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Posted: 10 Oct 2005, 19:08
by eastmidswhizzkid
glad you're ok john-would be gutted if you weren't and i'ld spent all that time in casualty for nothing... :innocent: :wink: :kiss:

Posted: 10 Oct 2005, 20:26
by Cat
Glad to hear that they managed to glue you back together :lol:

If its any consolation I spent most of Sunday recovering from the large quanitities of alcohol I consumed but managed out on Sunday night only to be struck down with Scotty's flu today.

Posted: 10 Oct 2005, 20:31
by eastmidswhizzkid
sorry to hear you're not well can we all blame scotty if we're hungo-i mean, got the 'flu? :innocent: :lol:

get well soon,doll -lovely to meet you both. 8) :notworthy:

Posted: 10 Oct 2005, 20:32
by Johnny M
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:glad you're ok john-would be gutted if you weren't and i'ld spent all that time in casualty for nothing... :innocent: :wink: :kiss:
Thank you Lee.

And as I said at the top of this thread you're a fab guy. The fact that I had Dave's front door key (and access to your bed) for safe keeping didn't influence your decision in the slightest. :innocent: :kiss:

Posted: 10 Oct 2005, 20:40
by Zuma
Hugs all round then :twisted:

Posted: 10 Oct 2005, 20:44
by Purple Light
Evening all,

Yep, it was me that found you Johnny. I thought you were just sleeping till I saw a big pool of blood! I thought you were dead then!!!!

I would've stayed with you all at A&E but I thought you'd been discharged when you came out initially! :roll:

Glad your sorted anyways mate.

Posted: 10 Oct 2005, 21:22
by Johnny M
Purple Light wrote:Evening all,

Yep, it was me that found you Johnny. I thought you were just sleeping till I saw a big pool of blood! I thought you were dead then!!!!

I would've stayed with you all at A&E but I thought you'd been discharged when you came out initially! :roll:

Glad your sorted anyways mate.
Thank you Purp. :kiss:

Posted: 10 Oct 2005, 21:29
by Johnny M
Cat wrote: If its any consolation I spent most of Sunday recovering from the large quanitities of alcohol I consumed but managed out on Sunday night only to be struck down with Scotty's flu today.
Thats's very civil of you Cat. Most laydeez tend to blame it on 'dancing with Johnny'. Whatever that means ... :innocent: :lol:

But yes, big hugs and kisses to you all. :kiss:

Posted: 10 Oct 2005, 21:32
by Quiff Boy
i can't stand it. i'm not going to "do" any more of these bloody things. you can't be trusted! any of you!

:lol: ;D :notworthy:

bloody hell johnny, you really scared the s**t out of us. me a couple of others propping you up outside the george trying to convince you to get to the bloody hospital (it being about 2 mins over the road) for half an hour...

glad you're ok though mate. daft bastard ;D :lol: :kiss:

Posted: 10 Oct 2005, 21:55
by timsinister
I remember that! Surprising considering I remember little else. About all Mr. M was saying was 'No', whilst I vaguely recall bouncing about like an idiot and being no help at all. :roll:

It's like I said Herr Administrator, next time we have it in Johnny's front room - think you can DJ from the closet under the stairs?

Posted: 10 Oct 2005, 21:57
by Johnny M
Quiff Boy wrote:i can't stand it. i'm not going to "do" any more of these bloody things. you can't be trusted! any of you!

:lol: ;D :notworthy:

bloody hell johnny, you really scared the s**t out of us. me a couple of others propping you up outside the george trying to convince you to get to the bloody hospital (it being about 2 mins over the road) for half an hour...

glad you're ok though mate. daft bastard ;D :lol: :kiss:
Umm ... I'd had a bang on the head. :roll:

That's my excuse and yes, I have apologised at the top of this thread. Personally I think it's your fault because the 'sticky soled shoe' sites were fab. We'll take your money and then tell you there's a six week delay. Three days after taking my money. Hmm ...

But to you for organising everything with the rest of the Leeds guys ... :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

And you will do it again. :von:

Feb 2006 sounds about right. 8)

Love to you and Jo. :kiss:

Posted: 11 Oct 2005, 13:51
by Francis
Take more water with it in future John. And you better come and get that map soon or it's going on my wall.

Posted: 11 Oct 2005, 14:34
by boudicca
Quiff Boy wrote:me a couple of others propping you up outside the george trying to convince you to get to the bloody hospital (it being about 2 mins over the road) for half an hour...
You had your good lady to thank for that :notworthy: ... if she hadn't pulled us all together there would have been a gibbering bunch of drunken/freezing/knackered/drunken, freezing and knackered not-goths stood outside the George, propping up one Very Nice Man until 8 am.

Utterly bastard surreal evening. I'm glad you're feeling better now Johnny.

Re: Johnny stumbles ...

Posted: 11 Oct 2005, 15:12
by rian
Johnny M wrote:... Johnny Falls. Again. :oops:

A combination of pointy boots with no tread on the sole and a 'wet' gents toliet floor is normally conducive to falling over backwards when you slip. If I'd hit the wall I would have bounced off it but unfortunately the condom machine attached to said wall with it's sharp metal angles put paid to my head. And then I thought maybe I'll have a little sleep. :urff:

Whoever discovered me (Purp?) and then Jamie :notworthy: went to fetch Planet Dave. As Dave said to me this morning, and he's a medical man, he'd never been so s**t scared in his entire life at the sight he saw.

But as we all know head/facial wounds bleed ten times more profusely than any other, so I can imagine it was scary. Again, as Dave said as he aided, at one stage from his finger tips to his elbows on both arms were completely stained red with my blood.

For all those who eventually got me to A&E thank you. :notworthy:

So I got 15/15 on my stats, no concussion, no headache, no vomiting, no drowsiness and totally lucid. And the x-rays were fine.

I had an offer of stitches if I was prepared to go into an observation ward and wait until 4pm today to get them inserted. Instead in the end I agreed with the consultant that we'd go for the super glue. SIX hours later Humpty Dumpty left A&E intact at 7am.

Particular thanks to Dave, Jamie and Lee who stayed and had a fab six hours in A&E. Thank you. :notworthy: 8)

Even when one of you was trying to steal things. :innocent:

I don't mean to demean any of this and make a joke as I know some of you were genuinely scared. I apologise. And yes, I love you too.

To all those who've contacted me today (or attempted to contact me) thank you. You're all fab and gorgeous. :kiss:

Love to you all. :kiss: :notworthy:
Holy s**t! :eek:

I'm glad that you're ok, and got help quick.

Posted: 11 Oct 2005, 17:47
by Petseri
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:I missed you by half an hour!!!!! Started at 7.30. THAT would have been.....erm......Interesting!!
Why were you heading into the me's room a half hour hater? :innocent:

Posted: 11 Oct 2005, 21:10
by pikkrong
Shame that you had to go back before the end, Johnny, I wished to enjoy more your company :(
Hope you feel better now.

Posted: 11 Oct 2005, 21:38
by Johnny M
pikkrong wrote:Shame that you had to go back before the end, Johnny, I wished to enjoy more your company :(
Hope you feel better now.
Good to meet you Indrek and I hope everything turned out ok. :wink:

Currently picking bits of dried glue out of my hair. Or as the nurse said, who wasn't particularly accurate when applying said glue "You may get some in you hair. Leave it to dry. Then gently tease it out without pulling out your hair you would normally when you get glue in your hair" :eek:

WTF? :urff:

Posted: 11 Oct 2005, 21:42
by Obviousman
As you would normally :lol: :notworthy: :lol:

I used to have that 'problem' sometimes when I put too much gel in my hair though :roll: But that's not really a problem, you just start to pluck out lumps of gel when you've got nothing else to do... This description sounds pretty disgusting still :urff:

Posted: 11 Oct 2005, 21:45
by pikkrong
Johnny M wrote: "You may get some in you hair. Leave it to dry. Then gently tease it out without pulling out your hair you would normally when you get glue in your hair" :eek:
Maybe she thought you are a goth :innocent:

Posted: 11 Oct 2005, 22:01
by Johnny M
pikkrong wrote:
Johnny M wrote: "You may get some in you hair. Leave it to dry. Then gently tease it out without pulling out your hair you would normally when you get glue in your hair" :eek:
Maybe she thought you are a goth :innocent:
Must have been the no tread, slippy, pointy boots. Allegedly. :innocent:

Posted: 11 Oct 2005, 22:11
by pikkrong
Johnny M wrote:
pikkrong wrote:
Johnny M wrote: "You may get some in you hair. Leave it to dry. Then gently tease it out without pulling out your hair you would normally when you get glue in your hair" :eek:
Maybe she thought you are a goth :innocent:
Must have been the no tread, slippy, pointy boots. Allegedly. :innocent:
I only saw you going to the hospital, did you look like Fat Bob when you returned?

Posted: 11 Oct 2005, 22:16
by Johnny M
pikkrong wrote:
Johnny M wrote:
pikkrong wrote: Maybe she thought you are a goth :innocent:
Must have been the no tread, slippy, pointy boots. Allegedly. :innocent:
I only saw you going to the hospital, did you look like Fat Bob when you returned?
No. Now you're confusing me with markfiend. :lol:

Posted: 11 Oct 2005, 22:32
by pikkrong
Johnny M wrote:
pikkrong wrote:
Johnny M wrote: Must have been the no tread, slippy, pointy boots. Allegedly. :innocent:
I only saw you going to the hospital, did you look like Fat Bob when you returned?
No. Now you're confusing me with markfiend. :lol:
I was talking about hair, not the shirts :wink:

Posted: 11 Oct 2005, 23:11
by Johnny M
Indrek, having met me you know I don't have enought hair, lippy or mascara to look like Fat Bob. :von:

Not even markfiend's shirt either. :innocent:

Posted: 11 Oct 2005, 23:19
by pikkrong
Johnny M wrote:Indrek, having met me you know I don't have enought hair, lippy or mascara to look like Fat Bob. :von:
They could do surprising things in hospitals nowadays.