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Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 23:33
by 6FeetOver
Owing to the nature of some of the dreams I've endured over the years, I'm not sure I'd want to watch them...


Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 23:34
by Hexe Luciferia
I actually would like to watch over even the bad ones...woudl be like watching a horror flick, I think -once you're awake and you know you aren't in that situation for real...
Don't know, maybe I'm just more f*cked up than I think...

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 23:35
by eotunun
And one from Jum´s slapsticky world. A true dream!

I lie in my bed and sleep when I hear my alarm clock go off. I think "Not just yet" and turn it off. It keeps beeping. I hit the switch again. No effect. I hit the switch hard. No effect. Retry several times, same thing. I take the clock and slam it really violently onto the floor. The housing breaks, the battery rolls across the floor, the clock is definately dead. ..and keeps ringing.

Then I wake up. The alarm clock is in place, and I can turn it off absolutely normally.

That was about two years ago. I guess there is only one person in the world to whom such bollox-dream actually happens, and that is me. :roll:

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 23:37
by 6FeetOver
scotty wrote:
SINsister wrote:Too late, m'dear. ;)

Oh Keef, you're a sweetheart, really! :kiss:

But y'know, as lame/pathetic as it may sound, it's probably for the best. It wouldn't be fair to the other person (in fact, it'd be downright cruel), because I'm incapable (at this juncture, anyway) of reciprocating any such feelings. :|

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 23:38
by scotty
SINsister wrote:
scotty wrote:
SINsister wrote:Too late, m'dear. ;)
(at this juncture, anyway)
See, I'm right again, never give up :D :wink:

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 23:38
by Hexe Luciferia
SINsister wrote:
scotty wrote:
SINsister wrote:Too late, m'dear. ;)

But y'know, as lame/pathetic as it may sound, it's probably for the best. It wouldn't be fair to the other person (in fact, it'd be downright cruel), because I'm incapable (at this juncture, anyway) of reciprocating any such feelings. :|
Yep, I'm with you there, love. I know what you mean... :|

Posted: 09 Mar 2008, 23:44
by 6FeetOver
scotty wrote:See, I'm right again, never give up :D :wink:
It's not like it's even an option, though, sir. So the whole point is rather moot. :von:

Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 05:59
by reactiv8
SINsister wrote:Owing to the nature of some of the dreams I've endured over the years, I'm not sure I'd want to watch them...

:wink: :kiss:

Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 10:54
by Planet Dave
weebleswobble wrote:...somebody loved me
:notworthy: he shoots he scores :notworthy:

Last night I dreamt that my new house became infested with ants and wasps (half likely as Allerton Bywater is basically one big fckng ants nest). I picked up Ethan's toy Uzi and fired it, hoping the noise would attract the wasps (they were them big chuffin wood wasps by the way, the Special Ops of the wasp world). It worked, so I lured them into my walk-in microwave (???), ran out, shut the door, and set it on max. Not wishing to witness their demise, because hey they're fairly innocent b*stards when push comes to shove, I wandered off and did something else. A while later I went to clean up, only to see the swarm of b*stards still buzzing around, having soaked up a good 10 minutes worth of full power microwaves. To my distress but also relief, they then splattered in true early-Peter Jackson stylee all over the shop, even cracking the glass on the 'microwave' window. THEN I woke up.

Ace. 8)

Oh and btw, The Mighty Boosh is brilliant. Thank you very much.

Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 19:39
by timsinister
Only because Fielding plays a bloody brain-dead vapid scenester. Which indeed he might be, saw him at a gig in Leeds a few months back, and he was...a brain dead vapid scenester. *shrug*

Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 20:22
by eotunun
reactiv8 wrote:Image
Basically, I agree, BUT.. :wink:

Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 20:23
by Hexe Luciferia
eotunun wrote:
reactiv8 wrote:Image
Basically, I agree, BUT.. :wink:
The one with the little bird on is mine...

Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 20:25
by eotunun
I guess there'll be a discussion with other aspirants for these means of transportation.

Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 20:27
by Hexe Luciferia
eotunun wrote:I guess there'll be a discussion with other aspirants for these means of transportation.
I suppose it works on the "I saw it first!".
No one shall touch my birdie on the broom!

Posted: 16 Mar 2008, 06:07
by reactiv8
of Summer on a Boat in the 1950s ...


Were things really better then? (assuming you were at Oxbridge of course!)


Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 05:51
by reactiv8
That Neverland was better than a Global Recession ...



Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 08:06
by timsinister
Zombie hunting. My mind can be so predictable sometimes. 8)

Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 10:14
by xfloorshowx
strange dream tonight... was at a Sisters gig and they had a new singer :eek: the strange thing is it was Carl McCoy... he had problems "singing" Alice..

I was the only one in the audience that found it strange that Von was replaced by Carl, the rest of the line-up was Robochrist, Ben and Tony James on bass :?

I wasn't even drunk yesterday

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 02:57
by reactiv8
:eek: Are you seeking counselling? :wink:

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 03:48
by weebleswobble
xfloorshowx wrote:strange dream tonight... was at a Sisters gig and they had a new singer :eek: the strange thing is it was Carl McCoy... he had problems "singing" Alice..

I was the only one in the audience that found it strange that Von was replaced by Carl, the rest of the line-up was Robochrist, Ben and Tony James on bass :?

I wasn't even drunk yesterday
Do you have it on FLAC? :innocent:

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 09:23
by xfloorshowx
weebleswobble wrote:
xfloorshowx wrote:strange dream tonight... was at a Sisters gig and they had a new singer :eek: the strange thing is it was Carl McCoy... he had problems "singing" Alice..

I was the only one in the audience that found it strange that Von was replaced by Carl, the rest of the line-up was Robochrist, Ben and Tony James on bass :?

I wasn't even drunk yesterday
Do you have it on FLAC? :innocent:
As soon as technology makes it possible to transfer it from the little harddrive in my head to a computer I'll share it with you... beware!

Posted: 25 Mar 2008, 22:52
by alice
Too busy reading let alone post stuff these days, but in this one my ex had moved to berlin to open a pie shop and bakery, which was also a sex shop, and being at someones flat we wanted to have breakfast on the roof terrasse but we couldn't find chairs without broken legs. There were my work colleagues in that place as well as Von (i think). In a room next door everybody was fat with long greasy hair and eyting like pigs. When we then went to my office, everybody was on the floor, f**king........

Oh and there was a dream where i dreamt Von's suit was haunted.....can't remember much of it except that i kept dreaming i was waking up in that dream, and that i was in bed never really knowing if i was awake or not. Finally i just figured that if the there was a ghost haunting the suit, it might be Von's so i should just try and have sex with it...

Posted: 26 Mar 2008, 01:10
by eldorado69
Last night in the middle of a dream
Fiery red dog eyes double beamed
Telling me directions of my soul
Poured my life inside a bullet hole

Posted: 26 Mar 2008, 06:22
by Tashara
Last night, I had a dream about :von:.. Him, and I'm not sure, but I thought he looked something like James Ray. Or was him.
In the dream, I thought it was Andrew and a brother of his.
They were both standing together, singing a song. I don't remember what it was or what it sounded like. I am unsure that I actually heard anything in the dream.
They were smiling and having a good time singing it.
I commented to :von: something like "It's so nice to see you both smiling, and being nice to your brother". Still smiling, he replied with something to the effect of "Yeah, if you say so", because it was something that might not last.

I don't know what brought on that dream.

Posted: 26 Mar 2008, 23:36
by psichonaut
Tashara wrote:Last night, I had a dream about :von:.. Him, and I'm not sure, but I thought he looked something like James Ray. Or was him.
In the dream, I thought it was Andrew and a brother of his.
They were both standing together, singing a song. I don't remember what it was or what it sounded like. I am unsure that I actually heard anything in the dream.
They were smiling and having a good time singing it.
I commented to :von: something like "It's so nice to see you both smiling, and being nice to your brother". Still smiling, he replied with something to the effect of "Yeah, if you say so", because it was something that might not last.

I don't know what brought on that dream.
;D ;D ;D
not last night but, last week, if i remember well, i dreamt about a duet with Ian Astbury.....simply astonishing beeing on stage with him on the stage.....and when the crowd was screaming for the enchore, a person behind the stage called me and said: "Marco, it's time to bring the monsters at schooolllll" :lol: :lol: :lol: