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Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 15:49
by markfiend
Oh I hate it when people start doing this. No-one knows for sure that he's on here, or if he is on here what name he posts under...

... or do they? :lol:

Of course that doesn't stop me from having my own little theory, which I will keep to myself for fear of looking a total idiot if/when it turns out I'm utterly mistaken ;)

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 16:02
by Loki
I have no theories whatsoever and have no wish to spread disinformation other that to state that the first and only PM I received from Chairman Bux last week has now been hardcopied and framed and will be on ebay shortly. GBP100.00 reserve. Don't forget to bid.

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 16:18
by boudicca
You're playing with my mind! It's disgraceful. I'm unhinged enough as it is.

Hello Von, if you're reading. I imagine the chances are quite high as you don't seem to be doing much else these days. :innocent: ;D

You really are a spiffing chap, and I would like to have tea with you.

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 16:23
by Elektra_byron
boudicca wrote:
Hello Von, if you're reading. I imagine the chances are quite high as you don't seem to be doing much else these days. :innocent: ;D

You really are a spiffing chap, and I would like to have tea with you.
and hello from me too. I'm still waiting for your PM darling :kiss: :wink:

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 16:54
by MrChris
Re: RicheyJames and Markfiend and JB

See, Elektra, I told you. THEY're at it again...

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 16:54
by Guest
Oh come on.....Mr. E's user name is.....QBs Test User. ;) He just lurks about, logging in as hidden.

Right Andrew?

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 16:57
by Guest
MrChris wrote:Re: RicheyJames and Markfiend and JB

See, Elektra, I told you. THEY're at it again...
They certainly are ministers of disinformation aren't they?

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 17:00
by RicheyJames
well there's gratitude for you...

edit: damn typos!

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 17:00
by markfiend
Re: MrChris

What? I'm one of them now? :lol:

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 17:08
by Elektra_byron
villageidiot wrote:Oh come on.....Mr. E's user name is.....QBs Test User. ;) He just lurks about, logging in as hidden.

how have you guessed??? :wink:

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 18:13
by lazarus corporation
boudicca wrote:You're playing with my mind! It's disgraceful. I'm unhinged enough as it is.

Hello Von, if you're reading. I imagine the chances are quite high as you don't seem to be doing much else these days. :innocent: ;D

You really are a spiffing chap, and I would like to have tea with you.
why, thank you

d'oh - there goes my secret identity :von: :lol:

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 19:29
by _emma_
Elektra_byron wrote:But he is also probably quite flattered that so many girls are lusting after him!
I personally suppose he's too used to that to be flattered.
Elektra_byron wrote:do you however seriously think that he is so bored to look here at all?
I think he does. Not out of boredom, but out of sheer curiosity. Well, if I was him, I would do it every now and then, just out of curiosity. Anyway - if he does, I don't think he ever reads deeply into it. I think he just takes a brief look, smiles or shakes his head, and goes back to watching some other things that he finds more interesting.
markfiend wrote:Oh I hate it when people start doing this. No-one knows for sure that he's on here, or if he is on here what name he posts under...

... or do they? :lol:

Of course that doesn't stop me from having my own little theory, which I will keep to myself for fear of looking a total idiot if/when it turns out I'm utterly mistaken ;)
Just don't tell me markfiend that you did what I did: go through the 689 members list, crossing out the ones whom you personally know, then the ones whom you don't know personally but are sure they're real flesh and bone people, the ones whose photos are in the photo gallery, the ones who do the weeding thing. That takes a few days, and you're left with about 500 users, right? Then you check more deeply nickname by nickname - that takes longer doesn't it. If there is a link to a silly local goth band in a user's profile, cross him out. If the style of writing or opinions voiced by a user are definitely not similar to Von's, cross him out. After several more days you're left with about 100 who have never posted a single message, plus about 10 who did post something clever. Any of them could be him. :lol:
Now, I too have my own theory, but please don't send me PMs asking whom I suspect because: 1. It's just a theory, and 2. Even if I was 100% sure, I wouldn't tell anyone, ever.

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 02:07
by boudicca
_emma_ wrote:
Elektra_byron wrote:But he is also probably quite flattered that so many girls are lusting after him!
I personally suppose he's too used to that to be flattered.
D'ya reckon? I think we've all congregated here on this board - rather like a fine wine, only a choice few can savour his delights. :eek: ;D :eek:

:urff: What am I saying?!? :oops:

The rest go for the Buckfast (Justin Timberlake *shudder* springs to mind).

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 10:59
by markfiend
_emma_ wrote:Just don't tell me markfiend that you did what I did: go through the 689 members list...
:eek: Crikey! No, it's more like...
_emma_ wrote:plus about 10 who did post something clever. Any of them could be him. :lol: of them. Someone who posted something that made me think "Hmmmmm..." in a discussion not totally unrelated to this thread's subject.
_emma_ wrote:Now, I too have my own theory, but please don't send me PMs asking whom I suspect because: 1. It's just a theory, and 2. Even if I was 100% sure, I wouldn't tell anyone, ever.

Re: Andrew...and why U like him

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 11:04
by Elektra_byron
Black Planet wrote:Ok you all know I love Andrew. He's tall dark handsome...sigh..leather clad....more sighs...Gee just watch the This Corrosion and Lucretia vids...
I can't say more...except pick me up off the floor. :notworthy: :notworthy:

So,. for the men here..well just what is it about him that you like? And I's different for girls than men, but some bands get branded as girlie bands. And TSOM has not earned that moniker. Why not?

:innocent: :von:
I like him, because he is gorgeus, sexy, intelligent and arrogant :-)))

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 11:07
by _emma_
Well, in fact there were fewer than 689 back then. And yes, there was a reason to do it. ;D

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 21:07
by Dan
_emma_ wrote:Just don't tell me markfiend that you did what I did: go through the 689 members list...
LOL. I'm never that bored. You're all mad! Mad I tells ya! :wink:

All I did was assume that the one person who appears to be pretending to be Eldritch probably is Eldritch, as surely nobody would be sad enough to pretend to be him would they? :D

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 21:18
by James Blast
I'm Spartacus!

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 21:57
by Elektra_byron
Dan wrote:
_emma_ wrote:
All I did was assume that the one person who appears to be pretending to be Eldritch probably is Eldritch, as surely nobody would be sad enough to pretend to be him would they? :D
Dan - who pretends to be Eldritch here?
After being here a few days I now have my own theory as well...

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 22:13
by Dan
Elektra_byron wrote:Dan - who pretends to be Eldritch here?
Do I really need to say. It's so obvious.

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 22:54
by _emma_
Dan wrote:
_emma_ wrote:Just don't tell me markfiend that you did what I did: go through the 689 members list...
LOL. I'm never that bored. You're all mad! Mad I tells ya! :wink: :D
Naah, it doesn't mean we're bored or mad, it just means we're lucky happy people who have a lot of free time which we can devote to our hobbies. :D :wink:
Dan wrote:
Elektra_byron wrote:Dan - who pretends to be Eldritch here?
Do I really need to say. It's so obvious.
Everybody knows it's BP. :innocent:

Posted: 18 Dec 2004, 00:53
by James Blast
_emma_ wrote:Everybody knows it's BP. :innocent:
nah, its this post has been censored

Posted: 18 Dec 2004, 00:57
by boudicca
James Blast wrote:I'm Spartacus!
I think you'll find...

Aw, sod it - we're all Spartacus. Except for the one who is Von. :von:

Posted: 18 Dec 2004, 01:07
by paint it black
Everybody knows it's BP. :lol: :lol:

well it's not bux, he's too stupid to be von

Posted: 18 Dec 2004, 01:21
by paint it black
Elektra_byron wrote:
Dan wrote:
_emma_ wrote:
All I did was assume that the one person who appears to be pretending to be Eldritch probably is Eldritch, as surely nobody would be sad enough to pretend to be him would they? :D
Dan - who pretends to be Eldritch here?
After being here a few days I now have my own theory as well...
all you need to do is look for the thinman posts. dead obvious then :roll: