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Posted: 13 Jan 2004, 13:44
by paint it black
Gripper wrote:I've eaten beaver.
nice place for a pussy joke, a cats thread :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 13 Jan 2004, 19:26
by zigeunerweisen
Johnny Boy wrote:
zigeunerweisen wrote: but even if they're hungry they won't touch pork meat. Interesting.
ergo, all cats are Jewish? :innocent:
No way, i can only speak for my cats, and they are very anti religion, just like me. Not that they have any other choice of course.

Posted: 13 Jan 2004, 19:28
by zigeunerweisen
mayhem wrote:
zigeunerweisen wrote:
Actually, as a curiosity, cats don't and won't eat pig or pork. If you feed your cat with chicken or turkey, they'll happily eat it, but even if they're hungry they won't touch pork meat. Interesting.

Mine love a share of my sausage or bacon butty or even better a bit of roast pork.

However it's widely known that tigers do not relish peaches.
Really? :eek:

I guess my cats are just spoiled brats then. I'll start feeding them pork skin from now on.

Posted: 13 Jan 2004, 19:31
by zigeunerweisen
Sexygoth wrote:
Gripper wrote:I've eaten beaver.
That was funny :lol: :lol:
I don't understand, aren't beavers herbivorous?


Posted: 13 Jan 2004, 20:46
by hallucienate
nah, beavers like hot meat sausages, although I hear some of them are cannibals.