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Posted: 18 Feb 2009, 23:25
by 7anthea7
sultan2075 wrote:It's my favorite :)
Actually, mine too, in the King James Version - lovely, lovely language. But enjoying reading it hasn't provoked me to memorise it...and you kind of have to, if you're going to recognise the provenance of quotations, since people will pull them from just about anywhere.

I'd rather clutter up my brain with lines memorised from Shakespeare, anyhow. Bet I'd do way better on that test... :wink:

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 18:32
by sultan2075
Lovely language indeed, and fantastic stories. Shakespeare, of course, is wonderful (I have a book on Shakespeare and political philosophy that I have been meaning to read, but I've not gotten to it yet). I wouldn't expect these kids to have memorized it, but since they hadn't ever--any of them--come across the story, they had no idea what Locke was getting at.

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 18:33
by Chairman Bux

Must try harder.

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 19:01
by Debaser
EEEek, it would seem I do 9/10. Am not sure if I'm impressed or not...obviously bleaching the new house to within an inch of it's life has cleared mi tubes a bit.

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 19:23
by Brideoffrankenstein
5/10 :eek:

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 19:47
by psichonaut
2/10.... :eek:
....i'm atheist for a good reason :innocent: :innocent:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 20 Feb 2009, 16:47
by Selena
Pista wrote:1/10.
Should have paid more attention in R.E. (....)

Same like me. :wink:

Posted: 20 Feb 2009, 17:12
by markfiend
sultan2075 wrote:Lovely language indeed, and fantastic stories.
Some of the "begats" get a bit tedious. The Leviticus laws are ridiculous.

I like the gory bits in the OT; is it the first or second book of Kings where God sends two bears to rip apart a gang of kids for calling a prophet "bald-head"?

As to the NT:
Matthew is anti-Semitic, Mark is a great piece of writing (I recall reading a hypothesis that Mark was written to be performed) Luke I can never get a handle on for some reason, and I'm not overly fond of John's mysticism. Acts is just tedious. The epistles vary wildly (Paul's misogyny, the Johannine Epistles' mysticism (again), the wildly varying theology between Paul and pseudo-Paul can be amusing. I can't remember the rest.) Revelation is gibberish; whatever that guy (traditionally held to be John of Patmos IIRC) was on, I want some! :lol: I can never really understand why it was made canonical.

Posted: 20 Feb 2009, 18:45
by silentNate
markfiend wrote:Mark is a great piece of writing (I recall reading a hypothesis that Mark was written to be performed) Luke I can never get a handle on for some reason
The Gospel of Mark is almost political in its language and the way Jesus is seen to challenge the authority of the time. "The chief
priests and the teachers of the law heard about this and began
looking for a way to kill him, for they feared him because the whole
crowd was amazed at his teachings."(Mark 11:18) :oops:

Luke is s**t- full of fantasy and miracles though his reading of The Good Samaritan is ace.

I remember comparing them for my GCSE and know little about the other Gospels :?

Posted: 20 Feb 2009, 19:42
by NewbieOfMercy
got a shocking 3 :lol:
it was guesswork

Posted: 20 Feb 2009, 22:01
by stufarq
markfiend wrote:The Leviticus laws are ridiculous.
Although at least some of them were sensible for a desert culture with primitive sanitation and hygiene facilities.