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scotty wrote:Red Hot Chili Peppers, I like The Uplift Mofo Party Plan & Mothers Milk but the rest is just pish.
Indeed, we got one fast one, one slow one and one kind of funky one..err, that's it... ;D
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How dare ye speak ill of thee mighty QUEEN!

May you be smitten!
Nationalise the f**king lot.
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scotty wrote:Red Hot Chili Peppers, I like The Uplift Mofo Party Plan & Mothers Milk but the rest is just pish.
I agree...
Also Echo and the Bunnymen, I hate the guys vocals... :twisted:
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... where do I start...? :|
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... where do I finish...? :|
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James Blast wrote:... where do I start...? :|
Don't tell me, you like the Bunnymen?

edit: Every time I've tried to listen to them I end up thinking "these are the vocals of a whining little puss!"

edit: most times I very much like the instrumentals,
but I can't warm up to the vocals.

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I like Echo and the Bunnymen...

And on a side note-


awwwwwwww wwwwwww so sweet!
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The Beatles.
Pink Floyd.
Jimmy Page.
The Clash.
Velvet Underground.
Green Day.
Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
Rage Against The Machine.
Marilyn Manson.
Blink 182.
Scissor Sisters.
Foo Fighters.
Gary Moore.
Eric Clapton.

Overated, every single one of 'em.
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@Badlander - re the White Album. I'm not mad keen on it to be honest, I thought it was one album's worth of killer and three albums worth of filler. A good proportion of those tracks just should never have seen the light of day - or at least should only have been released on some sort of rarities compilation.

A classic album in the sense of being a classic case of what happens when you dispense with your quality control :innocent:

O-bla-di-o-bla-dah, I mean!!! :urff:

On the other hand, Why Don't We Do It In The Road 8) :notworthy:
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One band who I would personally like to bludgeon to death with various blunt
objects is UB40. I really cannot stand their bland, flaccid cover versions of reggae songs. Have they ever written their own songs?
Words cannot say how much I detest this talentless bunch of cretins who
only exist because there are so many people in the world with absolutly no idea of what quality music should be and settle for this cack!!
Whenever I hear one of their 'songs', I feel physically sick. :urff:
If they ever bring back the death penalty, UB40 should be first in line for
crimes against music and conning stupid people into buying their albums.
Second in line should be the stupid people that bought their albums!

Rant over, I'm off to lie in a darkend room until the psychotic feelings subside.
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Haha, I feel your pain on that one.

Take heart though, at least they don't have critical acclaim or clog up the Top 100 Most Legendary Countdowns In The World Ever....
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Andy Christ 666 wrote:One band who I would personally like to bludgeon to death with various blunt
objects is UB40. I really cannot stand their bland, flaccid cover versions of reggae songs. Have they ever written their own songs?
"1 in 10" and another one about having a rodent in their kitchen.

Coldplay (Obviously)
Anything involving Pete Docherty (He must be sleeping with someone at NME)
The Beatles in their Maharishi phase. They were a good pop band, but nothing meaningful or special.
John Lennon's "Imagine", "Woman", etc..frigging sappy rubbish.
Pink Floyd
Practically everything Led Zep ever performed except "Stairway to Heaven".
Vision Thing. Especially the "Come on, clap along" bit towards the end chorus of "When you don't see me". Just cringe worthy.
The Cult after "Love"
Bob Marley's "Iron, lion,Zion". Crap lyrics and a standard reggae beat.
Boomtown Rats
Prince after the eighties.
The new FOTN album.(Sorry, I just don't think it that good!)
KoRn's past two albums.
Anything by SlipKnot.
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Andy Christ 666 wrote:One band who I would personally like to bludgeon to death with various blunt
objects is UB40. I really cannot stand their bland, flaccid cover versions of reggae songs. Have they ever written their own songs?
Like Claire says : of course they were famous, but I don't think any reasonable person would call them legendary.

Now how about those very obscure, experimental, extreme albums that are considered masterpieces, and that very few people dare criticize (even though lots of people just ignore their very existence). We were discussing the pros and cons (especially the cons, actually) of Throbbing Gristle. Do you have to be impressed just because the music's hard to listen to, and because no one had done it before ? Well, if no one had done it before, maybe it's because it wasn't worth it...

The same applies to Lou Reed's Metal machine music : when it came out (75 iirc) people got mad, more than a few felt robbed... But after a while "those in the know" (especially journalists :innocent: ) started to regard it as some kind of impenetrable piece of art. It was said that on this very occasion Lou Reed invented industrial music.

But couldn't it be just plain rubbish ? Why do some people seem to love it so much ? Did they actually listen to the record or is it just some kind of snobbery ?
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Oh! And how can I have left out Nick Cave?? "Deanna" winning my award for s**t lyrics and just general tone-deafness. "Ku Klux furniture" indeed.. :roll:
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In my twenties I was a social outcast in my peergroup for not liking Guitar Noise Topnotch Cult bands such as Dinosaur Jr or Sonic Youth. :|

Nowadays I get socially rejected because I never got Tool.
Put their heads on f*cking pikes in front of the venue for all I care.
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I'm not overly keen on Westlife.
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canon docre wrote:Nowadays I get socially rejected because I never got Tool.
I've never thought much of them either. We discussed that yesterday and the Antwerp crew agreed they weren't much on album but apparently are doing quite well live IIRC.

Nouvelle Vague is utter pish, IMO, but very little people agree with me :| And as Zuma said: Television, didn't like that one either.

More to follow, certainly ;D
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canon docre wrote:In my twenties I was a social outcast in my peergroup for not liking Guitar Noise Topnotch Cult bands such as Dinosaur Jr or Sonic Youth. :|
Sonic Youth is yet another case of New York snobbery IMHO. But sometimes you just can't say that too loud or you can get into trouble. I know your pain, Jess. :wink: :lol:

I personally find King Crimson (just to name one) wayyyyyyyyyyy better than Sonic Youth : they're just as weird and bizarre, they can be just as noisy if need be, and they don't need to destroy their instruments to make that strange sweet music : they can play ! :roll:
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Badlander wrote:Sonic Youth is yet another case of New York snobbery IMHO. But sometimes you just can't say that too loud or you can get into trouble. I know your pain, Jess. :wink: :lol:
Have a listen to their version of I wanna be your dog... f**king intense :notworthy:
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Obviousman wrote:
Badlander wrote:Sonic Youth is yet another case of New York snobbery IMHO. But sometimes you just can't say that too loud or you can get into trouble. I know your pain, Jess. :wink: :lol:
Have a listen to their version of I wanna be your dog... f**king intense :notworthy:
They also were in an episode of The Simpsons years ago, and they do deserve credit for that. Their version of the series's theme tune was quite funny indeed. But would I call them geniuses ? Certainly not. They usually leave me cold. They may be good but they're also terribly overrated IMO.
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In the end everyone's overrated in some way, I guess...

Another one: Sleep's Holy Mountain. Their Jerusalem is one of my very favourite albums, but while Holy Mountain was met with more acclaim I find it to be true rubbish...
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Pat wrote:I'd have to agree with Claire about The Beatles,Led Zeppelin spring to mind for a lot of dodgy albums with only a couple of good tracks on them.Metallica's first album came highly recommended to me but is utter crud,Sounds ,Kerrang etc were all raving about it.
Metallica's last album, St Anger. I was a huge fan up to the black album. Load, Re-Load etc. were OK but didn't really do it for me. So when the pre-release reviews heralded St Anger as "a triumphant return to form" I was really looking forward to it. But on first listen I thought it was the most turgid piece of shit I'd ever heard. I've listened to it 3 or 4 times since, each time hoping that it would be a 'grower' - but no, it's about the only album I own that I dislike more each time I listen to it.

Agree about Led Zeppelin. I always liked classic rock/metal (Purple, Sabbath) but never really got into Led Zep. Obviously I was familiar with tracks like Stairway to Heaven etc. I eventually got round to picking up their 'Remasters' double CD a couple of years ago ... and was hugely disappointed. Other than 4 or 5 tracks, I found it all pretty bland.
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Maybe it's cos i'm quite young,or i am not well educated enough, but i really dislike Pink Floyd :( , it gets me on my nerves ;) .
And well Kid Rock which i didn't like, been told he wuz gr8 bought the album, listened to it twice , gave it to a friend the following day :D .
And when Live wuz a quite a hit, i just thought i'd buy the album and that i felt wuz a very big dissapointment.

my taste stretches from folk-to black metal , but i do have my limits ;)

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Miles Davis..Tried but never found him to be that great.I've got A Kind of Blue but it's background music rather than ground breaking music.
The Beach Boys have a couple of decent singles but Pet Sounds is not the classic it's made out to be.David Bowie...flaky.Constantly swings between pure genius and turd polisher, choose you albums carefully.
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canon docre wrote:In my twenties I was a social outcast in my peergroup for not liking Guitar Noise Topnotch Cult bands such as Dinosaur Jr or Sonic Youth. :|

Nowadays I get socially rejected because I never got Tool.
until this very moment I thought maybe I would understand the goodness of these bands one day :twisted:
but in general... too much... what PIB said, for example.
and I have never known how to enjoy The Cure - apart from the album "Seventeen Seconds" which I like very much and Bob's work for the Banshees...
back to Jessica's note - most of my friends like one Estonian band and make me feel the same way - how good that you don't know what I'm talking about :wink:
oh yeah, and there's always another question causing embarrassing situations - bands of your very good friends... :oops:
EDIT: believe me, I didn't mean anyone from H-land - I know exactly what I meant.
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