Posted: 07 Jun 2006, 12:23
by metalorange
Well, according to Timsinister, Goths are narrow-minded:
it's the likelihood that the kind of mind underneath all that crushed velvet is quite narrow-minded and slow
but I'm sorry, that is quite a narrow-minded response _emma_ so clearly it isn't the pre-requisite of being a goth!

As I keep arguing, there are many types of goth, you can't lump them all in one bucket. Not all are obsessed with vampires! You get good ones and bad ones just like in any walk of life, but at least they are interesting to look at!

Posted: 07 Jun 2006, 12:35
by _emma_
I forgot to add that it was a fancy-dress birthday party and we listened to some stupid Polish hip-hop all night.

Posted: 07 Jun 2006, 13:33
by Francis
Any lass in a corset gets a big tick from me.

Posted: 07 Jun 2006, 13:45
by markfiend
Francis wrote:Any lass in a corset gets a big tick from me.

Oh! you said tick! :innocent:


Posted: 07 Jun 2006, 15:17
by DarkAngel

Posted: 07 Jun 2006, 15:23
by DarkAngel
Ozpat wrote:
DarkAngel wrote:Geez 9 - why do you have to be so judgemental. Personally, I would rather spend time with an oddly dressed goff who is pleasant, than an unpleasant "perfect person." :innocent:
That's just making a choice between pleasant and unpleasant. Nothing to do with goff. IMO.
O.K., O.K, you are absolutely right. Don't forget to visit ... 479#248479 :lol: