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Posted: 04 Jun 2009, 09:57
by _emma_
Indeed :!:
An interview in Playboy should be accompanied by a proper photo session, right? *sigh*

Posted: 04 Jun 2009, 14:16
by paint it black
_emma_ wrote:Indeed :!:
An interview in Playboy should be accompanied by a proper photo session, right? *sigh*
haven't read/looked at anything. but i presume it's just von and a pair of 'tits' as is the norm

Posted: 04 Jun 2009, 14:23
by Bartek
Von is flat as table. :lol:


Posted: 04 Jun 2009, 15:06
by Nadia81
He doesn't need breasts.Not with that delicious little beauty mark on his collarbone.

*exit stage left-pursued by bear*

Posted: 04 Jun 2009, 19:27
by 7anthea7
Nadia81 wrote:*exit stage left-pursued by bear*
:lol: :lol: :lol:

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 05 Jun 2009, 15:40
by euphoria
Emily wrote:
Anyway, typical answers for Andrew

You think? I found it interesting to see how clear he responded about

1. record companies: he has realised they mean nothing, future is in independent releases.
2. bootlegs: he doesn't even sound upset about it, which is a real change compared to like 10 years ago. He has clearly given up his resistance and doesn't care anymore.
3. new record: He clearly says they have no plans to release anything.
4. tour plans: There will be a big world tour in 2011.

...not that neither 3. nor 4. is any real surprise :wink:

Posted: 05 Jun 2009, 17:18
by DocSommer
2. bootlegs: he doesn't even sound upset about it, which is a real change compared to like 10 years ago. He has clearly given up his resistance and doesn't care anymore.
he should tell his stuff about his new bootleg policy too :lol: