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Posted: 26 Oct 2007, 10:47
by d-monic
The pressing plant will be shipping the cd's to our office next week, good news !

Don't forget taht you still can pre-order the cd + the googies for the price of 15 euros including postage.

Posted: 27 Oct 2007, 19:56
by more-sedatives-pls
Good news indeed!

I'll definitely get a copy!

As I'm in no place from which to be buying stuff, it'll have to wait till January. :cry:

Posted: 28 Oct 2007, 03:17
by headcleaner2k
I suppose this is the most exciting thing going on around here anyways.
At least we're not desperate enough to be anticipating a re-release of Broon - Yet another self-released smattering of half-baked Sisters hopefuls, though I couldn't imagine any of these making the cut either.
Bloody shame Eldritch dropped the ball in the first quarter. Damn near two decades since VT.

Posted: 28 Oct 2007, 06:16
by Ozpat
headcleaner2k wrote:I suppose this is the most exciting thing going on around here anyways. insider? :twisted:

Posted: 29 Oct 2007, 13:14
by sultan2075
Unlike Broon, the Marx songs are actually, well... good.

1995 and Nowhere...

Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 02:25
by DrG
I have just listened to the samples on the MySpace page... not bad at all... far from mediocre.
It sounds a lot like what the Sisters could have become had Marx stayed in the band.

The sound is highly reminiscient of early Sisters which is perhaps expected, but more mature.
One track even sounds like a sequel to Nine While Nine.

Praise to Mister Marx for blowing the twelve year old dust from this piece of work,
revamping it and allowing it to see the light of day. 8)


Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 01:28
by bananacamel
D-monic, is there any more news on the CD's?

Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 14:51
by Mothra
Is this going to be available via a UK based website? Nothing against buying it direct from D-Monic, but was just looking on Amazon and nothing listed that I could find.

Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 18:51
by d-monic
The cd's have arrived today, all pre-orders will be shipped tomorrow (saturday) morning because on sunday we are closed and going on holidays for one week !
Mothra wrote:Is this going to be available via a UK based website? Nothing against buying it direct from D-Monic, but was just looking on Amazon and nothing listed that I could find.
Distribution in stores will start in january, but some shops have already listed the album, and it will be on amazon and everywhere else soon.
For the UK you have for example this store: ... ctid=20375

Posted: 17 Nov 2007, 20:07
by bananacamel
Christmas has come early this year :notworthy: :D :notworthy:

Posted: 20 Nov 2007, 11:44
by the-happening
Mine arrived this morning, very nice too.

Posted: 20 Nov 2007, 17:33
by radiojamaica
I'm wondering when monsieur Marx is gonna post something on his site about the promised discount for us who bought that first version...
Don't know if I have to patience to wait for it... :innocent:

Posted: 20 Nov 2007, 18:12
by bananacamel
the-happening wrote:Mine arrived this morning, very nice too.
Same here, about to give it a jolly good listen :D

Just out of interest, could any of you guys that have the original seven demos, let us know how different the new versions are, and which you prefer?

Many thanks :)

Posted: 20 Nov 2007, 18:21
by radiojamaica
bananacamel wrote:Just out of interest, could any of you guys that have the original seven demos, let us know how different the new versions are, and which you prefer?

Many thanks :)
I will! Gotta be patient though... :wink:

Posted: 23 Nov 2007, 10:02
by stefan moermans
:D :D got mine yesterday :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

had a listen to it in the car this morning. Quite good actually. thanks for that Gary. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

to Mr. :von: : you f*ucked up big time when yu waisted this opportunity. :urff: :urff: :urff:

Posted: 23 Nov 2007, 12:44
by radiojamaica
stefan moermans wrote:to Mr. :von: : you f*ucked up big time when yu waisted this opportunity. :urff: :urff: :urff:
And not the first/only time he does a thing like that either...
But hey, I still love the little fella ;D :oops: :notworthy:

Posted: 23 Nov 2007, 14:24
by kazamel
Planet Dave wrote:FALAA pt2? Christ I hope not, if anything sounded even vaguely like NTTC or Walk Away you'd just run a bloody mile!
Funny you mention stuff written by Hussey, with only some help from Marx on NTTC.

Posted: 23 Nov 2007, 14:56
by taylor
mine was sealed but full of fingerprints inside ? :eek:

Posted: 23 Nov 2007, 21:15
by stefan moermans
radiojamaica wrote:
stefan moermans wrote:to Mr. :von: : you f*ucked up big time when yu waisted this opportunity. :urff: :urff: :urff:
And not the first/only time he does a thing like that either...
But hey, I still love the little fella ;D :oops: :notworthy:
secunded, but still :| missed opportunity. Looking atthe pictures they both haven't much hair left. wonder whether this has something to do with to much whatever they did back then :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

so i heard this rumour of a gig in AB comingup somewhere next year :eek: :eek: :eek:

fooled ya :urff: ;D ;D ;D ;D

Posted: 28 Nov 2007, 01:00
by pikkrong
received the CD (with postcard and badge), thanks! :notworthy:

Posted: 28 Nov 2007, 10:20
by d-monic
taylor wrote:mine was sealed but full of fingerprints inside ? :eek:
Just got the pressing plant made a mistake when they pressed the inlay, so they removed the bad ones and puth the good ones, that might be the reason, but I don't think it laters the quality of the release isn't it ?

On further news a large interview (2 pages) of mister Gary Marx will beinlcuded in the french magazine Elegy, I have already read it and it is VERY interesting.

Hope people here enjoy this release ...

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 21:09
by Big Si
CellThree wrote:Any news on this?
Gary Marx wrote:Look out for news of discounts on copies for anyone who purchased the original 7 track CDR via this site. wrote:NINENTEEN NINETY FIVE & NOWHERE

Release date latest

A problem at the manufacturers has resulted in the proposed release date of Dec 1st having to be revised.

Our apologies for this unforseen problem and we will keep you updated as information becomes available.

A new ten track version of the album is scheduled for release early in 2008 on the specialist French Indepedent label D-Monic (

Re-mastered and re-packaged in response to continued interest since being deleted from the back catalogue, the album will be available from January 2008

Look out for news of discounts on copies for anyone who purchased the original 7 track CDR via this site.
How did all you buggers get yours in December then? :|

Posted: 11 Dec 2007, 09:51
by d-monic
This is because when we received the cd's we realized that UPS has damaged a big part of the parcels, so we only kept the number of copies which was not damaged for the pre-orders (so that people get it them in time), and the rest was sent back to the pressing plant for a new pressing, we should get the new pressing next week and then the cd's will be sent to Gary as soon as we get them.
Here is the explanation !

Posted: 11 Dec 2007, 11:12
by d-monic
And on further news we have a brand new website :

Posted: 01 Jan 2008, 19:42
by d-monic
Cd's are available again, Gary Marx will receive his copies before the end of this week, for those who want to get the cd directly from him and who purchased the first edition.