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Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 16:13
by christophe
emilystrange wrote:
randdebiel² wrote:werchter this year is quite good...we have the cure, bowie, the pixies, placebo....
i'm going!
meet me right infront of the stage. :wink:

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 16:15
by emilystrange
i'm there on friday... don't know anything else apart from i'll be seeing the darkness. and off to the rheinkulter in bonn next day, same reason!!!

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 16:19
by christophe
emilystrange wrote:i'm there on friday... don't know anything else apart from i'll be seeing the darkness. and off to the rheinkulter in bonn next day, same reason!!!
yes I'm not a super fan of the darkness but I think they are gone be good.
I'm going for 4 days. its my one little hollyday.... ah :D

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 16:23
by emilystrange
oh bless.. mine too, for my birthday!
i'll be down the front with a load of english birds.. see you there

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 16:33
by christophe
still 2 1/2 months to go... ....
its gone be one good month!! 4 difrent festivals in 2 weaks..
(graspop, werchter, schwung, rock zottegem)

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 16:34
by emilystrange
2 in two days.. 2 different countries.. woohooo!

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 16:39
by christophe
emilystrange wrote:2 in two days.. 2 different countries.. woohooo!
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 16:41
by Gary
placebo are playing reading.. shame i cant afford to go :(

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 16:45
by christophe
Gary wrote:placebo are playing reading.. shame i cant afford to go :(
I saw hem 3 years ago but I havent heard a single song, the intire crowd started to "dance" and I spend more time looking for my friends then listening..

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 17:05
by ryan
christophe wrote:
Gary wrote:placebo are playing reading.. shame i cant afford to go :(
I saw hem 3 years ago but I havent heard a single song, the intire crowd started to "dance" and I spend more time looking for my friends then listening..
i saw them bout a month ago. not the best expirience ive had going to a concert. Everyone dressed in black..cradle of filth shirts (i dont get it either) moody as f**k ill tell you....ugh. I tried to liven the crowd with shouting out "we want the floyd dude!!!" but to no avail

it actually occured to me that placebo are quite a boring band live and they played (nearly) the exact same set as they did the last time they were here..that and that gay dancing..... :urff:

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 17:06
by emilystrange
good to look at though.... mmm
oops sorry wrong thread

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 17:22
by christophe
I know some of there songs and those are not so bad (on cd)
but I wouldn't buy an album, its mutsh to boring....

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 00:58
by Planet Dave
Steve303 wrote:Here here Dave. I shall be there for Metallica. Very excited.
Yep, we're definitely off, so I'll see you there Steve. Slayer, The Stooges and Monster Magnet are as much a draw as Metallica for me. To be honest, they were a bit iffy at Leeds last year - sound was blown around somewhat. That said, I was in a severly altered state by the time they came on. :roll: 8). And they're usually ace. AND it's Donnington! Yaay.

And don't forget, HIM are playing too, so there'll be plenty of young female goths to augment the foaming metalheads. :D

Should be a raucous weekend.

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 14:44
by Debaser
So I've bought me Move tickets..

Madness on the Thurs
Cure on the Fri
Pixies on the Sat
Morrisey on the Sun

However I must point out that although I've said Pixies for the Sat they are NOT the headliners!! WWWHHHaaaaattt tf? I can't even bring myself to mention the main band...but they come in just a fraction behind Muse...

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 19:46
by James Blast

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 21:49
by Debaser
I know I know....remember I've not been on fer weeks and I hadn't trawled through all the threads....

I apologise for 'old news'

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 21:50
by Debaser
So is there a thread about matt 'Frickin' Bellamy smashing his gob up with a mike ;) Couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke ......

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 22:01
by James Blast
Debaser wrote:Couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke ......
and no danger of him getting any uglier, with any luck it will improve his, uh 'histrionics' in the vocal department?

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 22:06
by Debaser
there's some other singer who does it too....but can I buggery remember, some mancy indie type mularky, could be Keane or Snow Patrol, but then again might not be...

it's neither big or clever and ruins a good tune..

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 22:08
by Debaser
I'd love to love Muse, infact there's been many a time when the intro to one of their tracks (and they have some damned fine intros) has come on and I'm sat there thinking, i can do it...I can like 'em...then he opens his gob and no amount of wincing on my part can over ride that 'technique'

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 22:15
by James Blast
Yeah, it's 'orrible when that happens.