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Posted: 28 Dec 2004, 21:39
by Big Si
villageidiot wrote:
James Blast wrote:Welcome back BeeP you ken I did miss you.
Me, Big Si and Andrew S had a top nite out in Weegieland yesterday :D

Andrew S???? Are you sure you and
Big Si aren't holding out on me? Are you sure he's not Andrew E? :wink: :wink: :wink:
The thought actually crossed my mind at one point :wink: ;D

Posted: 28 Dec 2004, 21:57
by Thea
villageidiot wrote:
d00mw0lf wrote:
villageidiot wrote: Well Slice. you can try zodiac again, he's got one coming out in march, along with dvd's and a tour!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's where I am putting my money, my time and my idol worship. :wink:
Sounds like a damn good plan 8)
Your right it is! And this time, Jack s**t will NOT SNEAK out the door whilst Z is autographing my book. I'm gonna trip him, and look all demure as I help him up. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
And then hook both Z and jack into a butterfly net? :twisted:

Posted: 28 Dec 2004, 22:29
by James Blast
Andrew S is a very nice man, but he is not Mr. E, well I don't think he is? Andrew S!? confirmation please :eek:

Posted: 01 Jan 2005, 20:43
by The Pope
Nazareth wrote:
villageidiot wrote:
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Is this true, Billy Idol has a release set for March?
OMG... between ahim and Zodiac I will just ...sigh. :twisted:

How yummy. Looking forward to March LOTS!!!!!
Yeah check out he has a new single called scream that will be released to radio stations on the third of january, dont know how much radio play it will get though!
I'm as excited for a new release from Idol as anyone, but have you heard "Scream"? IMHO, it's disgusting. Catchy maybe, but ewww. It's so...predictable. Yeah, I know BI is a crazed sex maniac and by all best guesses he's back into the sweet stuff again, but he did great stuff (including Cyberpunk) sexed and doped up back in the day.

I don't know, it just discourages me that the first single off of "Devil's Playground" (I know, the title reeks of uncreativity as well) is what it is. Maybe I'm being too pessimistic and it'll rock, you never know.

Anyway, if you haven't heard Scream yet, it's the new opener for the site (see above for address).

Posted: 01 Jan 2005, 21:18
by James Blast
I thought Generation X coulda been the new Who, I was wrong :(

Posted: 02 Jan 2005, 00:14
by Nazareth
i havent heard the new song, i was on the site earlier but it wont play for me! When i read the description about scream being in the same vein as rebel yell i had my doubts, i hope his album will be great, but i tend to think it will be mediocre.

Posted: 02 Jan 2005, 16:39
by Marc
James Blast wrote:Andrew S is a very nice man, but he is not Mr. E, well I don't think he is? Andrew S!? confirmation please :eek:
How big is the chance that Andrew E (hidden user) on this forum is????

Posted: 02 Jan 2005, 17:17
by Petseri
Marc wrote:How big is the chance that Andrew E (hidden user) on this forum is????
One of the more common questions in various threads. Go digging rough some of the older threads to see what speculation or hint people have offered.

Others common questions include: when is the new release coming?; what FALAA mixes are on the CD?; is Cry Little Sister a Sisters song?; and does Black Planet have a new username?


Posted: 02 Jan 2005, 18:52
by James Blast
Petseri wrote:does Black Planet have a new username?

:notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Jan 2005, 19:54
by Francis
James Blast wrote:I thought Generation X coulda been the new Who, I was wrong :(
I thought The Jam were the new Who. Was I wrong?

Posted: 02 Jan 2005, 20:06
by James Blast
less wrong than me Francis

BTW, I'll see you next month :D

Posted: 02 Jan 2005, 20:31
by Francis
James Blast wrote:BTW, I'll see you next month :D
And no excuses this time. :wink:

Posted: 02 Jan 2005, 20:59
by James Blast


Posted: 07 Jan 2005, 15:05
by mh
My new year resolution is 1024 x 768

Posted: 07 Jan 2005, 15:10
by hallucienate
mh wrote:My new year resolution is 1024 x 768
:lol: geek :roll:

Posted: 07 Jan 2005, 15:12
by mh
hallucienate wrote:
mh wrote:My new year resolution is 1024 x 768
:lol: geek :roll:
You understood it!!! :lol: