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Posted: 03 May 2005, 21:47
by Obviousman
boudicca wrote:Now, maaaannnn :roll: , is anyone gonna tell me what FREEWARE is? :urff:
My intuition tells me it's software which you don't have to pay for and therefore is free :innocent: (eg. Winamp)

Posted: 03 May 2005, 21:48
by Black Alice
boudicca wrote:Now, maaaannnn :roll: , is anyone gonna tell me what FREEWARE is? :urff:
As none of the techies are answering you at the minute (although I'm sure you'll get a more comprehensive answer soon) - freeware is software you download for free (as far as I understand it)


Posted: 03 May 2005, 21:51
by Andie
like what they above said

Posted: 03 May 2005, 22:08
by Brideoffrankenstein
Burn wrote: nothing...just noticed the simalarity is all... :innocent:
I will admit you are one step ahead of me tonight Burn :oops:

Posted: 03 May 2005, 22:09
by ruffers
Almiche V wrote:Sweet country, acid house music.
There ain't nothin' worse than some fool lying on some Third World beach wearing Spandex psychedelic trousers.

Posted: 03 May 2005, 22:10
by Andie
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
Burn wrote: nothing...just noticed the simalarity is all... :innocent:
I will admit you are one step ahead of me tonight Burn :oops:
one step is just about right :wink:

two steps would look like i'm leading you astray :lol: :eek: :lol:

Posted: 03 May 2005, 22:11
by Brideoffrankenstein
Burn wrote:
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
Burn wrote: nothing...just noticed the simalarity is all... :innocent:
I will admit you are one step ahead of me tonight Burn :oops:
one step is just about right :wink:

two steps would look like i'm leading you astray :lol: :eek: :lol:
Sorry to disappoint you but someone is already in the process of doing that :D

Posted: 03 May 2005, 22:11
by Andie
ruffers wrote:
Almiche V wrote:Sweet country, acid house music.
There ain't nothin' worse than some fool lying on some Third World beach wearing Spandex psychedelic trousers.
unless there are two of them dressed like Crocket and Tubs :innocent:

Posted: 03 May 2005, 22:13
by Andie
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
Burn wrote:
Brideoffrankenstein wrote: I will admit you are one step ahead of me tonight Burn :oops:
one step is just about right :wink:

two steps would look like i'm leading you astray :lol: :eek: :lol:
Sorry to disappoint you but someone is already in the process of doing that :D

i've had my time on that leading young women astray train...'twas a good ride :wink:

Posted: 03 May 2005, 22:22
by timsinister
What happened to the New Band discussion?

Posted: 03 May 2005, 22:28
by Andie
timsinister wrote:What happened to the New Band discussion?
railroaded :wink:

Posted: 03 May 2005, 22:56
by Thea
timsinister wrote:What happened to the New Band discussion?
Died from a lack of medical goth psycadelica. OhYes.

Posted: 04 May 2005, 00:17
by Black Biscuit
Gee my life's a funny thing. Am I still too young?

Posted: 04 May 2005, 00:20
by boudicca
I'll be singing that song "Aaaaall NITE!" now... :roll: :oops:

Nice attempt from Mr. Sinister to get things back on track there... but I think we're screwed.

Posted: 04 May 2005, 00:22
by Black Biscuit
Watch out. Musicians are egocentric wankers, mostly. And don't worry about writing any songs just yet. Spend six months getting your concept together: what you're gonna look like; typo/artwork/graphics - the overall 'aesthetic' of the band; how you're gonna get noticed; how you're gonna come across in interviews; whether you're brave enough to do a comeback....

Posted: 04 May 2005, 00:25
by Almiche V
ruffers wrote:
Almiche V wrote:Sweet country, acid house music.
There ain't nothin' worse than some fool lying on some Third World beach wearing Spandex psychedelic trousers.
Cos I got two heads, gonna bang my heads together.

Posted: 04 May 2005, 01:00
by boudicca
Black Biscuit wrote:Watch out. Musicians are egocentric wankers, mostly. And don't worry about writing any songs just yet. Spend six months getting your concept together: what you're gonna look like; typo/artwork/graphics - the overall 'aesthetic' of the band; how you're gonna get noticed; how you're gonna come across in interviews; whether you're brave enough to do a comeback....
Did all that about 10 years ago... :roll: :lol:

Posted: 04 May 2005, 07:28
by Dark
By the way, anyone who ever asks us whether we're a goth band will get -thwacked- with a pentagram and told "What do you think?"

Then they'll undoubtedly get it wrong, because I'm the only g0ff in the band. :lol:

Posted: 04 May 2005, 10:03
by ruffers
Almiche V wrote:
ruffers wrote:
Almiche V wrote:Sweet country, acid house music.
There ain't nothin' worse than some fool lying on some Third World beach wearing Spandex psychedelic trousers.
Cos I got two heads, gonna bang my heads together.
I want consciousness expansion, I go down to my local tabernacle, and SING!

I'm off there now in fact :lol:

Posted: 04 May 2005, 12:12
by boudicca
Dark wrote:By the way, anyone who ever asks us whether we're a goth band will get -thwacked- with a pentagram and told "What do you think?"
But which way up? :twisted: :innocent:

They might think you're Black Metal...

Posted: 04 May 2005, 16:47
by aims
Dark wrote:I swear Motz, one of these days, you'll be at a gig of ours, and I'm gonna come down and clobber you one with our Doktor. :lol:
I'll ummm...throw a sharpenned CD-R with my software drum machine on it at you? Ok, so at least ancient hardware* beats modern software in the crowd control stakes. ;)

* Of the type that the modern software tries so hard to emulate :innocent:

Posted: 04 May 2005, 17:09
by Dark
boudicca wrote:
Dark wrote:By the way, anyone who ever asks us whether we're a goth band will get -thwacked- with a pentagram and told "What do you think?"
But which way up? :twisted: :innocent:

They might think you're Black Metal...
Good Lord. :eek:

Rest assured, all my pentagrams, the two which can go around my neck, the two large ones on my top, and the 6 little ones on the sleeve, they all point upwards with one point like they're meant to. :)
Motz wrote:
Dark wrote:I swear Motz, one of these days, you'll be at a gig of ours, and I'm gonna come down and clobber you one with our Doktor. :lol:
I'll ummm...throw a sharpenned CD-R with my software drum machine on it at you? Ok, so at least ancient hardware* beats modern software in the crowd control stakes. ;)

* Of the type that the modern software tries so hard to emulate :innocent:
Well, may be a little difficult, as the girl with the drum machine doesn't like the music I make, and she's realised that the DR-110 can be sold for a reasonably high amount. So I'm gonna get my -other- friend to play keyboards instead. Sure he may not have a particularly -good- keyboard, but hey. It's still something.

Posted: 04 May 2005, 17:23
by boudicca
Dark wrote: Rest assured, all my pentagrams, the two which can go around my neck, the two large ones on my top, and the 6 little ones on the sleeve, they all point upwards with one point like they're meant to. :)
Aww, no fun... :twisted:

Posted: 04 May 2005, 17:51
by Almiche V
ruffers wrote:
Almiche V wrote:
ruffers wrote: There ain't nothin' worse than some fool lying on some Third World beach wearing Spandex psychedelic trousers.
Cos I got two heads, gonna bang my heads together.
I want consciousness expansion, I go down to my local tabernacle, and SING!

I'm off there now in fact :lol:
:lol: You going to see them live? I've got tix for southampton on the 1st June. Can't wait.

Posted: 04 May 2005, 18:27
by timsinister
boudicca wrote:
Dark wrote: Rest assured, all my pentagrams, the two which can go around my neck, the two large ones on my top, and the 6 little ones on the sleeve, they all point upwards with one point like they're meant to. :)
Aww, no fun... :twisted:
Don't go down this path; pentagrams lead to bad make-up. Bad make-up leads to pretending to be a vampire. Pretending to be a vampire means ending up on an American talk show.
Then there's no hope, but to throw yourself on the mercy of Cleopatra.