Announcement...thru all my tears...

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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Black Planet
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welll ..seems there are the few....Adult Site visitor ppl at my employer who ruin everything for all the rest.............................. :urff: :urff: :urff:

I'll drop by as I me...

hugs always
:innocent: :von:

Oh yeah..he's my guy. :innocent: :von:
Last edited by Black Planet on 27 Sep 2003, 21:34, edited 1 time in total.
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me work?!!?

no raise for them then :wink: :lol:
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You've lost me Planet - what happened?
"You do realize you're talking to a man with a human head in his hands who has every intention of using it to beat these people to death?"
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some people have been perusing the porn whilst on company time ,the employers have got wind of it and now all employees have no more access and thus you cannot come visit Heartland as often as you normally would??

or maybe ive just got the wrong end of the stick :?
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That's the same end of the stick that I grasped, I think it's the correct one to hold. What a shame! Paranoid gits.

Again and again and again...
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Alas, I can confirm your interpretations.

BP, you are my empress of Poland. You know that. And, should we ever meet again, I have a (leather) locket to give you in which I keep each of Andrew, Zodiac and Mindwarp.

Adieu, ma cherie. We will always have Poland.
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Jeezus I'm thick.

Sorry bout that Planet, u being taken off line altogether or are they just putting walls up?
"You do realize you're talking to a man with a human head in his hands who has every intention of using it to beat these people to death?"
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Come back soon Planet - we miss you !
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Employer is tracking where we go on the net...patterns of internet traffic etc. Offences will be reward with 5 day suspension, or termination depending on how many times you have been warned. :urff: I can't believe that ppl would be so stupid as to visit porn sites from the office....

I'll be here at nite from home, but that's when you are all asleep! Except for the rare nite owl!

Oh and Major....You certainly are a dear. :innocent: :innocent:


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Serendipityhaven wrote:some people have been perusing the porn whilst on company time ,the employers have got wind of it and now all employees have no more access
Same thing happened here last year. Again the knee-jerk reaction was to pull the plug for everyone. I put forward a case that it's a key business tool/reference source; that we talk to the individuals suspected (very difficult to prove) and draw up a policy and incorporate it into our standard employment conditions. I also volunteered to police it. Now I receive reports of usage, sites visted etc but usually just bin them as I'm too busy doing my own surfing to find the time to evaluate them. :eek:

I also persuaded them to switch to broadband with a width as big as a house on 24/7 so now I get to surf till my hearts content. Only faster. :lol:

@ Black Planet - NOOOOOOO! Come back so. We have unfinished business. :wink:
Loki was never worshiped as the other Gods,
Which is quite understandable.

We'll miss you! :kiss: :von:
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That really sucks :(

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Most unfortunate, but sadly syptomatic of the times. :roll:
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for f**k's sake! when will you people realise that access to t'internet is not a right? i suspect that black planet's employer's actions are a consequence not merely of a few miscreants using porn to get through the day but a far more widespread abuse of t'internet on company time. i'm pretty sure that "posting rubbish on internet forums" is not listed under most people's job descriptions. if t'internet is that important to you get a decent connection at home.
Last edited by RicheyJames on 27 Sep 2003, 23:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Black Planet
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Dear Richey,

In somes respects you are correct.

My employer realizes that a certain amount of Personal internet usage will occur and has allowed for that in company policy. However, visitations to Adult/Porn sites pose a most embarrasing problem...when you are a high profile entity with a reputation to keep.

The reality is everyone engages a bit of internet usage while at work. It's just the way it is.

And yes, Richey, I have internet at home...hence I ;am here typing this s**t to you. And I'm glad to know we both are posting rubbish to this internet forum. At least I love Andrew....hence my reason for being here. What about you?

Best Wishes,
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Black Planet wrote: The reality is everyone engages a bit of internet usage while at work. It's just the way it is.
are you baiting me on purpose now? it shouldn't be "just the way it is". if you use t'internet for personal reasons whilst you are supposed to be working you are in effect stealing from your employer. the thing i detest most about t'internet is that it appears to have legitimised theft. not only in this way but also in the use of p2p software to steal other people's work. it seems that in the twenty-first century theft is fine so long as you don't actually have to get your hands dirty...
At least I love Andrew....hence my reason for being here. What about you?
okay i confess. i have no reason for being here. having said that, i didn't know i needed one...[/quote]
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LOL...... Richey, Richey, Richey......

Your absolutely right m8, you and i dont half know that ;) but ummmmm.... lets just feel sorry for BP anyway dude.


We gotta catch up btw..... evil militant!!!!

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RicheyJames wrote:for ****'s sake! when will you people realise that access to t'internet is not a right? i suspect that black planet's employer's actions are a consequence not merely of a few miscreants using porn to get through the day but a far more widespread abuse of t'internet on company time. i'm pretty sure that "posting rubbish on internet forums" is not listed under most people's job descriptions. if t'internet is that important to you get a decent connection at home.
Has there ever been a time when you have been in a good mood? Just wondering!!!!
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Sexygoth wrote:
RicheyJames wrote:for ****'s sake! when will you people realise that access to t'internet is not a right? i suspect that black planet's employer's actions are a consequence not merely of a few miscreants using porn to get through the day but a far more widespread abuse of t'internet on company time. i'm pretty sure that "posting rubbish on internet forums" is not listed under most people's job descriptions. if t'internet is that important to you get a decent connection at home.
Has there ever been a time when you have been in a good mood? Just wondering!!!!
Nurse the screens ... Richeys out of bed again .......
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Depends what you do, really. My job doesn't really lend itself to much in-work surfing, as I am basically paid to shout at children; & in any case, I'm online in the evenings *when* I've put work to bed...

Not that I'm above quietly checking my emails when I've a class working busily in one of the ICT suites.

But at the risk of being hopelessly reactionary, 'Richey' has a point. Your work involves you being online, & therefore you can take the odd moment to post nonsense on an Internet forum? Fine.

But if you don't actually need to be pottering about the less productive reaches of t'internet as part of, er, what someone's paying you to do...why on EARTH would you need to whine about your access being restricted? Use your lunch hour, for chuff's sake. Or wait till you get home. It'll all keep.
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Sexygoth wrote:Has there ever been a time when you have been in a good mood? Just wondering!!!!
actually i'm in a good mood more often than not these days... :twisted:
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Tinkerbell wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:
RicheyJames wrote:for ****'s sake! when will you people realise that access to t'internet is not a right? i suspect that black planet's employer's actions are a consequence not merely of a few miscreants using porn to get through the day but a far more widespread abuse of t'internet on company time. i'm pretty sure that "posting rubbish on internet forums" is not listed under most people's job descriptions. if t'internet is that important to you get a decent connection at home.
Has there ever been a time when you have been in a good mood? Just wondering!!!!
Nurse the screens ... Richeys out of bed again .......
:lol: Bah ! Richey never cussed me out when I mistook him for Richey Edwards. Pah :cry: I feel so left out sometimes. :wink: :)
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Very sorry to hear that, BP... :evil: :cry: Don't worry about being stuck here alone at night, though - *I'm* always here! Muahahahahaha!!! :twisted: :wink: ;D :von:
I left my heart in Ballycastle... :cry: :cry: :cry:
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