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Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 22:01
by eotunun
boudicca wrote:
eotunun wrote:I´d insert Troisdorf. Where can I order an A-Bomb to free the world of that shame?
The internet's a big place :wink:
I remember there was an tutorial in the early days of the web how to make one with kitchen stuff such as cake glaze and so on.. :twisted:
*starts digging for the tutorial*

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 22:47
by boudicca
eotunun wrote:
boudicca wrote:
eotunun wrote:I´d insert Troisdorf. Where can I order an A-Bomb to free the world of that shame?
The internet's a big place :wink:
I remember there was an tutorial in the early days of the web how to make one with kitchen stuff such as cake glaze and so on.. :twisted:
*starts digging for the tutorial*
Nah, I tried it, but Glasgow's still there, as you can see...

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 23:35
by Ahráyeph
Because you ate the cake glaze, Claire, admit it... :twisted:

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 01:55
by 6FeetOver
Did I say Chicago? I *meant* "the U.S." Now, where was that recipe, Jumlaut? :twisted:

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 07:29
by boudicca
Ahráyeph wrote:Because you ate the cake glaze, Claire, admit it... :twisted:
That would just make me a suicide A-Bomber :eek: :lol:

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 09:35
by eotunun
boudicca wrote:
Ahráyeph wrote:Because you ate the cake glaze, Claire, admit it... :twisted:
That would just make me a suicide A-Bomber :eek: :lol:
:eek: But you dinnae look like such a glutton!?! :eek:

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 09:41
by Ahráyeph
Just don't blow up Troisdorf until I've left, ok? Saturday, after six, you can inflict all the damage you want to it... ;D

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 09:43
by boudicca
Wotcha doin' in Jumlaut-town, Raf?

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 10:14
by eotunun
boudicca wrote:Jumlaut-town
That sounds way better than Troisdorf.. ;D
"Jumlaut-town, capital of the Kynikreich, home of the Emperor"

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 10:35
by boudicca
Jumburg :wink:

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 10:46
by Ahráyeph
boudicca wrote:Wotcha doin' in Jumlaut-town, Raf?
Distributing sleep medicine, sorry, Duvel on my way to Slovenia ;D. Jumdorf is on my way, so it seemed like a good idea to stop by and visit a HL friend...

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 11:54
by eotunun
Ahráyeph wrote:
boudicca wrote:Wotcha doin' in Jumlaut-town, Raf?
Distributing sleep medicine, sorry, Duvel on my way to Slovenia ;D. Jumdorf is on my way, so it seemed like a good idea to stop by and visit a HL friend...
Jumburg is best pronounciationwise!
By the way, Raf Gulasch or Bolognese? ;D

(Due to technincal problems there is only a limited range of dishes available. Amongst these technical problems are the cook´s skills at cookery..) :innocent:

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 12:25
by Ahráyeph
eotunun wrote:
Ahráyeph wrote:
boudicca wrote:Wotcha doin' in Jumlaut-town, Raf?
Distributing sleep medicine, sorry, Duvel on my way to Slovenia ;D. Jumdorf is on my way, so it seemed like a good idea to stop by and visit a HL friend...
Jumburg is best pronounciationwise!
Of course it is... ;D
By the way, Raf Gulasch or Bolognese? ;D

(Due to technincal problems there is only a limited range of dishes available. Amongst these technical problems are the cook´s skills at cookery..) :innocent:
Traveling Unit ARF does not require nourishment during its daytime transitional period. It can only be fed at nighttime and in certain places (preferably mid- Bavaria, since it's halfway) along its travel route. Failure to comply will result in sleepiness while driving,which is to be avoided at all cost, so as to insure the safety of the German driving population... :lol:
But thanks for the nice offer, Sir Jümlaut of Jümburg; I will certainly take you up on it another time! :notworthy:

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 12:46
by boudicca
Fun fun fun on the Autobahn 8)

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 12:47
by Ahráyeph
Genau... ;D

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 13:03
by Arch Deviant
SINsister wrote: No insult intended whatsoever, sweets! I referenced:

1. your ability to travel all over the place and to exotic locales (lots of disposable income, free time, etc.)

b. the thin, attractive women (top photo) frolicking in the surf (later photo - because the hair colors are similar, I thought the surf pic was of you three).

You're an actress? If not, what then? I wondered about your avatar pic...

And thanks! :oops:'ve got yourself *2* hot babes, and I can't even get a single decent-looking guy... :evil: :cry: :von:
1. My lots of disposable income comes from selling a very beautiful property left to me by my father which then buys me freedom to roam.

2. The thin, attractive women are my travelling companions and long-time friends of mine. They are not in the position I am as far as money is concerned but I bought their freedom for a while because I love them. I have to agree that they are hot

Posted: 28 Mar 2007, 14:17
by Arch Deviant
Rebekah del Rio has checked in to the same hotel :eek:

Posted: 28 Mar 2007, 14:20
by Obviousman
Arch Deviant wrote:Rebekah del Rio has checked in to the same hotel :eek:
The one from Mulholland Drive? :eek: :eek: :eek:

Posted: 28 Mar 2007, 18:06
by Arch Deviant
The very same, she sang Llorando (Crying) like an Angel. I'm going for breakfast to see if I can spot her.

Posted: 28 Mar 2007, 18:11
by 6FeetOver
She's pretty, but a little...erm...squishy. Hehehe. ;D

Posted: 28 Mar 2007, 18:21
by Arch Deviant
SINsister wrote:She's pretty, but a little...erm...squishy. Hehehe. ;D
Squishy is okay when your tired of slim :lol:

She wasn't there :( No matter I shall find her. I wonder if i can get hre to sing........mmmmmm

Posted: 28 Mar 2007, 18:31
by paint it black
Arch Deviant wrote:
SINsister wrote:She's pretty, but a little...erm...squishy. Hehehe. ;D
Squishy is okay when your tired of slim :lol:

She wasn't there :( No matter I shall find her. I wonder if i can get hre to sing........mmmmmm
you want her to do a crashtest dummies cover song, most people settle for an autograph

Posted: 28 Mar 2007, 19:54
by Obviousman
As long as you record it it's fine by me :D Llorando is extremely stunning, makes that lovely movie even better perhaps :notworthy:

Posted: 28 Mar 2007, 20:00
by 6FeetOver
Arch Deviant wrote:
SINsister wrote:She's pretty, but a little...erm...squishy. Hehehe. ;D
Squishy is okay when your tired of slim :lol:

:eek: Say what?! Je ne comprends pas... :P

Posted: 07 Apr 2007, 12:18
by Arch Deviant
We are off to the islands of Japan tomorrow..........


Aloha mai nõ