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Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 22:27
by James Blast
there's a thought :eek:

Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 22:28
by emilystrange
i can't wait that long

Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 22:41
by biggy
Debaser wrote:

He's got lots of pictures on him too - if we ask him nicely he might show us :D

Sssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh :innocent:

Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 22:48
by James Blast
well I'm not asking :eek:

Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 22:50
by Lynchfanatic
Sitting here while munching on cheese rings, and found myself on a m*****n.. I felt bad for sweet Emily for not finding a design she likes. So in trying to help, I have found a few. But that is hard, to find a rose design that is not the ordinary rose, every one else has.

So I hope this might help a little. I do have artist friends that could maybe help you if you are interested? It's also hard trying to "help" when I dont really know you :wink:





*Licks off the cheese snack crumbs and roles a smoke*
Ah well, atleast I had something to do for some minutes :wink:

Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 23:03
by emilystrange
all i want is a really simple one.. with six petals if poss xx

Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 23:21
by Lynchfanatic
I'll try again :wink: But it is hard to find. It has been a long time since Ive been in a tatoo place and looked at tha stuff hanging there. But from what I can remember they are kinda over the top, are they not? ... 20Rose.jpg

Big pictures...

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 08:36
by straylight
I've got five and still want more.

Once you get one BOF so will you I'm sure!

I probably shouldn't admit this...but I quite enjoy having them done.

The worst bit is trying not to scratch the scabs afterwards. I have a bit missing from one of mine because once I just couldn't help myself. But it's only on my leg so the public don't see it much.

Maybe I should've got myself some mittens like they put on babies with chicken pox.

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 10:38
by Thrash Harry
I had this one for about a week when I was 10.

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 11:05
by Mrs RicheyJames
I bought some Indian ink when I was about 14 and tattooed 'AXL' on my wrist (great look that was) Thank fook it didn't work!!!

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 11:31
by Brideoffrankenstein
Well it's done and yes I want more!!! :lol: It bloody hurt though, like the guy was drilling through my back with a power drill. It got a bit much for me at the start and he had to stop while I had a dizzy moment but after that it still hurt LIKE HELL but was bearable. The outline hurt the most but the shading was a piece of p*ss. It took 2 hours, I was expecting to have to go back for a second sitting as it was my first tattoo but it all got done in one. Cost me £120! I have currently got lots of kitchen towels and vaseline still covering it but I will try and put a piccie up later today when it'll all come off or tomorrow!

Thanks for all your kind comments by the way peeps :notworthy:

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 11:51
by Thrash Harry
Don't jump up and down too much. My brother had a load done when he was in the army. One of them, a roaring lion, got infected after he had to do some compulsory excercise and once it had healed... Well let's just say that it didn't look quite as fierce as it was supposed to. :roll:

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 11:56
by Brideoffrankenstein
Blimey! Yeah I am being careful with it, haven't taken the dressings off even though my boyfriend is DYING to see it. Had to sleep on my front all last night which wasn't fun! Dressings come off tonight, then it gets washed, well dabbed with water, dabbed dry with a clean towel and more vaeline put on. Can't wear a bra for a week! :lol: :lol:

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 11:58
by Mrs RicheyJames
Be warned! It will sting when you expose it to air for the first time!

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 13:58
by biggy
STOP putting vaseline on it . It only clogs the pores up & stops it from healing . Only use some sort of white antisceptic cream on it - Savlon, Sudocrem, even E45 . It needs to soak in .

Your tattooist should have told you that .
Also he should not have put kitchen roll over it . He should have put clingfilm over instead to draw out all the unwanted ink, sweat and blood .
Too late for clingfilm now so just stop putting vaseline on .

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 14:25
by The Grinn Reaper
just keep it clean over the next couple of weeks whilst it heals properly and you should be okay.nothing too fancy just soap and water and pat it dry.try not to knock off the scabs as you will lose some of the colour.The most important thing though is to make sure it does'nt get infected.Good luck and enjoy.

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 21:50
by Brideoffrankenstein
take a look at the piccie in my first post on this thread

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 21:56
by Thea
WOW! that's beautiful! ;D

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 23:11
by Andie

that tat is feckin awesome!!

and only £120?...i am truely impressed...nice!!

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 23:16
by smiscandlon

Posted: 15 Jun 2004, 08:09
by hallucienate

Posted: 15 Jun 2004, 08:24
by straylight
That's fantastic BOF.

All my blank bits have started tingling now. But I will be strong as I haven't made my mind up about what to have next.

Posted: 15 Jun 2004, 09:01
by Mrs RicheyJames
That's a nice tat!!

Posted: 15 Jun 2004, 11:51
by Black Dahlia
Beautiful BOF!!

I have 5 - Wolf, phoenix, Koi fish, Eye of Horus (traced straight off my Vison Thing CD!) and Gemini symbol.

Posted: 15 Jun 2004, 12:19
by Mrs RicheyJames
Black Dahlia wrote:Beautiful BOF!!

Eye of Horus (traced straight off my Vison Thing CD!)
Me too!!!!!!!! :notworthy: