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Posted: 21 Mar 2008, 21:27
by Prescott
Listen to "20 Miles Up" and "Babylonian Tower" by Tarwater as well. Those two tracks are from 1998 and 2005 and the vocals are very very clear.

Yeah the key phrase above is "openly perform". Which would explain why a couple of guys from Berlin would be happy to use him as a session vocalist and he was happy with not taking any credit. I think that "Mobile Home" remix or whatever it is of Mother Russia is a hint. That's the only way I discovered Tarwater myself.

Maybe it really was Adam holding things up all along?
Hopefully Adam agreed to sell him the rights to Crash And Burn, etc.

Posted: 21 Mar 2008, 23:32
by Dr. Moody
well Ive listened to more tarwater and I retract my earlier statement,
it could very well be him. wow.
there's even a song called when love was the law and another one called seven of nine ! holy f**k


Posted: 21 Mar 2008, 23:56
by Prescott
:D Hopefully he'll come out and take credit for it now. Currently listening to the song "Euroslut" and I really like "Tommy Tommorow". :von:

Posted: 22 Mar 2008, 00:04
by MadameButterfly
No one says holy f**k within these walls without a general listening pleasure...please fair! :|

Posted: 22 Mar 2008, 01:01
by sultan2075
Dr. Moody wrote:well Ive listened to more tarwater and I retract my earlier statement,
it could very well be him. wow.
there's even a song called when love was the law and another one called seven of nine ! holy f**k
There are certainly a few points where it sounds just like him, but there are a few others where it really doesn't.

There's also the matter of the lyrics: again, some sound like him to me, but some don't (like that line about making love in glass boxes or something. Not good).

Posted: 22 Mar 2008, 19:35
by bananacamel
Thought I'd join in. Could well be him couldn't it?

I like it anyway. Thanks Prescott for the post :D

Posted: 22 Mar 2008, 20:09
by Josch
do you realy believe, if A.E. would do something to do with any band which releases CD´s nowbody would know that?

I don´t think so. Too may people are involeved in such a process, or?
It could not be a secret over years. Perhaps just vor one album, but i don´t think over a long time.

maybe i am wrong...


Posted: 22 Mar 2008, 20:15
by 6FeetOver
Ok, so I checked out Tarwater's MySpaz page, and it looks like they're touring. If Eldo were really the vocalist, don't you think someone would notice?

Posted: 22 Mar 2008, 20:31
by bananacamel
Could just be vocalist on a few tracks. He could easily overlay his vocals in his own studio, and post the result for final mixing :|

Who knows! Maybe he's a lazy sod and does nothing all day :urff:

I like the covert Eldo story better :twisted:

Posted: 22 Mar 2008, 20:37
by EvilBastard
Mr Camel! Welcome back! How was your trip?

Posted: 22 Mar 2008, 20:45
by Prescott
Yeah I like the music anyways too. But I wouldn't put it past him to do the studio vocals and then Lippok or whoever sings the stuff live. 20 quid says the vocals for Tarwater's live stuff don't sound like their studio vocals. That would be the final proof for me. Off to find live Tarwater.

Posted: 23 Mar 2008, 01:58
by bananacamel
EvilBastard wrote:Mr Camel! Welcome back! How was your trip?
It was a most excellent trip, and fun was certainly on the agenda for the full time away. Been back a few months now and got a job, it's like we've never been away :cry:

Lucky we did come back though, March Violets gig and The m*****n final 4 gigs, it would have been expensive to keep flying back fo them :notworthy: :lol:

Did get to see The Cure in Singapore though, goth on back packing tour ;D

Posted: 23 Mar 2008, 12:14
by Dr. Moody
Have been listeneing quite a bit now and either way I really like em.
Was wondering about the touring thing too,
I reckon he likes to dabble with it and as he dosen't want any credit some vocals and lyrics are the other guy's and some are his,
deepening the cryptic nature of the project etc.
Not easy bein a sisters fan is it, the lengths we will go to for fresh produce.

Alternatively Tarwater have a serious case of the merry thoughts. :lol:
Top find and on constant rotation at castle Moody at the moment !

Posted: 23 Mar 2008, 23:30
by pmetrics
Hi everybody,

first post ever in Heartland, into the Sisters since the 80's though.
The rumour that AE was involved somehow with Tarwater has been around since the mid 90's. Look what a simple google search revealed ... -1998.html

On the VT issu, I initially disliked it but gradually got into it (especially after I turned 30 :D ). The remix of WYDSM is best though

Posted: 24 Mar 2008, 01:35
by Dark
pmetrics wrote:The remix of WYDSM is best though
I like you already. You're staying. ;)

Posted: 24 Mar 2008, 01:42
by 6FeetOver
Welcome to the madhouse, pmetrics! ;D

Posted: 24 Mar 2008, 01:46
by 6FeetOver

Posted: 24 Mar 2008, 02:20
by pmetrics
thanks for the warm welcome!
It looks that AE sings on Mobile Home (according to the credits on track 9). The album is not available online though, and the usual vendors do not seem to sell it either, so probably difficult to get hold of.

Posted: 24 Mar 2008, 02:35
by mh
Ah, Rabbit Moon, I was wondering where the name Tarwater rang a bell from. Subject came up here a good while back. Think I have an MP3 of Mobile Home somewhere, and if memory serves it's just the vocals lifted directly off Floodland.

Welcome onboard pmetrics, by the way! :D

Posted: 24 Mar 2008, 18:16
by eastmidswhizzkid
back to VT: first of all, i love the album...but then i love everything the sisters have done, to one degree or another. and regardless of the distinct individual styles of the recorded works i think they all sit easily with each other in a live situation -alongside the "new" stuff.
there has always the unifying element of eldritch's voice and lyrics, as well as the fact that whenever he wasn't the sole writer of the music he has always had the lion's share of the creative control.
so, -secondly- since the first split in '85 this control has been absolute,to the extent that any song-writing partnership has been with musicians chosen by eldritch (and thus, presumably,reflecting his own idea of what direction the band should take).
the writing parnership for VT was with bruhn -a guitarist with a distinctly rock style.
(thirdly) now: i'm not saying it was a fashion-thing (more likely it's a stage a lot of bands go through in their developement) but when VT came out (and by that i mean the late '80/90s) , it seemed a lot of people were bringing out "metal" albums distinct from their "regular" (previous recorded) styles. off the top of my head ministry's psalm 69 and electric by the cult spring to mind.

at the end of the day,it's all sisters music. :von:

Posted: 24 Mar 2008, 21:08
by mh
Tarwater - Mobile Home

I found the MP3. It has a date of 5th July 2007 on it, so it's possible that it was discussed on here around that time, although a search turns up nowt.

Stylistically, it's very ambient/electronic, with a squelchy drumbeat and lotsa bleepy noises. Very slow.

The "Eldritch vocals" consist of a very electro-distorted (almost vocoder-like) rendition of the main part of Mother Russia (from "We serve" up to "stuck inside...") at the beginning, then it goes off into noodling territory for the rest of the song. There's also some low moaning at the end that could be more vocals, or could be an instrument.

Overall it's nice, but not really earth-shattering. I'd put up a download but it's probably illegal...

Posted: 24 Mar 2008, 22:34
by Prescott
I've heard it too. I listened closely to the vocals of Tarwater's Live stuff that is on YouTube. It's similar. So I must admit that maybe the guy's merely as much of a fan as the rest of us and it is another The Merry Thoughts thing all over again. I do like the music though. Oh well.

As for Vision Thing it's fantastic, and it certainly trips the light.

Posted: 25 Mar 2008, 21:22
by White Like Jesus
mh wrote:Aye, it's not a bad LP (unless you're Keith) but definitely not up to the standard. Best place to listen to VT is in a dank and grimy metal bar. :D Works pretty well there.
Thing is, I think the quality of guitar music would be better at a grimy metal bar. I'd rather hear the popular 80's thrash bands like Metallica or Slayer over a sampled, metal knockoff sound. I mean, the guitars sound like they're either from the first few seasons of the Power Rangers TV show, or written as a soundtrack to a video game like Mega Man X. Though the title track is sorta catchy in spite of that.

Re: So I'm sitting through 'Vision Thing' for the first time

Posted: 25 Mar 2008, 22:40
by scotty
EvilBastard wrote:

Oh, and Keef, who secretly loves it but won't admit it :lol:
:evil: :evil: :lol: fuckin' BON JOVI cover LP :evil:

Posted: 26 Mar 2008, 00:56
by road_kill
mh wrote:Tarwater - Mobile Home

I found the MP3. It has a date of 5th July 2007 on it, so it's possible that it was discussed on here around that time, although a search turns up nowt.
I found it and posted it up just before the last great Heartland crash which lost 4 days worth of posts I think. There was a good discussion about this and another notable one about the Paris Riots "Jacobs Ladder" demo auction which a forum member bought and still hasn't shared with us, both lost...

I don't think the vocoder bit is :von: but the wordless groaning at the end could possibly be...