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Posted: 26 Aug 2010, 07:43
by Badlander
Francis wrote:So would legally controlled brothels not lead to a safer environment for the women who work in the sex industry, whatever their reasons?
Of course with such a controversial issue, it's very difficult to give a simple and definitive answer. I talked to cops who told me this was the best, and even the only solution. They said we'd never get rid of prostitution anyway, so better legalize it. Er... There was a time when we thought we'd never get rid of slavery, and yet somehow we did (officially at least). :innocent:
And I talked to social workers, who told me that brothels were the worst solution of all, because then the girls became invisible. Everything can happen to them, and no one will ever know. Most people don't care about prostitutes unless it happens in their own street (the NIMBY syndrom). Also, they simply didn't believe in better health condition.

They're also a moral issue here : maybe we can accept brothels as the lesser of two evils. But we always take for granted that the girls are anonymous figures, with no relatives, no family, no friends... Sometimes we don't even consider them as human beings, but mere merchandise. Sex meat. Who would want his/her sister, daughter, wife... to work in a brothel and get f**ked about 10-15 times a day ? To make things worse, experience proves that brothels are often discret buildings on the edge of town. That means the girls get f**ked all day long, don't get out much, and have nothing else to do. What a life. :urff:

Posted: 26 Aug 2010, 23:12
by psichonaut
i vote for legalize...less money for criminal organizations...more money for the state's cashes