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Posted: 19 Nov 2003, 01:59
by Andy TG
Red Sunsets wrote:A place in the sun and a ticket for Syria...
:notworthy: ;D :von:

Posted: 19 Nov 2003, 02:00
by Andy TG
£100.000 or 100.000 Euros - If pounds I would emigrate to OZ or NZ - and "NEVER" return to the *cough* UK!

Posted: 19 Nov 2003, 11:33
by Scardwel
I'd pay off my mortgage. Boring I know, but sensible. :roll:

Posted: 19 Nov 2003, 12:03
by Silver_Owl
I think I'd go for something along the same lines as Andy.
POssibly a seafront home in Apollo Bay, Victoria.
Or somewhere in Southern New Zealand.

Posted: 19 Nov 2003, 12:43
by mh
I'd finance a 30 minute animated movie, clean up at the Oscars, then grow a ponytail and blow my fortune on Cocaine.

Posted: 19 Nov 2003, 12:51
by CellThree
Buy an apartment in Vancouver and live in a decent country again!

Posted: 19 Nov 2003, 13:46
by Ganith
rian wrote:
Black Planet wrote:I'd wait til the next Sisters tour, take leave from my job and follow Andrew all around Europe and the UK.


With what's left I'd buy a place in Spain, near Cordoba.
Spain? What's so good with Spain.? I love Portugal or Madeira ;D
There's probably something to do with the weather, and sitting outside a bar in the Sun, enjoying a cold (and I mean real cold) beer while you eat some "tapas"

The most beautiful part of Cordoba, though, is not Roman, but muslim, as the muslims lived there for five centuries, and it was their Capital for almost 300 years... They built the most impressive palaces there. Specially Medina Azhara (which is but a ruin now) and the Mosque.

If you want to have a look at Cordoba, or some other andalusian towns, check

While you are at it, try the Alhambra pics (Granada)

(or try a quick search in Google... that's where I got that from!!)

Not to say that Portugal is not wonderful, after all, it WAS part of Spain for a time... *ducks*

But I guess I'm not impartial... ;) :innocent: :innocent:


Posted: 19 Nov 2003, 14:46
by Big Si
Ganith wrote:
rian wrote:
Black Planet wrote:I'd wait til the next Sisters tour, take leave from my job and follow Andrew all around Europe and the UK.


With what's left I'd buy a place in Spain, near Cordoba.
Spain? What's so good with Spain.? I love Portugal or Madeira ;D
There's probably something to do with the weather, and sitting outside a bar in the Sun, enjoying a cold (and I mean real cold) beer while you eat some "tapas"

The most beautiful part of Cordoba, though, is not Roman, but muslim, as the muslims lived there for five centuries, and it was their Capital for almost 300 years... They built the most impressive palaces there. Specially Medina Azhara (which is but a ruin now) and the Mosque.

If you want to have a look at Cordoba, or some other andalusian towns, check

While you are at it, try the Alhambra pics (Granada)

(or try a quick search in Google... that's where I got that from!!)

Not to say that Portugal is not wonderful, after all, it WAS part of Spain for a time... *ducks*

But I guess I'm not impartial... ;) :innocent: :innocent:

Granada, where the Big Man's relatives live..... :von:


Posted: 19 Nov 2003, 14:57
by MrChris
I'd buy the big funny castle-like building in the middle of the Westermaarkt, in Amsterdam (they're using it as a so-so cafe now). I'd become a prince of darkness, and only go out at night, in a leather trenchcoat. I wouldn't wear clogs, or people would hear me stalking around. I'd try to attract some impressionable flunkeys (if that wasn't possible I'd buy a big dog or two). I'd write awfully dark novels, and bad poetry (publishing the former, and hiding the latter). I'd hang around with speedfreeks and get raided by the police, but no-one would be able to link me with any particular crime, and I would declaim this persecution on the basis of my minority lifestyle. I'd eat lots of ham and cheese sandwiches, and drink tomato juice, and read the paper a bit. I might fly over to watch Chelsea sometimes. I'd lend Andrew some money to make a record, but wouldn't hold out much hope. Have I spent it all yet?

Posted: 19 Nov 2003, 16:09
by Black Planet
Ganith wrote: There's probably something to do with the weather, and sitting outside a bar in the Sun, enjoying a cold (and I mean real cold) beer while you eat some "tapas"

The most beautiful part of Cordoba, though, is not Roman, but muslim, as the muslims lived there for five centuries, and it was their Capital for almost 300 years... They built the most impressive palaces there. Specially Medina Azhara (which is but a ruin now) and the Mosque.

I am a Roman history buff so that's what attracted me to the spot in the first place. But I do know about the Moorish influence, which makes Cordoba a great place for my next holiday...that is if I can take time from my work next year. :roll: :roll: My client is implementing a new financial system and I am afraid the timing of it will preclude me any holiday time! :evil: :cry: And I think Andalusia is so beautiful, and yes cold beer hot hot sun, and tapas. :wink:

Posted: 19 Nov 2003, 16:49
by Ganith
Black Planet wrote: I am a Roman history buff...
Then you probably would prefer Merida! They can't build anything new there, as soon as they start digging, some roman ruin comes up, and they have to stop building.

That's also quite near where I live, so I could even give you a guided tour... :)

Just drop me a line if you decide to!


PS.- Back to my cave before DI comes crashing in here and telling me to go back to work! :P :innocent: :P

Posted: 19 Nov 2003, 23:24
by Nancy_78
Black Planet wrote:
Nancy_78 wrote:I'd buy myself a time machine(if someone would invent it) to be able to travel all the way back to February the 16th,1981(the day when Sisters held their very first performance ever at York's University being the support act for the Thompson Twins) and follow my beloved band constantly ever since all around the world. 8)
Can I go with you? Please please please? I actually remember 1981....LOL it was a really good year. And I was in love in Billy Idol. I am not kidding!

EBG..strikes again! And believe me..I'd kick that SOB boyfriend I had um sorry I'll behave now. :wink:
Of course you can!Everyone's invited. :D Apart from being such a great year for music 1981 is very special to me as my younger brother was born then.See. :wink:

Actually I've always had a soft top for Billy Idol.I quite fancied him around the time of the 1990's "Charmed Life" album.That "Cradle Of Love" video is just splendid.One of my favourite videos ever btw. :P

What else can you remember from 1981?Let's remiscent that rather gorgeous year!

Posted: 19 Nov 2003, 23:43
by James Blast
Ganith wrote:That's also quite near where I live, so I could even give you a guided tour... :)
Think us Heartlanders have found the very place for our 2004 holiday, cheers Ganith! :D:D:D

Mine's a very cold German lager, litre, slice of lime, swizzle stick etc....

Posted: 20 Nov 2003, 00:11
by pikkrong
Nancy_78 wrote:
What else can you remember from 1981?
I was 10.

Re: €100.000

Posted: 20 Nov 2003, 00:30
by pikkrong
rian wrote:If someone gave you 100.000, what would you do with it?
I would buy new brains.

Posted: 20 Nov 2003, 01:24
by Black Planet
LOL in 1981 I was Elderly Bastard Groovy. JB can vouch for me. :)

And a 2004 HL Holiday in Spain..Well damn my client...

I would there. ;)

Posted: 20 Nov 2003, 17:45
by Ganith
Red Sunsets wrote: Think us Heartlanders have found the very place for our 2004 holiday, cheers Ganith! :D:D:D
Be my guests...


But I'll require some proof that you're all Heartlanders...

How's the Tee thing going, Quiffy?? :innocent: :innocent:
