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Posted: 08 Aug 2008, 14:03
by taliabee
SINsister wrote:
taliabee wrote:are you anywhere near east anglia?! or london!?
I'd give my eye teeth to be there, hon! I'm stuck in East Buttf*ck, Connecticut, USA, unfortunately. :cry:
well, if you're ever over this way - give us a shout! you know where i'll be (ie here!) :)
talia xx

Posted: 08 Aug 2008, 14:06
by taliabee
DerekR wrote:
taliabee wrote:not sure what the swear filter is like on here!
Fucking broke! :lol:

Welcome btw 8)
thanks! on another forum i went to, the swear filter changed rat-arsed to rat - not-inclined!!! the sentence did not make sense! also, it made scun thorpe into s---thorpe!! i mean, that's a really sensitive filter :)
t xx

edited - blimey, this one has done it as well - i feel really sorry for anyone who lives there - lol!

Posted: 08 Aug 2008, 14:56
by Dark
Who'd want to talk about Scunthorpe anyway? :lol:

Welcome :)

Posted: 08 Aug 2008, 15:15
by taliabee
Dark wrote:Who'd want to talk about Scunthorpe anyway? :lol:

Welcome :)
thanks - never been there but, i do feel a bit sorry for it (and it cannot, cannot be as bad as the hell that is lowestoft! i might be in the back of beyond here but, at least i'm not there :lol: )
t xx

Posted: 09 Aug 2008, 00:16
by Bartek
well... hmm... it's good damn good
a few bit of funny dialogues, few bits of funny situations
lots of good action, but a bit, just a little bit, of this shallow American pseudo- philosophy-morality but i don't fell like i waste my time or money. catch my throat from the begging to the end. i planned to see this movie 'coz i wanted to laugh about all those, so~called, artistic films I've seen before - well i was wrong it is utter good.
now go and watch it ! :notworthy:

Posted: 09 Aug 2008, 00:42
by robertzombie
I wish the pirates would hurry up with the screener :innocent:

Posted: 09 Aug 2008, 01:08
by Silver_Owl
robertzombie wrote:I wish the pirates would hurry up with the screener :innocent:
No, no, NO :!: It's a cinematic must, young Robert.

Posted: 09 Aug 2008, 09:00
by Bartek

Posted: 09 Aug 2008, 12:22
by robertzombie
I've seen it at the pictures, now I want it in my living room!

Posted: 09 Aug 2008, 18:37
by Pista
Just got back from Veszprem cinema & I am lost for words (hooray, I hear you all cry).

Best Batfilm of the lot.
I thought Nicholson was good, but Ledger is incredible.
The whole film is so dark & pretty brutal.
& yes folks. Believe the hype. Ledger steals the show. His Joker is so scary it made me shiver.
You know how in Star Wars films everything is deliberately made to look used & a bit battered?
Well, the joker is just like that. None of the perfect Nicholson make up, but a ghastly joker face & messed up hair makes him actually believable.
His voice was menacing & rather than clowning around, he was sinister & psychotic.
I will go & see it again next week.
BTW. Love the pencil trick.

Posted: 09 Aug 2008, 18:48
by Bartek
Pista wrote: BTW. Love the pencil trick.
oh yes :lol:

and negotiations with this copr. about "who is batman", well played

Posted: 09 Aug 2008, 18:52
by Big Si

Posted: 09 Aug 2008, 19:16
by Bartek
seems that reaction of everyone everywhere is the same.

Posted: 09 Aug 2008, 20:01
by GC
Has n't there been a lot of complaints about the sound. Too loud that it actually distracts from the film? (I've yet to see it by the way)

Posted: 09 Aug 2008, 21:34
by Pista
It was loud.
Lots of bangs & explosions, but didn't take anything away from the film.

Posted: 10 Aug 2008, 13:47
by Ramone
Just to throw my two pence worth in ( or $8 dollars, depending on the current exchange rate).

I thought this and the previous Batman are the two films we've been waiting for.

The original t.v series for all it's camp comic book fun was just that, over the top and rightly owned it's place in television history.

Tim Burton's version turned down the colour contrast of Gotham with it's brooding skylines and menacing streets that once haunted cities like New York he insured the character of Batman had some real edge, a life and emotion- but it still managed to keep the child friendly 'virtual' laughter track intact for the kids.

Christopher Nolan's bypasses and in my opinion surpasses all of the above. Taking the genre back to the Batman you saw on the cover of comic magazines and wondered ..where's that 'Zap' and 'Ka-Pow' bubble and why is he so big and scary?! He's not like that nice Batman you see at the cinema :(

This Batman is for the adults. Heath's Joker was akin to some one you would never want to be left alone with as a child. Unlike Uncle Jack as the previous incarnation of the Joker who did look he'd have a flower that sprayed water - Ledger's would spin and decapitate you!

Once the Joker appears and he systematically assassinates each and one of his bank heist accomplices - you know this is not going to be a Disney film for kids.

So Pros and cons of Dark Knight-
Pros: Batman can be just as evil and menacing as any one of his assailants, just ask Joker when he's in Police custody! Ledger's Joker helps erase all the memories of Jerry Hall and they got rid of Katie Holmes!

Cons: It's twenty minutes too long!

OH while I'm here please avoid Starship Troopers 3 - It's beyond
dreadful !!

Some one arrest Mary-Kate Olson , she's definitely helping in the hiding of the truth behind Heath Ledger's death in NYC. The Whore

Posted: 10 Aug 2008, 14:06
by markfiend
Ramone wrote: Pros: Batman can be just as evil and menacing as any one of his assailants,
Excellent. Just as it should be. The Batman is (or at least should be) as much of a lunatic as the Joker.

Face it, normal people don't dress up as a bat to fight crime...

Posted: 10 Aug 2008, 17:15
by Almiche V
markfiend wrote:
Ramone wrote: Pros: Batman can be just as evil and menacing as any one of his assailants,
Excellent. Just as it should be. The Batman is (or at least should be) as much of a lunatic as the Joker.

Face it, normal people don't dress up as a bat to fight crime...
Excellent. Going to see it this week and cannae wait.

Posted: 10 Aug 2008, 18:38
by Dark
No Adam West? Then I am not interested.

Posted: 10 Aug 2008, 20:00
by Big Si
Ramone wrote:Once the Joker appears and he systematically assassinates each and one of his bank heist accomplices - you know this is not going to be a Disney film for kids.
Sorry mate you're wrong. The robbers kill each other as The Joker has promised the survivors a bigger share of the takings. He only kills the Bus Driver :wink:

Posted: 10 Aug 2008, 20:00
by Norman Hunter
It's ace.

Is that a good enough review..?

Posted: 10 Aug 2008, 20:32
by taliabee
Norman Hunter wrote:It's ace.

Is that a good enough review..?
yes, will go and see it pronto - purely on the strength of your review :D
talia xx

Posted: 10 Aug 2008, 20:40
by Pista
markfiend wrote:
Face it, normal people don't dress up as a bat to fight crime...
don't they?
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