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Posted: 10 May 2004, 14:21
by Hojyuu-obi
Albums you love but forget about until you find them again

I hate to admit but quite some time ago I would have said ... : The Sisters albums :oops:

Posted: 10 May 2004, 14:21
by Mrs RicheyJames
Flock of Seagulls

Posted: 10 May 2004, 15:44
by Planet Dave
hallucienate wrote:I listened to a Cubanate CD for the first time in years on Saturday. On Sunday morning I had the worst migraine of my life. Coincidence? I think not!
They were ace when they supported The Sisters in Manchester in 97. There'd be a case for saying they were better than the Sisters.

Back on could anyone (Mr Fiend) forget they had Second Coming in their collection?

Forgotten ace albums -
tiamat - different kind of slumber
moonspell - butterfly effect
system 7 - loads (found 'em in the loft recently - bonus!)
not forgotten but not played for bloomin ages -
leftfield - leftism
motorhead - no sleep...
ian brown - unfinished monkey business

Posted: 10 May 2004, 16:13
by markfiend
I didn't forget I had 2nd Coming; I just realised how long it was since I listened to it, so I put it on and went "fcuk I'd forgotten how good it was!"

There's other stuff I have that I forget I've got from time to time. And of course there's stuff I'd rather forget I had...

Posted: 10 May 2004, 17:19
by Purple Light
Not quite sure why I'm admitting this...

The London Boys - 12 Commandments Of Dance. :oops: :urff: :oops:

Posted: 10 May 2004, 17:19
by mh
Spirea-X: Fireblade Skies. Ex-Primal Scream heads, one of those wonderful records that has me jumping around grinning every time I pull it out (pulling the record out also has that effect on me...)

Posted: 10 May 2004, 17:53
by Mrs RicheyJames
Purple Light wrote:Not quite sure why I'm admitting this...

The London Boys - 12 Commandments Of Dance. :oops: :urff: :oops:
Have a word with yourself mate :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 10 May 2004, 17:55
by The Green Lantern
markfiend wrote:I mentioned "2nd Coming" in the "Currently Listening" thread on Friday; it must be the first time I've listened to that album in at least three years. I'd truly forgotten how good it is.
So true. It was so long awaited and when it didn't rise to the tremendously high expectations many people had it was soon forgotten. But it's a good album on its own. And like you I hadn't listened to it for at least three years either. *nodding my head to Love spreads*

Posted: 10 May 2004, 18:02
by Purple Light
Sexygoth wrote:
Purple Light wrote:Not quite sure why I'm admitting this...

The London Boys - 12 Commandments Of Dance. :oops: :urff: :oops:
Have a word with yourself mate :lol: :lol: :lol:
I know I know... I was only young.
It was just one of those albums y'know!? (actually, don't answer that)

WASP - Headless Children.

Posted: 10 May 2004, 18:04
by Mrs RicheyJames
Purple Light wrote: It was just one of those albums y'know!?
That your mum had because she fancied them..............

Posted: 10 May 2004, 18:11
by Purple Light
Sexygoth wrote:
Purple Light wrote: It was just one of those albums y'know!?
That your mum had because she fancied them..............
Good effort, but no.
My Nan got it for me...

Oh god, what HAVE you done... 2 spandex clad weirdo's & my nan. In a threesome. Vision is stuck in my head now. :urff:

Posted: 10 May 2004, 18:42
by Brideoffrankenstein
Padstar wrote:A few months ago i re-dicovered "Doubt" by Jesus Jones :)

Bloody hell so did I! I bought it from ebay recently for a laugh! I was obsessed with that album at the boyf has banned me from playing it in his prescence, probably a good idea! :lol:

Posted: 10 May 2004, 19:21
by James Blast
I reckon The Second Coming is a more realised album than the first, Resurrection never quite takes off to my ears and just noodles on til phut! Having said that, I think they never bettered Adored.

:oops: think I just had a gun/foot interface

Posted: 10 May 2004, 21:11
by trappist
Sexygoth wrote:Flock of Seagulls
have you seen the VH1 Bands Reunited prog with Flock of Seagulls? Wonder if they'll do one for SOM? :wink: :wink: :wink:

Posted: 10 May 2004, 22:58
by Planet Dave
Red Sunsets wrote:Controversial?
I reckon The Second Coming is a more realised album than the first, Resurrection never quite takes off to my ears and just noodles on til phut! Having said that, I think they never bettered Adored.

:oops: think I just had a gun/foot interface
That ain't controversial Red, Second Coming is the connosieurs Roses album.

Posted: 11 May 2004, 10:33
by markfiend
Dave Whelan wrote:
Red Sunsets wrote:Controversial?
I reckon The Second Coming is a more realised album than the first, Resurrection never quite takes off to my ears and just noodles on til phut! Having said that, I think they never bettered Adored.

:oops: think I just had a gun/foot interface
That ain't controversial Red, Second Coming is the connosieurs Roses album.

Posted: 11 May 2004, 18:48
by James Blast
@DW & mf Cheers guys. :D

Posted: 11 May 2004, 23:46
by Almiche V
Brighter Than a Thousand Suns - Killing Joke

Sometimes I forget about it, other times it's just nice to know it's there.

Posted: 12 May 2004, 00:44
by Thea
Not of this earth - The damned.
i love it.

Posted: 12 May 2004, 00:57
by Loki
'Waiting For a Miracle' - Comsat Angels

Posted: 21 May 2004, 23:14
by James Blast
kinda an album, The Orb-Toxygene box and the Assassin German single

Posted: 22 May 2004, 21:02
by The Grinn Reaper
Songs the lord taught us The Cramps

Prayers on fire The Birthday Party

Posted: 22 May 2004, 21:41
by vicus
Entombed - Clandestine
Bolt Thrower - Warmaster
Propaganda - A secret wish
Gun Club - The Las Vegas story
Einstürzende Neubauten - 1/2 Mensch

Posted: 23 May 2004, 00:34
by James Blast
vicus wrote:Entombed - Clandestine
Propaganda - A secret wish
Gun Club - The Las Vegas story
Preach Sister, preach!

<======sticks on Clandestine

Posted: 23 May 2004, 21:58
by trappist
Fugazi by Marillion. Didn't really forget that I had it, I just didn't know where it was!

Ah....brings back happy memories....