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Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 01:16
by Planet Dave
Don't know if they've been mentioned, or even if they're considered obscure, but Velvet Acid Christ do it for me.

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 01:18
by Silver_Owl
Great name Dave. I think its more important to have a great name and concept than to actually be able to play.
When I was a teenager we formed two great bands; Tuxedo Massacre and Inflatable Fruit. They really were majestic.

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 01:22
by Planet Dave
...and they can play too. Well, they can press buttons - banging industrial techno-g*th of the highest order.

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 01:27
by Silver_Owl
I might have to check them out with that recomendation.

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 01:32
by Silver_Owl
I just had a look at their website Dave. Frightening stuff those lyrics.
What nationality are they?

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 08:50
by DeflaterMouse
Insane metal, with hardcore techno beats and lots of screaming. I think they've only ever played about 5 gigs around Wet Yorkshire and havnt recorded anything. Never heard anything like it!

Posted: 15 Apr 2004, 12:59
by Black Shuck
Steve303 wrote:Great name Dave. I think its more important to have a great name and concept than to actually be able to play.
When I was a teenager we formed two great bands; Tuxedo Massacre and Inflatable Fruit. They really were majestic.
If I heard that a band called 'Inflatable Fruit' were playing a gig, I'd definately go and see 'em.

Ever thought about a comeback tour?

Posted: 16 Apr 2004, 19:12
by James Blast
I never managed to get Nightmare Death Syndrome (it was the late 80s) off the ground but we rehearsed a few times. Better still, our t-shirts were legendary. Maybe I had Mr. E's ethos before he did?

Posted: 16 Apr 2004, 20:25
by Quiff Boy
my old band were called "graveyard dirt".

it was done in that birthday party/cramps kinda sense of humour ;)

our tee shirts were a pastiche on "les miserables" tee shirts. same picture of the girl but the title of the tee shirt (is that caslon antique font) said "miserable f*ckers" :D :lol: :notworthy:

last time i spoke to my old bandmate he was doing solo stuff (with huge string sections) under the monicker of "frank stern and the hate unlimited orchestra" :notworthy: