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Posted: 28 Sep 2003, 21:25
by pikkrong
dead inside wrote:
pikkrong wrote:
dead inside wrote:Dr. Pikkrong,
should I take more orders of versions into Cattish? :innocent:
Yes, if you can't live without it.
But please change your avatar - we are terrified of you.
I don't know if that will be wise because I've a lot worse stored for the future...
...against us - little lovely creatures?

Posted: 29 Sep 2003, 15:58
by khepri II
why are human noses aerodynamically shaped

were we supposed to move faster than we actually do :roll:

Posted: 29 Sep 2003, 16:16
by khepri II
Logan's Run and Temple Of Love

Closer correlation than seems at first glance.

Discuss :eek:

Posted: 30 Sep 2003, 11:33
by khepri II
Disneyland for the DARPA conference * pre-emptive war policy for those who don't know *

MOAB for the super bomb * read the bible, in particular Daniel *

the American defense agency has a lovely sense of irony :evil:

I'm sure you said for us to write our maddest thoughts Doktor P. :roll:

Posted: 30 Sep 2003, 11:35
by Jim
pikkrong wrote:
dead inside wrote:
pikkrong wrote: Yes, if you can't live without it.
But please change your avatar - we are terrified of you.
I don't know if that will be wise because I've a lot worse stored for the future...
...against us - little lovely creatures?
Please change it - you don't look well!

Posted: 30 Sep 2003, 14:59
by pikkrong
khepri II wrote:Disneyland for the DARPA conference * pre-emptive war policy for those who don't know *

MOAB for the super bomb * read the bible, in particular Daniel *

the American defense agency has a lovely sense of irony :evil:

I'm sure you said for us to write our maddest thoughts Doktor P. :roll:
not mad enough... yet.