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Posted: 19 Jul 2004, 09:54
by markfiend
While we're on the subject; QB, shouldn't you really have those speakers on proper stands or wall-mounted? Just bunging them on top of wooden shelves isn't much cop. Extraeneous (sp?) vibrations will seriously muddy the sound quality. Tut tut tut. :roll: ;)

Posted: 19 Jul 2004, 10:36
by Quiff Boy
markfiend wrote:While we're on the subject; QB, shouldn't you really have those speakers on proper stands or wall-mounted? Just bunging them on top of wooden shelves isn't much cop. Extraeneous (sp?) vibrations will seriously muddy the sound quality. Tut tut tut. :roll: ;)
i know, i know :|

Posted: 19 Jul 2004, 11:15
by mh

Posted: 19 Jul 2004, 11:30
by Quiff Boy
Quiff Boy wrote:
markfiend wrote:While we're on the subject; QB, shouldn't you really have those speakers on proper stands or wall-mounted? Just bunging them on top of wooden shelves isn't much cop. Extraeneous (sp?) vibrations will seriously muddy the sound quality. Tut tut tut. :roll: ;)
i know, i know :|
they're actually too heavy and slightly too large for any normal speaker brackets i could find in the shops (ie: richer sounds, etc) - and their position doesnt really lend itself to stands... its a bit crowded in that corner of the room :(

in case you were wonderking, this is the monitor speakers in question:

tres cool. :von: :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Jul 2004, 11:54
by markfiend
Ah. Ok. I have these speakers attached to the wall with these (the top set). But your speakers are too heavy for the rating on the Gale stands. :?

Posted: 19 Jul 2004, 12:00
by Quiff Boy
markfiend wrote:Ah. Ok. I have these speakers attached to the wall with these (the top set). But your speakers are too heavy for the rating on the Gale stands. :?
ahh! mrs qb has a set of those gale golds with her seperates doodad. nice 8)

my "normal" stereo has these: mordaunt short 902s

i think the review on that site is a little harsh though. they sound every bot as nice as they look ;) 8)

Posted: 19 Jul 2004, 12:10
by markfiend
I have everything going through my "normal" stereo! It can be a bit troublesome switching cables down the back of the amp though; I could do with one with a few more line inputs. Christmas maybe...

Posted: 19 Jul 2004, 13:24
by mh

Posted: 19 Jul 2004, 17:04
by Izzy HaveMercy
You didn't answer his question about "reflection".

I also see your monitor speakers are positioned horizontally on top of the mixing desk.

Read this:
I forgive your error, oh sir Bux, for you cannot know.
Unlike all the others here, you failed to see the horizontal mounted speakers are not MONITOR speakers, but Yamaha NS10m NEAR-FIELD REFERENCE speakers.

These are specifically made for horizontal monting and are only there to give you a low-DB (usually between -10 and -26) reference sound.

There is no variable comb filtering needed and the off-axis reflection will not influence the general sound, for there is none. Also, my room is built to support up to 20 Hz off-axis numbing, so this will certainly not be a problem for me, even if the subs were indeed active monitors.

Otherwise, herr Chairman, you are completely correct.

I did not answer his question about reflection.

Sorry :innocent:


Posted: 19 Jul 2004, 17:07
by Izzy HaveMercy
Quiff Boy wrote:ha! :lol: :notworthy:

yeah iz. like wot he sed ;)
OTOH, Quiffy, your setup is far from good.

Then again, you don't have the room I have ;-)

BTW: what's that mixing desk thingy you are using? Behringer?