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Posted: 07 Apr 2007, 12:21
by scotty
Arch Deviant wrote:We are off to the islands of Japan tomorrow..........


Aloha mai nõ
Safe journey Archie, keep us informed :wink:

Posted: 07 Apr 2007, 15:07
by weebleswobble
Aye, if you bump into a lassie wearing a Nephilim T-shirt, her name is Clare!

Have a good one.............

Posted: 07 Apr 2007, 21:44
by 6FeetOver
Arch Deviant wrote:We are off to the islands of Japan tomorrow..........


Aloha mai nõ

Why, you lucky b*tch!!! I've always wanted to go to the Land of the Rising Sun!

Can you please bring me back a souvenir? :lol: :kiss:

Posted: 07 Apr 2007, 22:45
by boudicca
You lucky ting! Japan is a fascinating country, always wanted to go there. It just has such a unique culture... being part of the Western world in some senses, in others it couldn't be any further removed.

Have a great time, and eat lots of very odd things that swim ;D 8)

Posted: 07 Apr 2007, 22:57
by christophe
boudicca wrote:You lucky ting! Japan is a fascinating country, always wanted to go there. It just has such a unique culture... being part of the Western world in some senses, in others it couldn't be any further removed.
just like Scotland then? :innocent:

Posted: 07 Apr 2007, 23:21
by boudicca
christophe wrote:
boudicca wrote:You lucky ting! Japan is a fascinating country, always wanted to go there. It just has such a unique culture... being part of the Western world in some senses, in others it couldn't be any further removed.
just like Scotland then? :innocent:
:lol: Cheeky!

Posted: 07 Apr 2007, 23:23
by eotunun
christophe wrote:
boudicca wrote:You lucky ting! Japan is a fascinating country, always wanted to go there. It just has such a unique culture... being part of the Western world in some senses, in others it couldn't be any further removed.
just like Scotland then? :innocent:
Brer´Christophe, this was nothing less than a full tilt! ;D
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 07 Apr 2007, 23:26
by boudicca
Oh, so you ALL want to die, is that how it is? :twisted:

This is all being filed away, you know :wink:

:roll: Since when have I been a patriot? :eek: :lol:

Posted: 07 Apr 2007, 23:32
by 6FeetOver
@ Jumlaut: "nice older gentleman?!" WTF? Hahahaha! You're silly.

Posted: 07 Apr 2007, 23:44
by eotunun
SINsister wrote:@ Jumlaut: "nice older gentleman?!" WTF? Hahahaha! You're silly.
Dammit, I wazz demasked! Ze leader vill neverr forrgive me.