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Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 15:20
by Quiff Boy
_emma_ wrote:
straylight wrote:Would be funny to think it's him & he thought none of us would notice.
Would be even funnier to think it's him & he cared about his fans negative reactions.
but it would be sad to think that he'd rather post on a 'furs forum than contribute to a site that has done more for his band's profile over the last 2 years than anyone else, including himself ;)

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 15:39
by CorpPunk
markfiend wrote:Looking at that link you posted, d'you think that "neglekt" person could possibly be...

... our very own Chairman Bux? :lol:
He reads like Bux, but he's a better speller (sorry Mr Chairman). And I suspect that AE wouldn't allow a typo even in a forum post, whereas neglekt does. I swear, on the entire Sisters website, there are only two instances of questionable punctuation. That's mad anal.

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 16:04
by jost 7
may hysteria rule! it's only rock'n roll
and i like it
and i am sure that we will meet a. in the st.pauli discussion boards in the near future. or as special guest at my next barbecue

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 16:38
by twp
MrChris wrote:Haha. Well, the poor soul seems to be talking very authoritatively, so either is someone important or knows someone important. I don't know, but I found the style very familiar. I shall find out if I ever get an email back.

There is the familiar usage of penchant for dead websites as well

"I must again apologize for the smoke signals. The casino hasn't been properly wired for broadband as of yet.

While irony may not translate too well in the written form, I believe it's served its purpose here. (Closer inspection may reveal a mellifluous second edge to the emperor's dagger.)

All fun aside, you'll have to excuse me. I'll need to make a stop at before the sun rises. Someone has mistaken me for Slim Shady himself. It'd be a shame to disappoint them. "

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 16:51
by markfiend
The possibilities as I see them:

"neglekt" is someone pretending to be Andrew Eldritch.
"neglekt" is Andrew Eldritch.
"neglekt" is "Andrew Eldritch" pretending to be Andrew Eldritch. :lol:

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 19:01
by James Blast
whatever, it's yet another excuse from the lazy bastard
publish and be damned, man!

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 21:29
by jay

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 21:38
by jay
Bunnymen playing in Neglekts neck of the woods ... .php?t=545

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 21:53
by jay

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 21:53
by James Blast
EATB's website is always down, still more active than another I could mention :innocent:

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 21:59
by jay
Wills Photoblog is worth a look though

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 23:00
by James Blast
jay wrote:Wills Photoblog is worth a look though
got a link jay?

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 07:26
by ryan
Hopefully this will allow all involved to continue on in their lives, returning my inbox to its formerly dormant status.
You all emailed him!! bastards!! :roll:

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 11:21
by MrChris
Yep, I emailed him. This is what I got back:

'Your email seems to be misdirected.

I'd be happy to pass it along to the relevant authorities, should I ever find myself acquainted.

However, I'd like to thank you for alerting me to the witch hunt. Hopefully this can all be put to rest for the final time.'

I have no idea what most of that means, especially the last bit, so yes, it could be Eldritch. Or someone pretending to be. Or 'Eldritch' pretending to be Eldritch, whatever that means. The message is very well spelt and punctuated. But even I could spell that properly.

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 11:22
by MrChris
I've just had a thought. Maybe I'M Eldritch, and I don't know it. Maybe we're ALL Eldritch...

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 11:36
by hallucienate
will the real slim eldy please stand up?

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 11:55
by Loki
MrChris wrote:I've just had a thought. Maybe I'M Eldritch, and I don't know it. Maybe we're ALL Eldritch...
Cue 'Spartacus' outbreak ...

'I'm Eldritch!'

'No, I'm Eldritch ..!'

'NO, I'm Eldritch!'

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 11:58
by hallucienate
JB wrote:
MrChris wrote:I've just had a thought. Maybe I'M Eldritch, and I don't know it. Maybe we're ALL Eldritch...
Cue 'Spartacus' outbreak ...

'I'm Eldritch!'

'No, I'm Eldritch ..!'

'NO, I'm Eldritch!'
all the other eldys are just imitating

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 11:58
by randdebiel²
hallucienate wrote:will the real slim eldy please stand up?
and one more time, loud as you can, how does it go?

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 12:05
by _emma_
markfiend wrote:The possibilities as I see them:

"neglekt" is someone pretending to be Andrew Eldritch.
"neglekt" is Andrew Eldritch.
"neglekt" is "Andrew Eldritch" pretending to be Andrew Eldritch. :lol:
Yeah, and one thing that's certain is that his brother's name is V.

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 12:48
by MrChris
I quite like 'the sisters and the furs'...sounds like a really good name for a song (or else a book). Should we give the House of Love first option?

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 13:53
by paint it black
@ ryan




how many k's in neglekt?

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 14:06
by ryan
paint it black wrote:@ ryan




how many k's in neglekt?

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 14:06
by jay
Sorry it's a bit late: link for WIlls photoblog

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 17:38
by James Blast
@ jay nice one :notworthy:

