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Posted: 30 Sep 2003, 07:41
by cyn
Carrie wrote:Depends what you do, really. My job doesn't really lend itself to much in-work surfing, as I am basically paid to shout at children; & in any case, I'm online in the evenings *when* I've put work to bed...

Not that I'm above quietly checking my emails when I've a class working busily in one of the ICT suites.

But at the risk of being hopelessly reactionary, 'Richey' has a point. Your work involves you being online, & therefore you can take the odd moment to post nonsense on an Internet forum? Fine.

But if you don't actually need to be pottering about the less productive reaches of t'internet as part of, er, what someone's paying you to do...why on EARTH would you need to whine about your access being restricted? Use your lunch hour, for chuff's sake. Or wait till you get home. It'll all keep.
God I love this woman's mind...

Being a single parent with no parents of my own I have decided in my Last Will and Testament to give my children to Carrie. :wink:

Posted: 01 Oct 2003, 22:07
by Carrie
Ugh! Can't I have your record collection instead Cyn?

See you on the 25th! :lol:

Posted: 02 Oct 2003, 10:48
by mh
Awwww BP!

As someone on the "other side" of this kinda thing (me is God in IT), I can understand why employers would do that, but following a yap with our own HR dudes the general agreement here seems to be:

1) Everyone accepts it happens.
2) If everyone who violated the policy was to put their hands up, most people in the place would end up with disciplinary action.
3) Nuthin wrong with a bit of rule bending if it promotes staff morale and doesn't compromise our systems. Happy staff are more productive, after all!!!
4) We shouldn't be in the business of punishing everybody just cos of a few wrongdoers.

Unfortunately, the anti-fun police seem to have infested your own workplace big time, but hang in there gal!!!

Posted: 05 Oct 2003, 06:22
by cyn
Carrie wrote:Ugh! Can't I have your record collection instead Cyn?

See you on the 25th! :lol:
*puts Carrie's name besides Record Collection, with a clause saying Kids go with it*

Woohoo the 25th is around the corner. What time are you arriving in London?