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Posted: 12 Oct 2005, 01:55
by Andrew S
Glad to hear you're OK Johnny - I hadn't realised there was so much blood involved! I must have just missed it cos you were still (barely mind you) standing at the bar when I left.

Posted: 12 Oct 2005, 09:51
by markfiend
Johnny M wrote:
pikkrong wrote:I only saw you going to the hospital, did you look like Fat Bob when you returned?
No. Now you're confusing me with markfiend. :lol:
Bloody Oi! (â„¢ Mrs RJ)

Posted: 12 Oct 2005, 10:01
by Obviousman
pikkrong wrote:
Johnny M wrote:Indrek, having met me you know I don't have enought hair, lippy or mascara to look like Fat Bob. :von:
They could do surprising things in hospitals nowadays.
Still they do have their barriers :innocent: