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Posted: 17 Jan 2004, 06:33
by cyn
Carrie wrote:I am fine but in self-imposed exile from any social event involving a) alcohol b) people smoking c) people having a good time, goddamnit!
I say you leave jolly Ol'England for sun, smoke free, alcohol free enviroment of Cali. You can even bring Mr Carrie along. Will do you all good to be with 3 kids, good practice.

PS Did I tell you how excited I am for you both. :D

Posted: 17 Jan 2004, 06:41
by cyn

I would say to take a plane from San Diego to Dublin. A ferry from Wexford to Fishbourne. The bus from Fishbourne to Swansea and a train from Swansea to London. A bus to Euston and a taxi to the Forum without even having a ticket for theMission concert, before hand. But the fact that I met some amazing people who helped out a stranger and gave me faith in mankind made the insanity seem worth it. and I learned a very valuable lesson. Never go to London without your Xanex. :eek:

Posted: 18 Jan 2004, 16:17
by Carrie
Cheers Cyn! you used to clingfilm toilet seats, too...

When I was at Uni one universally unpopular chap in the next flat to mine went to the pub only to discover on his return that his flat 'mates' had bricked up his door, plastered the resulting wall & repainted the entire corridor.

Sadly this occurred a mere week after my flat had been reprimanded for a) keeping chickens & b) mislaying a 14' python behind a skirting board (as you do) so the Site Agent refused to believe our protestations of innocence & fined US for it...bastard...

Posted: 18 Jan 2004, 16:45
by Thrash Harry
And some people say University's a waste of tax-payers' money. Bloody peasants.

Posted: 18 Jan 2004, 22:08
by Mrs RicheyJames
Carrie wrote: you used to clingfilm toilet seats, too...
I used to do that!!! :lol: :lol:

Posted: 18 Jan 2004, 23:06
by James Blast

Posted: 18 Jan 2004, 23:11
by James Blast
Mind you... I Superglued a a spoon to a slumbering drunk's nipple once, and his slippers to the linoleum. My fellow conspiritors and I laffed for weeks at the sound of him pading around with sections of lino on his slippers.

BTW I was 19 at the time.

Posted: 18 Jan 2004, 23:12
by Mrs RicheyJames
Red Sunsets wrote:creep
Yeah, 'cause that's what you'd say to someone if you were trying to creep round them :roll:

Posted: 18 Jan 2004, 23:13
by Mrs RicheyJames
Red Sunsets wrote:Mind you... I Superglued a a spoon to a slumbering drunk's nipple once, and his slippers to the linoleum. My fellow conspiritors and I laffed for weeks at the sound of him pading around with sections of lino on his slippers.

BTW I was 19 at the time.
Nearly fell of my chair laughing at that one :roll:

Posted: 18 Jan 2004, 23:23
by James Blast
Does that mean I'm forgiven SG?

Posted: 18 Jan 2004, 23:24
by Mrs RicheyJames
I was being sarcastic

Posted: 18 Jan 2004, 23:43
by James Blast
The female of the species etc.......

Posted: 18 Jan 2004, 23:47
by Mrs RicheyJames
yeah yeah

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 00:02
by James Blast
Goodnight SG sleep well dream harder

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 02:27
by Andy TG
Carrie wrote:Cheers Cyn! you used to clingfilm toilet seats, too...

When I was at Uni one universally unpopular chap in the next flat to mine went to the pub only to discover on his return that his flat 'mates' had bricked up his door, plastered the resulting wall & repainted the entire corridor.

Sadly this occurred a mere week after my flat had been reprimanded for a) keeping chickens & b) mislaying a 14' python behind a skirting board (as you do) so the Site Agent refused to believe our protestations of innocence & fined US for it...bastard...
@ Carrie - That Story of the "Bricked Up Door" - brought tears of laughter to my eyes - Thank You :notworthy:

Posted: 20 Jan 2004, 05:12
by Mrs RicheyJames
Red Sunsets wrote:Goodnight SG sleep well dream harder
Thanks to you, I had a really scary dream about really nasty ghosts, woke up, didn't get back to sleep for ages......Then I didn't hear my alarm clock and missed my morning shift!!! Thats nearly 50 bloody quid you owe me..........
sod ring

Posted: 20 Jan 2004, 05:55
by Mrs RicheyJames
oh I have another one..........Playing about with my longest nail EVER...........And then it broke :roll: :cry:

Posted: 20 Jan 2004, 05:58
by Mrs RicheyJames
.................And another, staying up all night!!!! Now i've got to get ready for work and I don't finish until 9 tonight!!!! (Now that really IS stupid)

Posted: 20 Jan 2004, 07:14
by Mrs RicheyJames
Well wadda ya know, no sooner had I spent a very long time with my make-up, disguising the unintentional Michael Stipe look, my work phones me cancelling the shift :evil:

Posted: 20 Jan 2004, 19:13
by James Blast
Just goes to show, you shouldn't mess with RS. :eek: :innocent:

Posted: 20 Jan 2004, 19:30
by Mrs RicheyJames
No, I really really shouldn't have done :roll:

Posted: 21 Jan 2004, 18:18
by F*ck*As*Goth
Well... getting utterly bastard pissed.... knowing that a certain lass fancies the hell outta you.... proposing to her... her saying yes... you blacking out... and having her on yer doorstep the morning after.. demanding to speak to you... and trying to explain that to your parents...

Posted: 21 Jan 2004, 20:29
by James Blast
F*ck*As*Goth wrote:and trying to explain that to your parents...
Heavy $hit! FAG, I can't wait for the 2nd instalment of this real life soap. :eek:

Posted: 21 Jan 2004, 20:41
by F*ck*As*Goth
RS..... being able to explain this to your parents is one thing... being able to explain this to HER parents is a completely different thing... been there.. tried that.... didn't go down well... at all....

Posted: 21 Jan 2004, 20:51
by Black Planet
Sexygoth wrote:oh I have another one..........Playing about with my longest nail EVER...........And then it broke :roll: :cry:
That is fixable. Nail Salon. It's how I keep mine long. And sharp. :wink: :twisted: