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Posted: 03 Sep 2003, 14:32
by Black Planet
I was reading Zodiac's book Crucify Me Again, and he dedicates an entire chapter to record companies supplying tons of drugs with the express purpose of killing band members so when they die they can achieve legandary status and sell tons more records!!! Maybe the record execs thought it was time for Maurice to go.....He specifically mentions Michael Hutchence too in this chapter.

I kid you Not.

Posted: 03 Sep 2003, 14:36
by Tinkerbell
Black Planet wrote:I was reading Zodiac's book Crucify Me Again, and he dedicates an entire chapter to record companies supplying tons of drugs with the express purpose of killing band members so when they die they can achieve legandary status and sell tons more records!!! Maybe the record execs thought it was time for Maurice to go.....He specifically mentions Michael Hutchence too in this chapter.

I kid you Not.
Think I might have to read that Planet. :(

Posted: 03 Sep 2003, 14:40
by MrChris
All that sacrifice, so that that other Gibb can be hauled up to be shy and uncomfortable in front of the whole nation on Fame Academy...

Or is it just me watching?

Posted: 03 Sep 2003, 15:08
by Black Planet
Tinkerbell wrote:Think I might have to read that Planet. :(
You can buy it here, as well as his other books. ... &meta_id=1

Posted: 03 Sep 2003, 17:00
by Tinkerbell
Black Planet wrote:
Tinkerbell wrote:Think I might have to read that Planet. :(
You can buy it here, as well as his other books. ... &meta_id=1
Have ordered it from Amazon - I'll let you know what I think of it.


Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 11:26
by Chairman Bux
MrChris wrote:All that sacrifice, so that that other Gibb can be hauled up to be shy and uncomfortable in front of the whole nation on Fame Academy...

Or is it just me watching?
Sadly not. It would appear to be a large portion of the nation watching that brain-rotting pap. :urff:

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 11:30
by MrChris
It is particularly disappointing this year, if it's possible to be disappointed by such pap. They've made it even closer to Pop Idol, and seem to be holding phone votes constantly, to maximise income. They don't seem to be teaching the monkeys anything this year, either. Just feeding them bananas.

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 11:32
by Chairman Bux
MrChris wrote:It is particularly disappointing this year, if it's possible to be disappointed by such pap. They've made it even closer to Pop Idol, and seem to be holding phone votes constantly, to maximise income. They don't seem to be teaching the monkeys anything this year, either. Just feeding them bananas.
Agreed. Phone voting is a very cynical way of exploiting money from very stupid people.

And you know far too much about this rubbish. Stop it now. :!:

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 11:35
by MrChris
I don't normally watch this much trash on telly, honestly. MrsChris is having our first LittleChris any day now, and is very big and tired. Flopping on the couch and flicking the remote control counts as exercise these days...

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 11:35
by Mrs RicheyJames
Unfortunatly it's not just the Rock stars who become great after death, but our very own Royal family (pah) too......Take that Diana women..Everyone hated her, she was considered a slapper, bad mother and the biggest publicity seeker ever. Didn't know anyone who actually liked her.......She dies and the two faced nation goes all 'wasn't she lovely'
<climbs down from soapbox now :oops: >

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 11:37
by Mrs RicheyJames
....I think the only person who doesn't fit in this category is Freddie Mercury!!!!

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 11:41
by MrChris
I thought Brian May was a bit harsh - not only does he wear Anita Dobson on his head, but when his bandmate dies from AIDS, he immediately releases a song called 'too much love will kill you'...oooooh....

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 11:42
by Mrs RicheyJames
MrChris wrote:I thought Brian May was a bit harsh - not only does he wear Anita Dobson on his head, but when his bandmate dies from AIDS, he immediately releases a song called 'too much love will kill you'...oooooh....
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 11:44
by MrChris
You're being insulted elsewhere, by the way...

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 11:46
by Mrs RicheyJames
Just found that out too....The Bast*rds!!!!!! lol

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 11:47
by Quiff Boy
Sexygoth wrote:Just found that out too....The Bast*rds!!!!!! lol
:D :D :D :D

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 11:48
by Chairman Bux
Sexygoth wrote:Just found that out too....The Bast*rds!!!!!! lol
See? Ol' Buxy is multi-tasking... :P

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 11:48
by MrChris
I think the gentlemanly thing to do would be to say that the dress in question is very fetching and elegant

((**conspicuously fails to do so**))

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 11:53
by Mrs RicheyJames
Gentleman....on here?????? :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 11:54
by Chairman Bux
Sexygoth wrote:Gentleman....on here?????? :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:
Don't push it hippy. We can out-gentleman you anytime.

Whatever that involves. :urff:

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 11:56
by Mrs RicheyJames
Yeah What exactally does that involve??????


Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 11:57
by MrChris
Flowers on the razorwire at dawn...

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 12:00
by Chairman Bux
Sexygoth wrote:Yeah What exactally does that involve??????
Pointy boots, dead bee-gees and front-less dresses.

Don't pretend you don't know.
Sexygoth wrote:AND I'M NOT A BLOODY HIPPY!!!!
Whatever, maaaaan. ;) :kiss:

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 12:03
by Mrs RicheyJames
Chairman Bux wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:Yeah What exactally does that involve??????
Pointy boots, dead bee-gees and front-less dresses.

Don't pretend you don't know.

And that's being gentlemanly??????????? :? :? :? :? lol

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 12:07
by Chairman Bux
Sexygoth wrote:
Chairman Bux wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:Yeah What exactally does that involve??????
Pointy boots, dead bee-gees and front-less dresses.

Don't pretend you don't know.
And that's being gentlemanly??????????? :? :? :? :? lol
It is in this neck of the woods. ;)

Needless to say, it's especially pleasent around here at present. Et tu?