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Posted: 06 May 2004, 15:14
by Black Dahlia
Thrash Harry wrote:
Black Dahlia wrote:what are you doing on this thread?
You know how they rarely stay on topic. Thought it might have lightened up a bit by now.
Black Dahlia wrote:and secondly, go **** yourself
As expected.
Thrash - my apologies , I thought this was a serious thread , hence my objection to your jovial take on it. Maybe I've read it all wrong.

Again I apologise.


Posted: 06 May 2004, 15:20
by Thrash Harry
Black Dahlia wrote:Again I apologise.
No need to apologise. You were being serious. I was being flippant. You objected. Fair enough.

Posted: 06 May 2004, 15:23
by Black Dahlia
Okay Mr TH *shakes hand* :wink:

Posted: 06 May 2004, 15:50
by Black Planet
Thrash Harry wrote:Is there a well-balanced woman on this forum? There go your dating agency plans QB.
I'd say we are all well balanced Harry in that we recognize we do have problems from time to time.

Foot in mouth Harry?

Posted: 06 May 2004, 16:17
by Thrash Harry
<exits before the knives start flying>

Posted: 06 May 2004, 16:33
by Black Dahlia
Thrash Harry wrote:<exits before the knives start flying>
*Thunk! Thunk! - pins him to the door by both corners of his jacket* " You stay right where you are !! :twisted: :wink:

Posted: 06 May 2004, 16:40
by andymackem
Would I be in trouble if I admitted to smiling when I read Thrash's comment?

Inappropriate, sure, but probably not a hanging offence. And it is possible to smile and care at the same time, no?

Posted: 06 May 2004, 16:47
by Black Dahlia
Never said it wasnt A.M never said it wasnt ...

Posted: 06 May 2004, 17:00
by Black Planet
andymackem wrote:Would I be in trouble if I admitted to smiling when I read Thrash's comment?

Inappropriate, sure, but probably not a hanging offence. And it is possible to smile and care at the same time, no?
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

I sort was thinking it myself Andy, but someone pm'd with a comment on why even bother to come to the forum and pointing me in the direction of this topic where I saw Harry sticking his foot in his mouth. Harry Im sorry if I offended you, my comment has been edited.

Is this where we do a group hug? :wink:

Posted: 06 May 2004, 17:19
by Black Dahlia
Black Planet wrote:
andymackem wrote:Would I be in trouble if I admitted to smiling when I read Thrash's comment?

Inappropriate, sure, but probably not a hanging offence. And it is possible to smile and care at the same time, no?
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

I sort was thinking it myself Andy, but someone pm'd with a comment on why even bother to come to the forum and pointing me in the direction of this topic where I saw Harry sticking his foot in his mouth. Harry Im sorry if I offended you, my comment has been edited.

Is this where we do a group hug? :wink:

Come on then ...... :wink:

Posted: 06 May 2004, 17:22
by andymackem
Is it me, or are more people getting irritable with each other at the moment?

Sadly, being English I have to shy away from the group hug. The thought of physical contact with someone who isn't married to me is obviously anathema. But if we could have a rousing group chorus of "For (s)he's a jolly good fellow (-ess)" I'd feel much more secure.

Posted: 06 May 2004, 17:24
by RicheyJames
andymackem wrote:Is it me, or are more people getting irritable with each other at the moment?
at least it makes a change from the usual mutual back-slapping and tedious self-congratulatory smug bollocks that passes for conversation round these parts lately.........

Posted: 06 May 2004, 17:32
by Black Dahlia
RicheyJames wrote:
andymackem wrote:Is it me, or are more people getting irritable with each other at the moment?
at least it makes a change from the usual mutual back-slapping and tedious self-congratulatory smug bollocks that passes for conversation round these parts lately.........

Oh my God I agree with RJ ! Nurse the screens! :eek:

Posted: 06 May 2004, 17:35
by paint it black
RicheyJames wrote:
andymackem wrote:Is it me, or are more people getting irritable with each other at the moment?
at least it makes a change from the usual mutual back-slapping and tedious self-congratulatory smug bollocks that passes for conversation round these parts lately.........
yeah but that's only because you and her haven't been posting that much recently :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 06 May 2004, 17:48
by paint it black
Lynchfanatic wrote:I must say I also really appreciate this thread....
me too . i haven't laughed so much for ages, fancy finding a load of manic depressives on a sisters forum :lol: :lol:

heavy blood letting, a month in a straight jacket and a nice cup of tea worked for me ;D

Posted: 06 May 2004, 17:48
by Lamia
Depression can be a killer Snub. I speak from experience. A very good mate of mine was severely depressed. There is a group of us who hang around together - half of the group were of the opinion that he was attention seeking, the other half of us realised he was down - but not the extent of the depression. We took the softly, softly approach - i.e. left him alone when he said he needed space, didnt pressure him etc. This didnt work. The last time he told us he needed to be alone he hung himself.

Your mate needs to be handled with care - but firmly. She definitely needs professional help Snub.

PM me if you need to.

Lamia x