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Posted: 26 Jun 2005, 12:09
by Obviousman
Nothing 'bout the Kills :cry:

Ah, well, I'll live through it...
Thanks anyway!!!

Posted: 26 Jun 2005, 12:31
by DerekR
Hello, sorry I'm late :oops:

Just catching up with last night's BBC2 coverage, you'd be forgiven for thinking Coldplay were the only bloody band there :|

Kasabian did indeed rule supreme from what I've see so far. Club Foot was damned impressive earlier, Processed Beats is on as I type this :notworthy:

New Order were shyte, no surprise there then :|

Was a bit disappointed with a somewhat lacklustre looking EATB doing Killing Moon. Never Stop was better though, did they show any others? Silly me forgot to record Friday night's coverage.

Holy Sh1t, Chas & Dave are on now :eek:

More musings later when I've watched the rest of last nights....(any more Kasabian to come? Hope so).

Posted: 26 Jun 2005, 12:37
by Francis
Damn. Kasabian were on? :evil: One of the very few contemporary bands that's caught my eye. Where is that cd...

Posted: 26 Jun 2005, 20:01
by DerekR
Francis wrote:Damn. Kasabian were on? :evil: One of the very few contemporary bands that's caught my eye. Where is that cd...
They were excellent, still only seen the two songs though :(

Forgot to mention Interpol earlier, who were also superb.

Posted: 26 Jun 2005, 20:16
by DerekR
Hahaha...anyone watching the live coverage on BBC3?

Good old Boaby Gillespie, when asked if he was going to watch tonight's headliners...."Bassment f**kin' Jaxx? No way, they're c0cksuckers!" :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 26 Jun 2005, 20:54
by James Blast
now, Derek, ye ken swearing is not big or clever :roll:
Primal Scream ur Rock'n'Roll even fur a bunch of dickless, ancient, fcukin' dogwank gits!
best set of Blastonbury 2005, Oh! yes, I think so Image

Posted: 26 Jun 2005, 21:08
by DerekR
James Blast wrote:now, Derek, ye ken swearing is not big or clever :roll:
Ah ken, but it was worth it just for the look of sheer panic on Colin Murray's face :lol:
James Blast wrote:Primal Scream ur Rock'n'Roll even fur a bunch of dickless, ancient, fcukin' dogwank gits!
best set of Blastonbury 2005, Oh! yes, I think so Image
I'm no sure. I'd like to see more of the Kasabian set. The Scream are indeed rockin' though.
Let's hope they dont fcuk it up by playing Rocks or Jailbird or some other tosh from that era

<edit> Ach, they've blown it!

Posted: 26 Jun 2005, 21:44
by James Blast
too late, too late...

Posted: 26 Jun 2005, 22:17
by eastmidswhizzkid
jeezus christ!did anybody see the state of the geezer out of the beach boys?(i do know his name but the white ciders winning)reminded me of the last pope in his last years!to be honest,it may as well have been him,as far as i'm concerned...never liked the beach boys.

they really know how to line 'em up at glasters eh?hot on the heels of tom jones and rolf harris(bless him for "stairway to heaven" though-anyone who can upset so many hippies in one go gets my vote).
these people may be [insert defence on their behalf from the previous generation] but for the £££'s involved you dont want a hasbeen novelty act.

Posted: 26 Jun 2005, 22:23
by DerekR
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:jeezus christ!did anybody see the state of the geezer out of the beach boys?
Severe mental illness/breakdown does tend to have that effect on a person.

I thought he was bearing up rather well considering. At least he managed to hold a tune or two...are you listening Mr Sumner?

Posted: 26 Jun 2005, 22:29
by eastmidswhizzkid
DerekR wrote:
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:jeezus christ!did anybody see the state of the geezer out of the beach boys?
Severe mental illness/breakdown does tend to have that effect on a person.
nothing to do with a lifetime of heroin use then? :twisted:

Posted: 26 Jun 2005, 22:56
by DerekR
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:nothing to do with a lifetime of heroin use then? :twisted:
I don't suppose it helped :lol:

Holy sh1t! Ian Brown is on, doing I Wanna Be Adored, and the crowd are loving it, as am I. What a way to open a set :notworthy:

Posted: 26 Jun 2005, 23:05
by James Blast
IB is killer, so far
a major Image to thee geetarist!

Posted: 26 Jun 2005, 23:09
by DerekR
He's stealing the show. Three Roses classics have resulted in a genuine lump in my throat :oops:

Wow! now Waterfall :notworthy: It's a Roses greatest hits show! Result!

Posted: 26 Jun 2005, 23:53
by Planet Dave
Agreed, Brownie's yer man. :notworthy: Roses, Golden Gaze, Longsight M13!! What a boy. 8)

Good to see him headline too, he was on mid-afternoon in 2002. Still kicked ass though, as you'd expect.

Didn't see the ScreamTeam. :evil: Were they good? They were anything but at the Leeds Fest the other year, and I'm afraid to say the prospect of trekking out to see them headline Glasto 98 was a fearful one - every time I stuck my toe out of the dance tent on the friday night it disappeared in a wall of rain. Shame on me.

Posted: 27 Jun 2005, 00:12
by DerekR
The Scream were patchy, I really wish they would drop the crap songs from their set, you know from when they used to hang out with George Clinton too much, basically they should be embarrassed to play anything from the Give Out... album.

Kowalski and Swastika Eyes were top though....Boaby seemed to be a bit 'distant' throughout the set :roll:

Posted: 27 Jun 2005, 09:50
by Quiff Boy
gawd, from what i saw on the various bbcX channels i thought primal scream's performance was bloody awful.

bobby was utterly fucked and completely unable to hold a tune. the whole thing sounded like a complete racket.

if i'd paid to see them and they gave a performance like that i'd want a refund.

disgraceful. :urff:

and they weren't much better at V a couple of years ago.

i love them but they're just s**t live.

Posted: 27 Jun 2005, 10:35
by markfiend
Saw some of Coldplay's set; even Coldplay looked bored...