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Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 23:55
by esox
Almost forgot this one: River City People - Carry the blame .

:cry: a song about the guilt felt by a woman after an abortion

Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 01:15
by libby
For the moment Neil Young does

Down by the river ...

Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 01:36
by libby
Different songs for different reasons ...

Susanne ~ Leonard Cohen
Toveren ~ Herman Van Veen
Purple Rain ~ Prince
Red Army Blues ~ The Waterboys
Cortez The Killer ~ Neil Young
Wish you were here ~ Pink Floyd
Elderly woman behind a counter in a small town ~ Pearl Jam
... and maybe a few others this evening :(

Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 01:42
by James Blast
pished? :innocent:

Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 01:44
by libby
James Blast wrote:pished? :innocent:
No, sad ...

Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 01:48
by James Blast
get pished then!

Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 01:54
by libby
James Blast wrote:get pished then!
You're right :lol:

Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 17:19
by boudicca
It’s a bit difficult for me, this one, as the most emotional memories of my life - both the happiest and the most painful - are of the past two years and the relationships I’ve had during this time, both of which were surrounded by very complicated circumstances.
But as the first was with a long long time member of Heartland, and the second was with one of the very musicians who inspired this forum’s creation, I don't think it would be in very good taste for me to talk about the memories that are attached to certain songs for me. It's all far too close to home :|

Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 17:59
by thhell
Coney Island Baby, Tom Waits
If it Be Your Will, Leonard Cohen
Undenied, Portishead
The Same Deep Water as You, The Cure
Lohengrin, Richard Wagner
Famous Blue Raincoat, Leonard Cohen
Blame it on my Youth, Chet Baker

my eyes are wellin'...........

Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 00:03
by hedgewytch66
ummmm....NIN's- Something I Can Never Have still makes me shudder; Bauhaus 'All We Ever Wanted'; Love & Rockets 'When the Minutes Drag'; The Cult's 'Brother Wolf & Sister Moon'; Siouxsie and the Banshees- This Unrest and SOM's-Torch

Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 00:56
by splintered thing
For me it has to start with The Cure, Disintegration (almost whole album minus Fascination Street) really was a stonking album...
TSoM -Afterhours always gives me the shivers and a bit of a sook, Driven Like the Snow and Marian (my sisters' it makes me sook)
Project Pitchfork - December Sadness, nuff said.
and for a real blub - Tori Amos: Playboy Mommy one of her horribly personal songs, wrenching.
...also Mozarts' requium.

Re: my eyes are wellin'...........

Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 13:14
by Izzy HaveMercy
hedgewytch66 wrote:ummmm....NIN's- Something I Can Never Have still makes me shudder; Bauhaus 'All We Ever Wanted'; Love & Rockets 'When the Minutes Drag'; The Cult's 'Brother Wolf & Sister Moon'; Siouxsie and the Banshees- This Unrest and SOM's-Torch
Welcome by the way! ;D


Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 14:02
by Ramone
One I forgot.. that old Christmas chestnut tear-jerker for all you lonely hearts out there...

The Power of Love : Frankie goes to Hollywood.

If that song doesn't tug a heart string then your either dead inside or deaf!

As for Boudicca..Sorry to read about your recent relationship breakdowns, but in future Never ever ever date a musician; it's an unwritten law! I've know many women who've fallen by the way side making that mistake. Musicians have a habit of being self absorbed, shameless hacks - Did I want to be one as a kid , you bet your god damn sweet ass I did :)

Woman, give those muso types the elbow ; You need a cheeky Scouser in your life! Now that is a law that ever one should adhere too!!

Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 14:21
by Ahráyeph
So Quiet Here, Fragility, The Key and Painting; all songs by the wonderful Anne Clark...

Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 15:33
by boudicca
Ramone wrote: As for Boudicca..Sorry to read about your recent relationship breakdowns, but in future Never ever ever date a musician; it's an unwritten law! I've know many women who've fallen by the way side making that mistake. Musicians have a habit of being self absorbed, shameless hacks
I'm not sure you realise which particular musician I was referring to... he has been known to post and promote himself here, so please bear that in mind.
Also, there are many good people interested in making music, I happen to be one of them myself. Being a creative person does not make for (nor excuse) a bad character.

And with respect, you do not know the situations I have encountered over the past two years. (And I can be 99.9% certain you don't know any other women who have. Really). You don't know the nature of the memories and thoughts which are brought up by... well, half my record collection actually.

I do appreciate what you're trying to say. But please understand that my private life has involved two members of this forum.
Keeping it light in our postings as very serious things take place "underneath the rock" makes for some very surreal situations at times. In spite of that we have generally kept these deeply personal matters off this public board.

I hope you understand why I find your comments a bit difficult... I don't mean to sound "off". As I said in my previous post, it is all far too close too home.

Sorry to take the thread this way. Please just re-rail and keep listing songs that make you blub...

Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 18:05
by Ramone
That's me told then :D

Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 18:10
by boudicca
Ramone wrote:That's me told then :D

No nastiness was meant in that last post, really. You weren't to know.

Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 20:55
by Izzy HaveMercy
Ramone wrote:Never ever ever date a musician; it's an unwritten law! I've know many women who've fallen by the way side making that mistake. Musicians have a habit of being self absorbed, shameless hacks - Did I want to be one as a kid , you bet your god damn sweet ass I did :)

Woman, give those muso types the elbow yadda yadda
Now there's my chance to woo the Beaut Boyd Blunderbuss on the Belgian Nite Oot going down the drain!

Thanks fer nuffin, DeeDee! :evil:


No worries Claire, there are STILL some musicians around that are just a wee bit self-absorbed and shameless... :kiss:

Hang in there. ;)


Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 23:15
by esox
Wound in my heart

Posted: 29 Jan 2007, 11:01
by sarah_orange
green and grey - NMA is the worst offender - it makes me sad that people move away. it happens less so now but there was a time when lots of people I knew drifted away from leeds, often to the south, and it made me feel quite lost. this one particularly gets me when played live.

the show must go on - Queen - mostly cos I adored freddy so very much.

jerusalem can make me misty eyed although the last couple of times I've heard it it's been murdered by bad organists.

just like heaven - the cure has the potential to go that way if i'm in the wrong mood.

wish you were here/shine on you crazy diamonds - pink floyd remind me very much of my ex that I went out with for 10 years - I get nostalgic rather than sad

and oddly december - all about eve - it's a song about nostalgia and it really really makes me damn nostalgic! what are the chances of that eh?

if I'm angry-sad then the only thing that can instantly evaporate it is the first part of mozart's requiem.

Posted: 29 Jan 2007, 13:02
by Silence is platinum
the river by springsteen...

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 18:55
by bushman*pm
libby wrote:
James Blast wrote:get pished then!
You're right :lol:

dont forget the .........and destroy part!
JB, what were you thinking??!!

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 21:22
by timsinister
Just started listening to NMA's Green and Grey...a true great.

Crowds, by Bauhaus, was a little too close to my life, and I still have to skip it now, for the sheer memories of when I was listening to it.

Adagio for Strings, by Sam Barber, ripped off but not ruined by Orbital, is a MIGHTY song. Incredibly powerful, and take note all future enemies, any track with an abundance of strings will usually wreck me.

Andrew's performance on 1959 brought me to an eye-wiping halt during a furious blizzard in Hull about three years ago. Stood on a street corner, unable to see more than six feet ahead, and just felt this incredible sadness well up in me.

Christ, we're a mopey lot. Those bloody Emo kids don't know how lucky they are!

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 21:34
by emilystrange
right now, anything would get me.

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 00:22
by canon docre
emilystrange wrote:right now, anything would get me.
awww, poor little emily. :(

I can't listen to anything by Johnny Cash. :cry: I hope it gets better when I finished reading his biography.