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Posted: 15 Dec 2007, 17:30
by 6FeetOver
And by the way, where have you been lately, sir?

Posted: 15 Dec 2007, 17:35
by eastmidswhizzkid
SINsister wrote::eek: Eh? The only Mongolian ensemble I know of doesn't exactly rap... :P
aah! you're forgetting the mogolian silent "c", which is pronounced at a frequency that only horses and zebra can hear. :innocent:

Posted: 15 Dec 2007, 17:36
by 6FeetOver
So that explains why I'm always doubling over in agony out of the blue, clutching my head!


Posted: 15 Dec 2007, 17:43
by eastmidswhizzkid
naah, that's a hangover!

Posted: 15 Dec 2007, 17:45
by 6FeetOver
No it's not, actually. I never drink enough for that. :(

Posted: 15 Dec 2007, 17:49
by eastmidswhizzkid
even worse! psycho-sematic hangover pains -the universe's way of telling you you're suffering an alchohol defficiency and need to wake up with a bottle of white cider in your teas-made and vodka and orange on your cornflakes for a fortnight to "re-tox". ;D

Posted: 15 Dec 2007, 17:51
by 6FeetOver

Bzzzzt! This is shorting out my CPU, y'know. I really don't appreciate it. :P


Posted: 15 Dec 2007, 17:53
by eastmidswhizzkid
itnAklipse wrote:i also used to like Christina Aguilera before she got married.
why? it's a bit naive to imagine she's still a virgin, and it's loads easier to steal hot chicks once they get married and the excitement has gone from their lives. :twisted:

Posted: 15 Dec 2007, 17:55
by 6FeetOver
HA! I've never been married (nor will ever be) - so what's my excuse, then? *Sigh* :|

Wait - don't answer that. :von:

Posted: 15 Dec 2007, 18:24
by eastmidswhizzkid
have we hijacked and derailed this thread as well then? at this rate the only threads left in sisters chat will "what name could the next album have" and "does anyone know what andrew eldritch's initials are and where can i get some the same" !

Posted: 15 Dec 2007, 18:28
by 6FeetOver
True, dat - but it's not like there's ever any *real* Girls news! :(

Posted: 15 Dec 2007, 18:36
by eastmidswhizzkid
miserably, i'm forced to admit you ain't wrong doll. :( right that's it: i'm off to drink myself to death (well actuyally a long way up the road from death, but near enough to get sympathy from tourists.

night, night! :wink:

Posted: 15 Dec 2007, 18:39
by 6FeetOver
Peace, bro. \m/ :von: