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Posted: 21 Dec 2003, 04:10
by Thrash Harry
The French. Again. Ca plaint pour moi. Enough said? No? St Etienne. 10 of the most boring weeks of my life in April/May/June 1984. Ca plaint pour moi? Absofnckinglutely, mate. On the other hand. De Gaulle should have stuck to his guns and never invited us into the EEC. Europe vs the US. We'll just keep on hanging on to Uncle Sam's coat tails and dodging the friendly fire if it's alright by you.

Chanson D'Amour.

( Bodies And Souls 1983 :eek: )

Posted: 21 Dec 2003, 04:32
by Thrash Harry
Oh yes. Forgot to say. Vampires and garlic don't mix well.