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Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 13:50
by Padstar

Paddy :)

Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 13:54
by Black Dahlia
Padstar wrote:NEVER AGAIN !

Paddy :)
Just because you're broke now! :lol:

Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 13:55
by Padstar
Cage rattled....

Yeah, but i left with Sinny ;)


Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 13:56
by Padstar
And before you ask, we had moderating issues to discuss!


Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 19:00
by Planet Dave
Well BD,

private 'shows' are at least £10 a pop, though I'm guessing you'd be much higher up the food chain than that. You'd still have the habit on after ten quids worth!

So a few hours worth of that, the rest we can spend on drugs.

The bar is definitely shut now. I reckon Paddy called the cops. :D :twisted: :D

Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 19:08
by 6FeetOver
Padstar wrote:And before you ask, we had moderating issues to discuss!

Uhhhh...we did? :eek: :innocent: :von:

Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 19:25
by Quiff Boy
indeed! ooh ay la blast? :?: :(

Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 19:27
by 6FeetOver
Quiff, you kill me. ;D

Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 20:50
by Padstar
SINsister wrote:
Padstar wrote:And before you ask, we had moderating issues to discuss!

Uhhhh...we did? :eek: :innocent: :von:
You remember !!!

the - reason - we - left - together.......... The - moderator - stuff....... nothing - else !!!!!!

you - know ;););););)


Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 21:02
by Black Planet
Quiff Boy wrote:indeed! ooh ay la blast? :?: :(
He'll be back. He's far to enamoured of Heartland to go for long. Besides he owes me a boot! He can 't leave!!!!

Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 21:06
by 6FeetOver
Padstar wrote:You remember !!!

the - reason - we - left - together.......... The - moderator - stuff....... nothing - else !!!!!!

you - know ;););););)

:eek: Oh, right! The *moderator* stuff!!! ;D :oops: :innocent: My goodness! Who knew that moderating could be so...interesting? :eek:

Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 23:24
by Padstar
SINsister wrote:
Padstar wrote:You remember !!!

the - reason - we - left - together.......... The - moderator - stuff....... nothing - else !!!!!!

you - know ;););););)

:eek: Oh, right! The *moderator* stuff!!! ;D :oops: :innocent: My goodness! Who knew that moderating could be so...interesting? :eek:
and so tiring.... plus i think i put my back out! ;)

You can wear it next time.... ... gory=11528


Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 23:31
by emilystrange
i sthis the lock in?

Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 01:37
by Black Planet

What the hell were you two doing? Moderating my ass!

LOL Straight jackets for two are very cozy I hear. ;)

Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 02:20
by 6FeetOver
Padstar wrote:You can wear it next time.... ... gory=11528
:eek: :eek: :eek: Um, Pads? I hate to disappoint you, but you couldn't get me to wear that for $1M. Sorry! I think I'm going to be sick. :urff: :roll: :von:

Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 03:00
by Black Planet

Thank god for sensibilities!

I was wondering what the hell was going on!!!

Too Funny Sweets. X

Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 09:08
by Planet Dave

that things fab. I'll wear it!! :twisted: :twisted:


Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 10:32
by Black Dahlia
Dave Whelan wrote:Well BD,

private 'shows' are at least £10 a pop, though I'm guessing you'd be much higher up the food chain than that. You'd still have the habit on after ten quids worth!

So a few hours worth of that, the rest we can spend on drugs.

The bar is definitely shut now. I reckon Paddy called the cops. :D :twisted: :D
I know. Spoilsport aint he? :lol:

Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 11:06
by Padstar
He he..... The man in the shop said.......



Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 11:17
by Planet Dave
Call me thick, but what does that mean? Or LMAO. Or LOL. Or HOLLAND and all that bolox. I never took the time to find out. Now I NEED to know.

Ignorance is nearly always bliss,


Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 12:28
by CellThree
Heh, you can try here to find out :

Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 13:56
by Planet Dave
LOL - limited operation life!

F*** that. I prefer ignorance. Funny site though.


Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 14:31
by mayhem
emilystrange wrote:.

Count me in for general mayhem. i'll think of something.
I didn't even know I'd been drafted, let alone been made a general...but thank you for your loyalty..


Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 15:15
by emilystrange
my pleasure.
praps i ought to pay more attention.