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Posted: 08 Nov 2008, 16:04
by markfiend
James Blast wrote:Not one person has mentioned faith.
I like the Pete Townsend line "faith in something bigger" so I've lived my life that way, since the mid 70s

he did write:
"faith in something bigger
faith inside us all"

but then, he'd never driven to Motherwell for 18 years, WTF does he ken!
I try to have faith in humanity; I must admit that incidents like the one I describe in the first post test that faith...

Re: 'doing something': we have groups like Amnesty International to get involved with, one person may not be able to do much but collectively a large group can make a difference.

Posted: 08 Nov 2008, 16:40
by James Blast
I will not post after 12 cans of Holsten Pils again
I will not post after 12 cans of Holsten Pils again
I will not post after 12 cans of Holsten Pils again
I will not post after 12 cans of Holsten Pils again
I will not post after 12 cans of Holsten Pils again
I will not post after 12 cans of Holsten Pils again

Posted: 08 Nov 2008, 16:50
by 6FeetOver
markfiend wrote:I try to have faith in humanity
"Humanity" as in the collective of humans on this planet? Or "humanity" as in (some) humans' ability to act humanely?
Please see Robert Burns... ;)

Posted: 09 Nov 2008, 16:48
by DancingtheGhost
After reading that article, I was horrified. I guess I should be grateful that I live where I do. At least here, rape victims aren't stoned to death. What truly boggles the mind is how she was executed while a man who killed someone was set free for the price of 100 camels. WTF???? :roll:

Posted: 09 Nov 2008, 19:13
by markfiend
SINsister wrote:
markfiend wrote:I try to have faith in humanity
"Humanity" as in the collective of humans on this planet? Or "humanity" as in (some) humans' ability to act humanely?
Please see Robert Burns... ;)
Both really...

As Bill Hicks said, maybe it's time for the human race to evolve?

Posted: 09 Nov 2008, 23:32
by nowayjose
James Blast wrote:I will not post after only 12 cans of Holsten Pils again
I will not post after only 12 cans of Holsten Pils again
I will not post after only 12 cans of Holsten Pils again
I will not post after only 12 cans of Holsten Pils again
I will not post after only 12 cans of Holsten Pils again
I will not post after only 12 cans of Holsten Pils again
Very good...

Posted: 10 Nov 2008, 05:21
by 6FeetOver
markfiend wrote:
SINsister wrote:
markfiend wrote:I try to have faith in humanity
"Humanity" as in the collective of humans on this planet? Or "humanity" as in (some) humans' ability to act humanely?
Please see Robert Burns... ;)
Both really...

As Bill Hicks said, maybe it's time for the human race to evolve?
Ah, if only. :notworthy: