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Posted: 09 Apr 2010, 15:48
by weebleswobble

Posted: 09 Apr 2010, 16:09
by markfiend

include(INCLUDE_PATH . 'customer.php');
$cust = new Customer();
if($cust->in === false) header('Location: login-register.php');

Posted: 09 Apr 2010, 16:11
by Maisey

Which is greek for irony, copied and pasted from a translator site while trying to explain to a greek why This band are offensively rubbish.

Posted: 09 Apr 2010, 16:14
by Maisey
7anthea7 wrote:In my kind of porno movies the girls wouldn't even have to get naked. They'd just take the guys down to the rec room and beat them repeatedly at chess and then talk to them for hours about Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle or the underlying social metaphors in the Aliens movies...
In my porn...people fuck

Posted: 09 Apr 2010, 16:17
by weebleswobble
Maisey wrote:trying to explain to a greek why This band are offensively rubbish.
Indeed. :twisted:

Posted: 09 Apr 2010, 16:19
by Maisey
He didn't get it.

Posted: 09 Apr 2010, 16:26
by DocSommer
color: #333333;

Posted: 09 Apr 2010, 22:14
by timsinister
7anthea7 wrote:In my kind of porno movies the girls wouldn't even have to get naked. They'd just take the guys down to the rec room and beat them repeatedly at chess and then talk to them for hours about Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle or the underlying social metaphors in the Aliens movies...
Kinky! :kiss:
Control-V wrote: Robert Smith has been, like, an icon of mine for some months now and to work with his sound engineers on the project was so, like cool, you know?
I respect him & his little band so much and hope this new angle on the song will make people move their feet.
Irrelevant, considering I copy-pasted this into another thread! :P

Posted: 19 Apr 2010, 17:16
by Holly_DelRey
21.04.1982 Brighton - Dome (England)

Posted: 19 Apr 2010, 17:21
by Quiff Boy
Beaverbrooks are the UK's largest authorised stockists of Breitling Watches.


Posted: 30 Apr 2010, 22:22
by Holly_DelRey
Which London airport is closest to London St Pancras train station?

Posted: 30 Apr 2010, 22:34
by James Blast
hope sandoval & the warm inventions

Posted: 02 May 2010, 04:32
by Holly_DelRey
Life In The Fast Lane

Posted: 06 May 2010, 14:37
by Holly_DelRey
Grizzly Bear - Two Weeks

Posted: 06 May 2010, 14:50
by markfiend

Posted: 06 May 2010, 16:53
by mh

:evil: :evil: :evil:

Posted: 08 May 2010, 17:03
by lazarus corporation
Ctrl+v wrote:He does reportedly stress, however, that time travel will only be performed in a forward motion

Posted: 31 Jul 2010, 14:16
by Holly_DelRey

Posted: 06 Aug 2010, 11:22
by Pista
Maybe we peaked at the walkman

Purse zen

Posted: 06 Aug 2010, 11:29
by Silver_Owl

Posted: 06 Aug 2010, 11:33
by welshbiker

Posted: 06 Aug 2010, 12:37
by Quiff Boy
sort by
new in
price high-low
price low-high

Posted: 10 Aug 2010, 02:38
by Holly_DelRey
Dustin Kensrue

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 09:35
by Pista
Dear Jessie

Are you normal?

Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 14:39
by LouLou
>> [coeff_lsqcf_md4intnocpasqr,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output,lambda,jacobian]=lsqcurvefit(@ddepr_meancentred_nocpasqr, ini_md4intnocpasqr, XD01, log(ttm_wks), [-100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 0],[100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1], optimset('MaxFunEvals',30000, 'MaxIter',10000, 'TolFun', 1e-004));

>> N = length(XD01) - length(coeff_lsqcf_md4intnocpasqr);

>> se_lsqcf_md4intnocpasqr = sqrt(diag(inv(jacobian'*jacobian)*resnorm/N));