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Posted: 20 Mar 2007, 05:38
by 6FeetOver
nick the stripper wrote:
scotty wrote:The Catcher in the Rye, I've tried Half a Dozen times but just can't be bothered to finish it.
I forgot about that. Holden, the Travis Bickle for emo posers who think repetitively saying damn and pretending to drink alcohol makes them hip.

:eek: Wow, I really must've missed something here. Catcher's from 1945, by the way - hardly an "emo"-era missive. There was no such thing as "emo" when I read Catcher for the first time (and identified so strongly with Holden) at around 14 years of age, in an Honors English course in high school. I don't know of anyone, "emo poser" or otherwise, who thinks that going around "repetitively saying damn and pretending to drink alcohol makes them hip." Did you even *read* the book? Did you attempt - at all - to understand what was really going on, throughout?

You're entitled to your opinion, obviously, but I seriously think you missed the entire point... :von:

Posted: 20 Mar 2007, 09:40
by James Blast

Posted: 20 Mar 2007, 09:45
by boudicca
nick the stripper wrote:My mother used to read the Magic Faraway Tree series and the Wishing-Chair series to me when I was little. :D
For me it was more Famous Five and Mallory Towers :oops: . I did end up going to a school that wasn't a million miles away from that really, so it was a good preparation for all the jolly-hockey-sticks I had to undergo... :eek: :urff:
nick the stripper wrote:Roald Dahl.
Ah yes, that was the first stuff I read myself as well, after this... :innocent: ;D


Posted: 20 Mar 2007, 13:36
by 6FeetOver
James Blast wrote:Damn!

See, James? You're not the only one who's experienced the "wrath" (yer killin' me, here) of Sinnie, Warrior Something-Or-Other!

And c'mon, folks - it's not like "emos" even know how to read. Pffffft. :lol: :wink: :P

Posted: 20 Mar 2007, 22:59
by Dark
They can't read properly, not with one eye tragically lost to overgrown hair. ;)

(I'm not emo, my fringe covers BOTH eyes!)

Posted: 20 Mar 2007, 23:04
by 6FeetOver
Dark wrote:(I'm not emo, my fringe covers BOTH eyes!)
I take it that's not you there in the white shirt, then... :lol: :wink:

Posted: 20 Mar 2007, 23:13
by Debaser
ANY 'fat' Steven King book (or Richard Bachman - if that's his other name)

there's one book I STILL haven't got passed the bit where he's walking along a beach

Posted: 21 Mar 2007, 04:29
by Mr. Wah
Stephen King... yes! I only managed to read half a page of The Tommyknockers before realising it was unlikely to get any better.

I only managed half a page of Ben Elton's Stark before donating it to a friend who will read anything.

Posted: 21 Mar 2007, 08:25
by Dark
SINsister wrote:
Dark wrote:(I'm not emo, my fringe covers BOTH eyes!)
I take it that's not you there in the white shirt, then... :lol: :wink:
Nah, I'm in the long blonde hair, Sisters tee, and apparently caught in the moment (I just wish I knew which song that was)

Posted: 21 Mar 2007, 11:30
by Izzy HaveMercy
I started on this year's tax bill and got bored after reading my name on top...


Posted: 21 Mar 2007, 11:42
by Ahráyeph
You mean you already got yours? what strings did you pull or how much cash do you owe the government that you got it so quickly? :eek:

Posted: 21 Mar 2007, 11:53
by Izzy HaveMercy
Ahráyeph wrote:You mean you already got yours? what strings did you pull or how much cash do you owe the government that you got it so quickly? :eek:
That was just by way of trying to be witty and stuff, ARF, now you blew my cover...thanks ;D

But wince I always get money back instead of paying, I still take not much interest in it ;)


Posted: 21 Mar 2007, 12:15
by Ahráyeph
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:That was just by way of trying to be witty and stuff, ARF, now you blew my cover...thanks ;D
Knew you'd be pleased... :twisted:

Posted: 21 Mar 2007, 13:36
by ryan
homework :|

Posted: 24 Mar 2007, 14:34
by splintered thing
Life of Pi by Yann Martel

Although everyone I knew loved it and insisted I read it, I found it to be an appalling read.

Harry Potter has never revved my engine either.

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 09:36
by markfiend
I've never read any Harry Potter either; kids' books innit?

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 18:30
by Izzy HaveMercy
markfiend wrote:I've never read any Harry Potter either; kids' books innit?
Pah. Not really that bad, but not hi literature either... Just a good read-away on a dreary night with a bottle of wine and some olives 'n' feta...


Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 18:33
by 6FeetOver
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
markfiend wrote:I've never read any Harry Potter either; kids' books innit?
Pah. Not really that bad, but not hi literature either... Just a good read-away on a dreary night with a bottle of wine and some olives 'n' feta...



Nah, *Wikipedia*'s a good read-away on a dreary night, hahahaha!

Then, there's also painting that needs doing, music that needs listening to, and a guitar that needs fiddling with...

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 18:43
by Izzy HaveMercy
SINsister wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
markfiend wrote:I've never read any Harry Potter either; kids' books innit?
Pah. Not really that bad, but not hi literature either... Just a good read-away on a dreary night with a bottle of wine and some olives 'n' feta...



Nah, *Wikipedia*'s a good read-away on a dreary night, hahahaha!

Then, there's also painting that needs doing, music that needs listening to, and a guitar that needs fiddling with...
Wikipedia cannot be read with wine and olives 'n' feta, Sinnie...

You need a real BOOK for that...witht eh dead trees and the ink and stuff, an cozy armchair, soft reading light, and some candles.

And a grandfather clock going 'tock'. Man, I really like to read Victorian/Edwardian stylee! ;D



Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 19:01
by 6FeetOver
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
SINsister wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote: Pah. Not really that bad, but not hi literature either... Just a good read-away on a dreary night with a bottle of wine and some olives 'n' feta...



Nah, *Wikipedia*'s a good read-away on a dreary night, hahahaha!

Then, there's also painting that needs doing, music that needs listening to, and a guitar that needs fiddling with...
Wikipedia cannot be read with wine and olives 'n' feta, Sinnie...

You need a real BOOK for that...witht eh dead trees and the ink and stuff, an cozy armchair, soft reading light, and some candles.

And a grandfather clock going 'tock'. Man, I really like to read Victorian/Edwardian stylee! ;D



:eek: That your house, then, Iz? :wink:
Hmmm...yes, I'll be over straight away, then, don't mind if I do! I'd appreciate a nice fire waiting for me, by the way...

Some of us have to make do, wine, Wikipedia, and my wee hovel it is... :evil: :roll: :cry:

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 19:14
by Izzy HaveMercy
I WISH that was my house, but if I ever have the place in my new shed, there WILL be some of these items present, if not all:



That SECOND ONE needs filling up, of course... :twisted:


Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 23:15
by wild bill buttock
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
That is one helluva fancy toilet

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 23:51
by 6FeetOver
LOL @ Mr. Buttock! :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 23:51
by James Blast
you're so cheap bill, I likes it when you talks doity :lol: