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Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 20:30
by GC
SINsister wrote:I don't get drunk, dei. I don't like the after effects, see... ;)
I was expecting a link/clicky.

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 20:48
by James Blast

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 20:50
by 6FeetOver
Gollum's Cock wrote:
SINsister wrote:I don't get drunk, dei. I don't like the after effects, see... ;)
I was expecting a link/clicky.
Good sir, there's never any photographic evidence. I'm nothing if not discreet... ;) :twisted:

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 20:53
by smiscandlon
James Blast wrote:NWS ;D
She's gonna be royally pissed off when she discovers there's no TP left on the roll... :lol:

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 20:54
by 6FeetOver
Think she's even in a state to notice, though, Steve? Oi. :urff:

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 20:54
by itnAklipse
What the hell? :F

Who is in that picture?

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 21:00
by James Blast
I dunno, just Goggled "sick drunk chicks" and found that

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 21:01
by itnAklipse
i'm truly relieved. i almost thought...

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 21:03
by 6FeetOver
Don't bother, dei. You'll never see anything of the sort related to yours truly. ;)


Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 21:04
by James Blast
at least you clicked it ;D

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 21:05
by itnAklipse
Thanks for the reassurance :D i believe you. i just thought mayube you went "too far" at the bash...

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 21:07
by 6FeetOver
dei, dear, do you REALLY think I'd be caught dead in that sort of loathsome footwear (or the clothing, for that matter)?! :evil: :roll: Also - take a look at the wall outlet. Clues abound, sir.

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 21:10
by itnAklipse
The clothing's rather neutral, the footwear...well it would obviously be 4am and who knows what's on anyone's feet at that point :lol: Far cry from your lovely boots, though.

Sherlock Holmes i'm not, the outlet is rather obvious looking at it after the fact :)

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 21:38
by 6FeetOver
I own nothing in those shades of blue, I'll have you know! Nor do I own fluffy (!!!!! *Gag*) boots. The very thought! OI. :evil: :lol: :P

I, on the other hand, adore playing detective...

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 21:40
by itnAklipse
Well, for me it stayes on the level of "playing" :D But yes, your clothes are all violet!

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 21:42
by mh
I'm just wondering what's gonna happen when she gets up and starts fumbling for the toilet roll. (Yeah, clicked it too...)


Edit: just noticed I was beaten to it. Oh well...

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 21:43
by itnAklipse
Why not ask her what happened? :P

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 21:51
by mh
Cos that ain't Sinnie. She doesn't even look like that fer starters.

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 21:51
by 6FeetOver
itnAklipse wrote:Well, for me it stayes on the level of "playing" :D But yes, your clothes are all violet!
Actually, very few of them are.

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 21:57
by itnAklipse
mh: i wouldn't know that :(

Sinnie: Humdidum.

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 22:03
by 6FeetOver
Pfffft, right back atcha. :P :lol:

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 22:12
by hobbes
Thanks for the welcome.

Another class picture from the archives. Let someone from West Central Scotland loose with a PC and this is what we get. Just cant't help it.

Keep up the good work.

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 22:15
by mh
Well, if nowt else this thread will give you a good idea of what you're in for here! :lol:

Welcome on board! :notworthy:

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 22:20
by James Blast
Weegie!? 2 posts in 12hrs!?... I think not

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 22:22
by 6FeetOver