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Posted: 24 Oct 2013, 19:46
by million voices
I don't like the m*****n and this used to upset me. I am one of those people who likes to explore the whole of the "Family Tree" of a band. But I have played "The First Chapter" several times - I figured that would be the most Sisteresque and it is crap.
I saw Wayne on his solo tour in 2003 and he came over very well. I like his early work with Dead Or Alive but there seems to be (it is difficult to describe) a sort of silliness to the tunes and the lyrics that don't really bear repeated listenings.

Posted: 25 Oct 2013, 13:29
by Silver_Owl
million voices wrote:I don't like the m*****n and this used to upset me. I am one of those people who likes to explore the whole of the "Family Tree" of a band. But I have played "The First Chapter" several times - I figured that would be the most Sisteresque and it is crap.
Likewise. I did try to like it but it just didn't work for me. I think a lot of it was to do with the lyrics.

Posted: 06 Nov 2013, 15:48
by Elystan
stufarq wrote: In fairness there are loads of threads on this forum that have come to exactly the same conclusion ie Von's scared to reease anything new.
Scared? Probably just realistic.

Bauhaus releases a new album after 20+ years - it sucks

The Stooges release a new album after 20+ years - it sucks

I'm sure there are countless other examples. I mean, those albums were so bad compared to the original material that they practically detracted from the overall body of work. I have to just sort of pretend. I don't think anything by Andrew would be any different - except that he has the good sense not to do it at all.

Posted: 06 Nov 2013, 16:17
by mh
MBV release a new album after 20+ years - it's awesome. :)

Otherwise yeah, it's quite a gamble. Good job that most of us like most of the songs though. :notworthy:

Posted: 06 Nov 2013, 16:39
by Silver_Owl
I like the new Sabbath album too. :)
Just saying. :P

Posted: 06 Nov 2013, 17:44
by Being645
Not to mention the recent Bowie album ... ;D ...

Posted: 06 Nov 2013, 22:26
by mickydazzler

Posted: 06 Nov 2013, 22:58
by Being645
:lol: ... not yet arrived here, but for sure a good example ... ;D ...

Posted: 07 Nov 2013, 10:35
by ribbons69
Being645 wrote::lol: ... not yet arrived here, but for sure a good example ... ;D ...
Well.......not exactly,Motorhead release an album every year,not every twenty years!

Posted: 07 Nov 2013, 15:29
by Being645
ribbons69 wrote:
Being645 wrote::lol: ... not yet arrived here, but for sure a good example ... ;D ...
Well.......not exactly,Motorhead release an album every year,not every twenty years!
Yeah, true. But it looks so motivating ... ;D ;D ;D ...

Posted: 07 Nov 2013, 16:29
by Suleiman
Motorhead are motivating.

THE best band I ever saw live (Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds Glastonbury, 1994 - great story involving whisky- being the second and The Sisters at Reading 1991 coming in third).

Always look on the bright side of life.

Their last two albums ROCK.

They get me through the drive to work where I face an existential crisis at each turn and the kettlebell training sessions (that's just FUN).

Sure, I like The Sisters, Dominion is the best music video ever made but Motorhead ROCK.

I made my former band mates in Voodoo Alien read Lemmy's autobiography before we started rehearsals...

Sorry, is this The Sisters of Mercy forum?

Posted: 24 Dec 2013, 11:36
by shivarising
I'll admit to being a huge m*****n fan in 88-90, and I still think they have some great songs (Beyond the Pale; Lose Myself in You) but on the whole, there's so much crappage in there, it's astonishing they ever charted.

For one thing, who are you today, Wayne? Robert Plant, Robert Smith, Bono, John Lennon? And then, some of the worst, most insipid lyrics ever put to tape. Don't make me pull out some quotes, people. You know damn right what I'm talking about.

Also, my interest was piqued by Simon Hinkler returning, since I think Children is the one album I can still listen to. But what a letdown. That latest album sounds like a drunken bar band bashing out some demos. It's beyond wretched. It sounds like they tried to make a blues rock/pub rock album but didn't bother to write any songs. It's painful to listen to.

Posted: 24 Dec 2013, 11:52
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
:lol: And to think I thought I was harsh on WH. Good to see you entering the season of goodwill, @shivarising !

Posted: 27 Dec 2013, 19:27
by TragicSerenades
:D :innocent:

Posted: 28 Dec 2013, 06:18
by paul
shivarising wrote: That latest album sounds like a drunken bar band bashing out some demos.
:eek: :lol:

Posted: 28 Dec 2013, 16:49
by Suleiman
At least Motorhead always sound like Motorhead.

Posted: 28 Dec 2013, 22:55
by iesus
shivarising wrote:... That latest album sounds like a drunken bar band bashing out some demos. ...
:notworthy: :notworthy: :lol: ;D

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 13:06
by Spiggy's hat
shivarising wrote:IThat latest album sounds like a drunken bar band bashing out some demos. It's beyond wretched. It sounds like they tried to make a blues rock/pub rock album but didn't bother to write any songs. It's painful to listen to.
Whereas I'd say It's their best album since CIS over 20 years ago. Kudos to them for not worrying about it sounding 'm*****n' enough which IMO has been the problem with all of their post 1990 albums..........but this music lark is all about opinions isn't it?

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 18:48
by Joy

Posted: 30 Dec 2013, 12:59
by centurionofprix
well, that was fair enough wasn't it? Except I'm pretty sure "Marian" is good because of the songwriting from both parties, perhaps less because of the guitars or the vocals in particular. :lol: